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Clover root weevil found further south

Rural News
Clover root weevil found further south

The pasture pest known as clover root weevil has spread into Otago. An AgResearch entomologist based at the Institute's Invermay Campus, Colin Ferguson, a week ago, discovered a low density population on a sheep farm near Clinton in South Otago. This is the furthest south it has been found since it was first detected in Waikato in 1996. He says although it was just a matter of time for the weevil to spread further down south, it's nevertheless disappointing to see it has finally arrived in Otago. Mr Ferguson says although the newly discovered population is low density, it is bound to be more widespread than just one farm with possible larger populations elsewhere in the area. "The discovery was made on a sheep farm, but there are many dairy farms in the area and dairy farms tend to better support CRW populations," he says. He says the investigation into this new discovery is still in early stages and no decision has been made on how to control it. "There is a possibility of releasing the CRW parasitoid at some stage, but first we have to identify a suitable population to act as a carrier." He says farmers in the area are naturally concerned but keen to work together on finding ways to control the pest. He says it is important to also find out where else in South Otago the weevil may be present. Farmers in South Otago and even Southland (Clinton is close to the Southland border) are being urged to inspect their clover for any signs of weevils. If they find any weevils or unusual damage to clover leaves, they are urged to get into contact with Colin Ferguson on Information to help identify the weevil and a web page to help report new infestations is also available at

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