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Rural credit surge
30th Dec 08, 5:08pm
Rural credit surge
Butter price drops 12% in fortnight as payout below NZ$5/kg possible
19th Dec 08, 3:00pm
Butter price drops 12% in fortnight as payout below NZ$5/kg possible
Farm sales tumble 64% from 2007
16th Dec 08, 8:18am
Farm sales tumble 64% from 2007
Farmer confidence crashes, even before payout forecast cut
12th Dec 08, 2:00pm
Farmer confidence crashes, even before payout forecast cut
Fonterra cuts payout forecast as cheese sliced, butter melts
21st Nov 08, 12:20pm
Fonterra cuts payout forecast as cheese sliced, butter melts
Fonterra to cut payout forecast by at least 30c
18th Nov 08, 2:54pm
Fonterra to cut payout forecast by at least 30c
Farm sales reach record low as finance becomes scarce
14th Nov 08, 3:15pm
Farm sales reach record low as finance becomes scarce
Why an American Free Trade Deal is ludicrous and dangerous idea
24th Sep 08, 10:40am
Why an American Free Trade Deal is ludicrous and dangerous idea
Auckland lifestyle block sales plummet 62% in year to July
20th Aug 08, 3:37pm
Auckland lifestyle block sales plummet 62% in year to July