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Prices strong in N Otago calf sales

Rural News
Prices strong in N Otago calf sales

 With store lamb prices very firm and calf prices this much ahead, incomes of breeding properties that haven't been too affected by last years drought, should be healthy once again. Demand for calves is showing little sign of easing judging by recent sales in North Otago, where prices were up to $220 a head better than last year reports The ODT. Several lines sold for more than $700 at sales at Hakataramea and Omarama, with a top price of $765 for Simmental-Hereford cross calves sold by A. A. and E. Bell at Hakataramea last Tuesday. The second top-priced pen at that sale was $760 for Simmental-Hereford steers sold by H. G. Bell. A. A. and E. Bell also topped the heifer section with Simmental-Hereford cross heifers at $675. Buyers from Geraldine, Cromwell, Gore and Winton competed with local buyers at the annual Omarama calf sale on April 2, where the offering reflected the excellent grass-growing conditions. The top price went to Otematata Station with two outstanding pens of Simmental-cross heifers at $750 each. Bog Roy Station was a close second with Simmental-cross heifers at $740. The best of Otematata Station's steers made $730, followed by Bog Roy at $725. The sale averaged $559, which was about a $220-per-head increase on last year. Hakataramea A range of prices at last Tuesday's sale: Glen Cary Station, Charolais-cross steers at $610-$670 and heifers at $505-$510; Table Top, Charolais-cross steers at $545-$670 and heifers at $445-$550; Dip Creek, Simmental-cross steers at $635-$640; The Hays, Simmental-cross steers at $660-$710; A. A. and E. Bell, Simmental-cross steers at $640-$765 and heifers at $580-$675; H. G. Bell, Simmental-cross steers at $610-$750 and heifers at $570; Taihoa, Charolais-cross steers at $640-$690 and heifers at $475-$540; Waikora Run, Simmental-cross steers at $590-$630 and heifers at $380-$485; Haka Downs, Simmental-cross steers at $545-$680 and heifers at $485-$515; Rocky Point, Charolais-cross steers at $590-$605, Angus steers at $580-$670, Charolais-cross heifers at $400-$440 and Angus heifers at $410-$460. Omarama A range of prices at the sale: Otematata Station, Simmental-cross steers at $540-$730 and heifers at $500-$750; Bog Roy Station, Simmental-cross steers at $660-$725 and heifers at $740; Ribbonwood Station, Charolais-cross steers at $550-$590, Angus-cross steers at $405-$415 and Charolais-cross heifers at $565; Twin Peaks Station, Simmental-cross steers at $650-$690 and heifers at $560-$715; Maryburn Station, Angus-cross steers at $630-$650 and heifers at $520; Ben Dhu Station, Angus steers at $500-$690; Hamila Holdings, Angus-cross steers at $465-$550, Limousin-cross steers at $460 and heifers at $400-$440; A. and E. Gibson, Santa Gertrudis-cross steers at $490-$660 and heifers at $540-$550; Lake Ohau Station, Angus steers at $480.

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