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Big jump in livestock tax values for 2009

Rural News
Big jump in livestock tax values for 2009

Today the Inland Revenue released their National average market values of specified livestock determination for 2009. Look here in for details of the main stock classes. Sheep capital values rose by 80% for ewe hoggets and between 93-98% for ewes depending on their age. During that time the lamb meat schedule rose about 50% ( mutton about 40%) but wool dropped in value by  20% for crossbred fleece. Those farmers that sold store lambs late, achieved the biggest lift in income with prices nearly double, than that was achieved for 2008. Beef cattle values showed a more subdued lift in prices with yearly cattle rising about 25%, two year olds and cows between 16-20% . Prices for their products  of bull and Prime steer beef on an annual basis have not lifted much at all, but during the year a  good lift in values was seen. Dairy cattle prices not only dropped by between 40-50%  but because values had been very high, readjusted prices plummeted by up to $800 a head. Sharemilkers equity will have taken a severe hit on these prices, especially on the back of a reduction of over 50% drop in milk price.  Most of the news is good when we look at deer prices with M/A hinds lifting by over 40%. Reflecting the much firmer venison schedule the younger male stock rose by 60% and the rising one year hinds by nearly 80%!! Maybe this is the first sign of some reinvestment in this industry for years. Two year old stags showed only a modest rise 25% ( about the same as the venison schedule rise) reflecting lack of confidence for growth in the velvet sector.

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