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Biosecurity risk with Palm Kernel

Rural News
Biosecurity risk with Palm Kernel

Foot and mouth disease could reach NZ in palm kernel but steps are finally being taken to close down the pathway, says Federated Farmers. Biosecurity spokesman John Hartnell says he understands Biosecurity NZ is working with its Australian counterpart to tackle what it now admits is a gap in the current import health standard reports Rural News. "˜Barry O'Neil [deputy director of Biosecurity NZ] now accepts that there is a hole there and says they are working with Australian biosecurity to strengthen the systems in that area.' The current import health standard relies on heating during oil extraction, rendering the meal sterile, but meal is often stored before shipment, sometimes on bare earth. That provides a window for insect infestation and, worse still, contamination with potential foot and mouth disease bearing material such as soil or animal remains, says Hartnell. Federated Farmers has received reports of soil contamination in PKE delivered to farms in New Zealand. Whether that originated here or overseas in a country such as Malaysia where FMD is endemic isn't known. While the Greens' position is that PKE imports should be banned, if that can't happen "˜then at least let's have a clear and universally applied and monitored heat treatment process of the material and not just rely on the heat from the extraction process', Hague says. Hartnell stresses the federation's concern is biosecurity only. "˜It has only ever been a biosecurity issue. It is not about PKE taking the position of grain.' The organisation recently put out a strongly worded advisory notice to all members reminding them that they need to be the "˜eyes and ears' for Biosecurity NZ for anything that gets past the border.

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