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Colin Harvey appointed chair for the Wool Group

Rural News
Colin Harvey appointed chair for the Wool Group

Agriculture Minister David Carter welcolmed Colin Harvey into this job, one that many in the sheep industry view as a key to turning around the poor profitability in that sector.

Having an independent chair, but one with a long agricultural history could be important to success.

He starts the job with the product in a strong recent recovery in price, but suffering huge falls in production.

With alternative land uses pressurising sheep returns, Colin Harvey and his group have little time to resurrect this industry.

"Mr Harvey brings to this role strong business acumen and a good understanding of the primary sector. For more than 20 years, he has made a significant contribution to growth and innovation in the animal health industry," said the Agriculture Minister.

"Most importantly, he brings an independent voice to the Wool Group which was tasked with finding a leader from outside the strong wool sector.

"This is vital if the group is to continue the work towards a 'single voice' for the industry, begun under interim chair Dr Murray Horn," says Mr Carter.

"I challenged the group to find the right person for the job and they have now delivered. While this will be no easy task, I am confident Mr Harvey has the right skill set to make the progress needed."

"This is an important step towards getting our strong wool industry back on track and ensuring the viability of sheep farming so it can deliver its true economic potential to New Zealand," says Mr Carter.

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I cant really see the point. There are just so many vested interests and Turkeys dont  volunteer for xmas. In the real world WPI are putting together a good commercial business plan which I and I hope other wool growers will get behind. Enough talkfests!


Jinni, I agree "let the cold winds of commerce rule". Thats why i,ll be backing WPI. Abacrombie has impressed me, he has a plan and hasnt over promised. Whats your answer? More of the same....surely not?
