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Water grant a thirst quencher

Rural News
Water grant a thirst quencher

"The expansion of the Community Irrigation Fund (CIF) enabling local authorities to apply for rural water storage grants represents a significant boost for NZ's farmers," says Hugh Ritchie, Federated Farmers water spokesperson. "The Government decision to expand the eligibility and assessment criteria of the CIF will add another string to the bow to support farmers. "On the back of water storage figuring high on the agenda at the recent jobs summit, any support to boost rural water storage is vital. "I welcome the Government placing water storage centre stage and the recognition that while we don't lack rain or snow in the South Island or North Island, we lack the means to store it in most parts of the country. "The negative economic impacts of drought are well known by farmers and economists and a repeat of last year's drought, which tipped the economy into recession, would be a major blow. "Given the primary sector's significant contribution to export revenue, the opportunity to increase productivity upwards of a quarter by boosting water storage is an economic opportunity we can not afford to miss. The simple fact is that water storage equals economic growth and transformation," Mr Ritchie concluded.

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