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BusinessDesk: The reality of slow growth sinks in despite good US home sales; ratings agencies see Greece defaulting 'in the near term'
23rd Feb 12, 7:53am
BusinessDesk: The reality of slow growth sinks in despite good US home sales; ratings agencies see Greece defaulting 'in the near term'
For Greece "the bailout bandage is on, but it won’t take much to unravel"
22nd Feb 12, 7:39am
For Greece "the bailout bandage is on, but it won’t take much to unravel"
'It is in most countries’ interest to preserve the European Union and the euro'
21st Feb 12, 7:57am
'It is in most countries’ interest to preserve the European Union and the euro'
'We're getting this incredible flow of good data'
17th Feb 12, 8:46am
'We're getting this incredible flow of good data'
BusinessDesk: 'The sooner we put Greece out of the headlines the better for the stock market'
16th Feb 12, 8:50am
BusinessDesk: 'The sooner we put Greece out of the headlines the better for the stock market'
BusinessDesk: 'The data shows that [US] consumers are still hanging in there, just not as strong as we expected'
15th Feb 12, 7:42am
BusinessDesk: 'The data shows that [US] consumers are still hanging in there, just not as strong as we expected'
NZ Post says Kiwibank growth will place increasing demands on credit rating; Wants to keep rating for 3-5 yr minimum
14th Feb 12, 4:04pm
NZ Post says Kiwibank growth will place increasing demands on credit rating; Wants to keep rating for 3-5 yr minimum
BusinessDesk: Obama's election year budget has "very difficult" cuts to government spending, would still boost debt by US$6.7 tln over the next decade
14th Feb 12, 7:41am
BusinessDesk: Obama's election year budget has "very difficult" cuts to government spending, would still boost debt by US$6.7 tln over the next decade
HSBC predicts NZ growth to average 3.1% annually over next 40 years; Says NZ to be fastest growing developed country by 2050. Your view?
13th Feb 12, 9:59am
HSBC predicts NZ growth to average 3.1% annually over next 40 years; Says NZ to be fastest growing developed country by 2050. Your view?
BusinessDesk: Given the Greek history, 'the market's taking a wait-and-see approach'
10th Feb 12, 8:11am
BusinessDesk: Given the Greek history, 'the market's taking a wait-and-see approach'
BusinessDesk: 'Because only a small subcomponent of investors are actually taking the haircut and the official sector is not [the Greek debt relief plan] is not sufficient': S&P
9th Feb 12, 7:56am
BusinessDesk: 'Because only a small subcomponent of investors are actually taking the haircut and the official sector is not [the Greek debt relief plan] is not sufficient': S&P
BusinessDesk: Meanwhile, China warns on output, the US warns on employment
8th Feb 12, 7:54am
BusinessDesk: Meanwhile, China warns on output, the US warns on employment
BusinessDesk: "I honestly can't understand how additional days will help. Time is of the essence. A lot is at stake for the entire euro zone": Merkel
7th Feb 12, 7:44am
BusinessDesk: "I honestly can't understand how additional days will help. Time is of the essence. A lot is at stake for the entire euro zone": Merkel
BusinessDesk: "US economy remains vulnerable to shocks from Europe"
3rd Feb 12, 8:16am
BusinessDesk: "US economy remains vulnerable to shocks from Europe"
BusinessDesk: "The overall [US] economy lacks oomph and is having trouble creating jobs. Manufacturing is one of the few bright spots"
2nd Feb 12, 7:50am
BusinessDesk: "The overall [US] economy lacks oomph and is having trouble creating jobs. Manufacturing is one of the few bright spots"
BusinessDesk: "We are braced for a more bumpy picture over the next few months"
1st Feb 12, 7:44am
BusinessDesk: "We are braced for a more bumpy picture over the next few months"
BusinessDesk: Greek haircut talks continue, Portugal bondholders face discount too
31st Jan 12, 7:47am
BusinessDesk: Greek haircut talks continue, Portugal bondholders face discount too
BusinessDesk: Disappointing American home sales and better-than-expected orders for US durable goods
27th Jan 12, 8:15am
BusinessDesk: Disappointing American home sales and better-than-expected orders for US durable goods
BusinessDesk: "It’s going to be a mediocre US corporate earnings season"
26th Jan 12, 8:20am
BusinessDesk: "It’s going to be a mediocre US corporate earnings season"
BusinessDesk: 'The epicentre of the danger is Europe but the rest of the world is increasingly affected': IMF
25th Jan 12, 7:56am
BusinessDesk: 'The epicentre of the danger is Europe but the rest of the world is increasingly affected': IMF
BusinessDesk: Goldman Sachs recommends shorting 10-year US Treasury bonds in anticipation of improved economic performance
24th Jan 12, 7:44am
BusinessDesk: Goldman Sachs recommends shorting 10-year US Treasury bonds in anticipation of improved economic performance
BusinessDesk: "A lot of the pessimism has been baked into the cake. We’re more likely to see positive surprises."
20th Jan 12, 8:03am
BusinessDesk: "A lot of the pessimism has been baked into the cake. We’re more likely to see positive surprises."
BusinessDesk: IMF looking at raising its lending capacity by as much as US$500 billion
19th Jan 12, 7:32am
BusinessDesk: IMF looking at raising its lending capacity by as much as US$500 billion
BusinessDesk: Chinese annual growth slows less than expected to 8.9% in Dec qtr; Investors hope Chinese policy makers will stimulate economy
18th Jan 12, 8:25am
BusinessDesk: Chinese annual growth slows less than expected to 8.9% in Dec qtr; Investors hope Chinese policy makers will stimulate economy
BusinessDesk: NZ terms of trade fall 0.7% in September quarter on commodity price falls and strong kiwi
1st Dec 11, 11:01am
BusinessDesk: NZ terms of trade fall 0.7% in September quarter on commodity price falls and strong kiwi