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Worst ram sale in years

Rural News
Worst ram sale in years

One of the worst ram sales in recent years at Temuka saleyards reflects wider problems facing the sheep industry reports the Timaru Herald. Only 40 out of 128 rams were bought at the annual South Canterbury flock ram fair of meat and wool breeds yesterday, an indication of the changing landscape of farming in South Canterbury. This was caused by a combination of the 2008 drought and more sheep farmers converting to dairying. "I think that even though store lamb prices and prime lamb prices are selling well at present, regardless of the climate, it's just a reflection of the decline in ewe flock numbers, which we believe in this province is still dropping," PGG Wrightson's Joe Higgans said. An example of this was the cancellation of today's two-tooth ewe fair because of a lack of numbers, he said. Farmers have killed most of their two-tooth ewes as hoggets because of good prime prices. Mr Higgans said the sale would be held next week as a combined two-tooth and adult ewe fair. PGG Wrightson agent Greg Uren said yesterday's sale had one of the poorest clearances recorded in recent times, and it was simply due to no-one wanting rams. "Normally we have a much better sale than that," he said. "There was nothing wrong with the quality, it was annual guys that bring them in each year. It was just a lack of buyers." South Suffolk rams topped the auction at $350 to $600, Suffolk and Poll Dorset rams made $350, Dorset Down rams sold for $325 to $350 and Texels for $350 to $400. Ike Williams from Waidale Rams also sold two Romney rams post-auction for $650.

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