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global trade

MFAT says that while growth is set to be modest in Hong Kong, it nonetheless remains positive, driven by strong visitor arrival numbers and a noticeable jump in services
20th Jul 24, 8:37am
by admin
MFAT says that while growth is set to be modest in Hong Kong, it nonetheless remains positive, driven by strong visitor arrival numbers and a noticeable jump in services
Global shipping rates have nearly doubled since late April, MFAT says. Although remaining below the Covid-19 peak, firms' ability to recover recent increases is very limited
16th Jul 24, 4:31pm
by Guest
Global shipping rates have nearly doubled since late April, MFAT says. Although remaining below the Covid-19 peak, firms' ability to recover recent increases is very limited
Six Kiwi soldiers will help target airstrikes against Houthi forces threatening key shipping route in the Middle East
23rd Jan 24, 6:14pm
Six Kiwi soldiers will help target airstrikes against Houthi forces threatening key shipping route in the Middle East
Panama’s drought shows how trade disruptions from climate extremes can reverberate around the world, says the IMF
16th Nov 23, 9:56am
by Guest
Panama’s drought shows how trade disruptions from climate extremes can reverberate around the world, says the IMF
From Maersk to China, David Skilling says there are signs of changing patterns of global trade flows – but externally oriented growth models still work
12th Aug 23, 9:56am
From Maersk to China, David Skilling says there are signs of changing patterns of global trade flows – but externally oriented growth models still work
Trade openness increased after the Second World War, but has slowed following the global financial crisis, the IMF observes
11th Feb 23, 10:50am
by Guest
Trade openness increased after the Second World War, but has slowed following the global financial crisis, the IMF observes
The IMF says policymakers must act decisively to avoid the harm from fraying ties, and ensure trade remains an engine of growth
30th Oct 22, 2:33pm
by Guest
The IMF says policymakers must act decisively to avoid the harm from fraying ties, and ensure trade remains an engine of growth
What the newly-agreed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade deal means for New Zealand agriculture. Angus Kebbell explores two views from rural New Zealand
21st Nov 20, 10:07am
What the newly-agreed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade deal means for New Zealand agriculture. Angus Kebbell explores two views from rural New Zealand
Stephen Roach shows why both sides stand to lose from their failure to comprehend the stakes of a breakup
28th Apr 20, 11:22am
Stephen Roach shows why both sides stand to lose from their failure to comprehend the stakes of a breakup
Stephen Roach thinks citing the policy response to the 2008 meltdown as precedent for today is a dangerous mistake
22nd Mar 20, 8:38am
Stephen Roach thinks citing the policy response to the 2008 meltdown as precedent for today is a dangerous mistake
Stephen Roach suspects that the Covid-19 epidemic could be the shock that drives a wobbly global economy into recession
25th Feb 20, 9:45am
Stephen Roach suspects that the Covid-19 epidemic could be the shock that drives a wobbly global economy into recession
In 2018 Donald Trump finally turned his protectionist words into action by imposing sweeping tariffs on imports from allies and adversaries alike. While the use of tariffs to protect domestic industry is not new, attacks on the larger trading system are
19th Jan 19, 8:54am
by Guest
In 2018 Donald Trump finally turned his protectionist words into action by imposing sweeping tariffs on imports from allies and adversaries alike. While the use of tariffs to protect domestic industry is not new, attacks on the larger trading system are
Koichi Hamada says that by ignoring trade history, and the fundamentals of game theory, the US President is driving 'trade diversion', all to the detriment of the United States
2nd Jan 19, 7:31am
by Guest
Koichi Hamada says that by ignoring trade history, and the fundamentals of game theory, the US President is driving 'trade diversion', all to the detriment of the United States
Koichi Hamada defends economic openness, while calling for concerted action to address what is fueling opposition to it
3rd Jul 18, 10:16am
by Guest
Koichi Hamada defends economic openness, while calling for concerted action to address what is fueling opposition to it
James Manyika and Myron Scholes identify three outstanding features of the current version of the famous Solow Paradox
10th May 18, 9:53am
by Guest
James Manyika and Myron Scholes identify three outstanding features of the current version of the famous Solow Paradox
P.H. Yu argues that the survival of the existing international order depends on the West's willingness to reform it
9th May 18, 8:34am
by Guest
P.H. Yu argues that the survival of the existing international order depends on the West's willingness to reform it
Given free trade, migration & foreign direct investment promise far-reaching potential gains for all parties involved, Koichi Hamada asks will we allow ignorance & political opportunism to prevent us from realising them?
4th May 18, 9:32am
by Guest
Given free trade, migration & foreign direct investment promise far-reaching potential gains for all parties involved, Koichi Hamada asks will we allow ignorance & political opportunism to prevent us from realising them?