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Dairy commodity auction eases slightly but demand still strong

Rural News
Dairy commodity auction eases slightly but demand still strong

The latest results in the October the 5th globalDairytrade auction showed the index for the basket of commodities falling by 1.3%.

Commentators suggested that this was a good result, especially after the big rise last month. The only concern was the US currency which has moved steadily higher recently which if it continues could nulify bigger returns to farmers.

Demand continued to grow for Anhydrous Milkfat and Butter milk powder which rose in price by 1.4-2.8%. However Skim and Whole milk powders eased from .9-2.1% from the sale two weeks ago.

Average prices for the commodities trade were AHF $US 5256, BMP $US 3072, SMP $US 3221, and WMP $US 3521.

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