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Green party disclosure on palm kernel reckless

Rural News
Green party disclosure on palm kernel reckless

Fed Farmers is concerned at the reckless and irresponsible disclosure in Parliament of a preliminary draft report by Sue Kedgley MP. "Releasing a preliminary draft report, which has never been finalised, peer reviewed or subjected to robust scientific methodology is irresponsible," says Lachlan McKenzie, Dairy chairperson. "Palm Kernel Expeller is a dry feed and like any dry matter, if it gets wet, it will attract fungi.  That's the same with maize, silage, bread or even sportswear. "AgResearch put together a draft report on the "˜shocking expose' that Palm Kernel Expeller, when wet, attracts fungi.  "The MAF reviewed the report in 2006 and found that of the fungi identified, the vast majority were already present in NZ and the few remaining were common in almost every country on earth."The NZ Food Safety Authority looked at the general issue of fungal growth on animal feed and concluded there was no risk to food safety. "What concerns me is that the Green Party is grabbing every opportunity, no matter how tenuous, to knock NZ's largest and most important industry."Most people don't believe the recycling of a waste by-product like Palm Kernel Expeller into animal feed is a bad thing, so long as it comes from certified sources.  Especially if that waste would otherwise be burnt or just left to rot. "Most NZers also believe it's hypocritical to target farmers, when they themselves use palm oil daily in the household goods they consume or the cosmetics they wear.

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