Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says Cabinet will consider a move to Alert Level 1 when it meets next Monday. This could mean the country moves to Level 1 in the days following June 8.
Ardern will on Wednesday detail what Level 1 will look like. At this stage, it looks like business as usual with hygiene measures and closed borders.
The PM told the AM Show the thousands of people flouting mass gathering rules by partaking in the Black Lives Matter protests on Monday had no bearing on the decision to bring forward the review of alert levels. Last week she said Cabinet would consider the move before June 22.
Ardern said Level 2 had been more successful than expected on the health front.
The Ministry of Health is only aware of one active case of COVID-19 in the country. There have been no new cases since May 22, when a case connected to the St Margaret’s cluster was confirmed.
Quizzed on whether protestors should’ve been reprimanded, Ardern said that was an “operational” matter for police. She said she didn’t condone the flouting of the gathering rules.
Labour is coming under increasing pressure from its coalition partner, New Zealand First, to move to Level 1.
Leader, Winston Peters, on Monday tweeted:
Protesters in Auckland showing that our team of 5 million are being let down by a small group who think they know better than everyone else. If the authorities allow this to occur then we should be at level 1 tomorrow.
— Winston Peters (@winstonpeters) June 1, 2020
National leader Todd Muller then endorsed Peters, retweeting Peters' comment and reiterating his own call for the Government to "be clear about what conditions need to be met for the move to Level 1".
Our economic recovery is awaiting Cabinet getting its act together at its meeting tomorrow. NZ needs clear and coherent direction. I ask them to make their minds up - tens of thousands of jobs are on the line. https://t.co/7cRsuli1hW
— Todd Muller MP (@toddmullerBoP) June 1, 2020
Peters went on to tell Morning Report that the protest organisers should've been arrested for breaking mass gathering restrictions.
“You cannot have rules where some people decide that they don’t wish to comply and there are no consequences,” he said.
ACT leader David Seymour has spoken out the most strongly on the issue of protestors making a mockery of the ban of gatherings of more than 100 people.
“If Winston Peters feels so strongly about moving to Level 1, and Labour doesn’t agree, he should walk out of Cabinet. Of course, he won’t," Seymour said.
“What we have is a Government of chaos, it will enforce rules until a couple of thousand people blatantly break them, then admit the rules were illogical all along.
“We must move to Level 1 today, not next week, or on 22 June. The costs being imposed on businesses that may be open, but cannot actually make money, is too great."
The Green Party is the only party to proactively stand by the protestors, supporting their cause, but not commenting on the health consequences of them gathering.
“The disease of state-based discrimination is not constrained to American borders," Green Party justice spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman said.
"We must acknowledge that here in New Zealand, at every single step of the justice system, Māori face increased discrimination."
The Green Party said tensions escalated in areas where armed police officers were recently trialled.
“The police are now evaluating this trial and recommendations will soon be taken to the public for consultation. I urge the community to speak out strongly against further implementation of this trial when that opportunity arrives, while we push to demilitarise our police force from within government," Ghahraman said.
Ardern was "totally opposed" to the "general arming of police", but said the trial was an operational matter for police.
The Ministry of Health at 1pm on Tuesday released this statement:
"We're aware of several large gatherings in New Zealand yesterday to recognise the tragic death of George Floyd in the USA," director-general of health Ashley Bloomfield said.
"Anyone who attended these gatherings or who is planning to be at other upcoming events and feels they may be at risk by coming into close contact with people they don’t know, should take a cautious approach and seek advice.
"People can get that advice from Healthline, from their GP or after-hours clinic.
"Whatever the Alert Level in New Zealand, it's clear COVID-19 will continue to be a global threat for some time and it's important we remain vigilant - both as individuals and as a country.
"This means continuing to observe physical distancing to keep yourself and others safe, seeking appropriate heath advice, and most importantly staying at home if you're unwell.
"There's currently no evidence of community transmission in New Zealand so at this time, quarantine for 14 days after attending one of these outdoor events is not required.
"It's really important that people remain alert to symptoms and seek advice if they're at all concerned."
A reminder around the current Alert Level 2 rules on gatherings, which those organising and attending gatherings need to continue to take account of:
* There should be no gatherings of more than 100 people
* At those gatherings people need to be physically distanced
Because he doesn't want to be in the position of being called on it if there is a second wave. This way he is doing what he does best - heckling without being accountable. Although if he truly thinks that he is avoiding accountability, the election might just be a reminder!
WP is also talking about re-opening up our borders to international students to "boost the economy".
Alas, whether it's National's post-GFC and Christchurch earthquake recovery plan or the coalition's post-Covid recovery plan, we're stuck with unsustainable population growth as the only resort.
damn but i thought capitalism had failed... i guess the cure is 'more capitalism'. surely our elected representatives would not say whatever it took to get elected and then just wallow in a pit of economic and infrastructure stagnation and only offer up criticisms of the previous regimes to the media that just took $50m from the same government and now only seems interested in speaking truth to power when it concerns the opposition?
if you look at the detail, they are looking at isolation for 14 days plus testing before release, and using a out of town motel hostel so I can not see a problem as long as the correct procedures are put in place and followed.
its more a worry our air nz staff flying without masks on the plane like a metre in a confined tin tube will matter and make then safer.
over thirty of them caught he virus but that is overlooked
On Tuesday the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) adopted a new report and recommendations aimed at restarting the international air transport system and aligning its global recovery.
The recommendations include rapid testing (when it becomes available), passenger health declaration forms, physical distancing, health screening such as temperature checks, and the wearing of face masks by crew and passengers.
Recommendations in it include
* Physical distancing to the extent feasible and implementation of “adequate risk-based measures where distancing is not feasible, for example in aircraft cabins”;
* Wearing of face coverings and masks by passengers and aviation workers;
* Routine sanitation and disinfection of all areas with potential for human contact and transmission;
* Health screening, which could include pre- and post-flight self-declarations, as well as temperature screening and visual observation, “conducted by health professionals”;
* Contact tracing for passengers and aviation employees: updated contact information should be requested as part of the health self-declaration, and interaction between passengers and governments should be made directly though government portals;
* Passenger health declaration forms, including self-declarations in line with the recommendations of relevant health authorities. Electronic tools should be encouraged to avoid paper;
* Testing: if and when real-time, rapid and reliable testing becomes available.
The New Zealand Airline Pilots Association last month said it wanted face masks to be compulsory for air passengers to reduce the need for people to be separated on planes.
Ironic isn't it.
He used to be anti international students. He was all about the student visa only studying, no work, they should support themselves fully while here. All great ideas if you ask me.
Looks like the kool-aid was just a bit too tasty for him to refrain.
Peters can bring down the govt any time he wants by flipping to National, so he is in control. He isn't going to get back in if he continues as he is, and SFO investigation is likely to make it even less likely. If he hopes for continued Political relevance in NZ (which he seems to given this posturing) he might be tempted to do something radical.
Scaremongering, the virus is weakening. Not enough prey to sustain itself
well if thousands of people meeting and shouting their heads off together at the weekend is ok -- we are already way past that point -- no need for thousands of small businesses cafes, buses, boats bars all to be operating at a third of capacity -- if thousands can get together and shout - projectile germs for hours on end - with NO POLICE action -- its not local force discretion -- this is EMERGENCY legislation written and passed by the government for the police to uphold -
the message to the whole country - was F$$K you -- and going forward -- compliance with any of the restrictions is unenforceable ==
Much as I dislike Peters, I think he may be right on this. Yes, an immediate move to level 1 may carry some risk of additional cases and even some deaths, but moving too slowly also carries risks.
When we talk about 'the economy', it sounds very impersonal but behind the phrase lie people. People who face the possible loss of their jobs, their businesses, their incomes. But that's not all, many studies have shown a direct link between long-term unemployment and health risks, both physical and mental. Every day that we delay increases the likelihood of more job losses. The epidemiologists want perfection and simply do not acknowledge the potentially immense damage of unemployment. Nor do they acknowledge that the more debt we have to assume both through additional borrowing and reduced tax take, the more future governments will be constrained by the increased debt.
Yes, trade offs, almost never either or.
Drawing on lively examples from around the world and from centuries of history, Sowell explains basic economic principles for the general public in plain English.
It's not as if reintroducing COVID-19 while opening up more will have no economic cost. We need to compare apples with apples.
If it's back, people will self isolate more even without lockdowns in place. No one will be going to restaurants if they're likely to catch COVID-19.
Aside from the chunk of her supporters in the public sector, she gathers the majority of her remaining votes from those who work in 'liberal' parts of the economy such as tourism, hospitality and arts.
Unsurprisingly, jobs in these sectors are also more likely to end up on the chopping block from extended Covid-19 restrictions on businesses, hence the sudden urge from our PM to rescue the economy.
I was having a discussion with a friend who is on the wage subsidy. The business she works for as already said they will shut the doors but will apply for the new grant until September for the workers. I asked what she plans to do after that, she said just go on the unemployment benefit, until things pick up in a year or so. Her hubby earns about 90k. I said nope you want get a thing, your take home $ is too much. She was shocked...then she said well then they will keep paying the wage subsidy then....I wonder how many other people have actually really looked into Post September..or do they thing the government is going to keep paying the $
They do see it as a problem.
Kiwi microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles wants everyone who participated in any of New Zealand's Black Lives Matter (BLM) marches on Monday to self-isolate for 14 days.
All to self isolate for 14days is the wish.
She came out with a couple of even-then clearly wrong-headed statements in Feb-March downplaying risks of spread (backing the then govt line). She is also pushing politics unconnected to epidemiology which further damages her credibility as we can't be sure where the science ends and the social activism begins. Politics and Science don't make for good bedfellows.
How exactly do you protest about random members of the public abusing their kids? "Bad John!, no not that John, hes okay, that other John".. Much easier to identify the problem when they don the uniform of a public agency and are operating under the operational rules of the same public agency.
You'll have to ask the jury why he wasn't convicted.. he was charged and went to trial, so apparently the jury decided the evidence produced was not conclusive, so either the police or the prosecution screwed up.
So what have you done to prevent child abuse.. apparently you find it abhorrent, as pretty much everybody does, so you must've gone out and protested right? Who did you direct your protest at exactly?
From what I know, the police evidence wasn't enough for the jury, even though they were both fatally injured when the father was the only person who was in their presence.
I'm not sure what my personal endeavours have to do with the my post. But I'll tell you now that having a civil rights protest for a crime committed on foreign soil while murdered children lay beneath ours still without justice because there's "no one to protest against" is a pretty lame excuse.
Apparently the police couldn't make that case, not beyond reasonable doubt for the jury.
So what exactly do you suggest we protest for? A law to say its illegal to beat kids. Already exists, a court system to prosecute them, already exists, a govt agency to protect kids ‐ already exists. Who is responsible for changing the behaviour of the assholes that beat kids, who do you hold to account??
Come on, tell us exactly how you protest for a change that'll be effective in acomplishing something in preventing deadbeat dads and mums from beating their kids, and their rellies kids?
Since you've got no good ideas, I'll suggest a couple. No extra benefits for having extra children. If cops are called to a domestic violence, charges have to be laid. No more liquor stores concentrated in poor communities and hold councils accountable with a far higher tax on alcohol. More powers to Kainga Ora to uplift at risk kids and far more funding to help raise and support them.
Quizzed on whether protestors should’ve been reprimanded, Ardern said that was an “operational” matter for police. She said she didn’t condone the activity.
Question: is the word condone used to refer to
1. The protesters protesting.
2. The police reprimanding the protesters.
What activity is not/didn't condone/d?
Condone: Verb.
With object, often in negative.
Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
Excellent news, do you know what public health measures are being enacted?.
There is an on line form for protesters to self identify as being present, do you know how many have completed it?
Have you contacted the organisers to understand how they feel & are they isolating.
Maybe you can ask them what they think of George Floyd's death being Fentanyl related.
The report says George had fentanyl in his system, and they also found signs of recent methamphetamine use.
I cant understand why we have a long weekend and cabinet cant make a decision on Tuesday. Last I checked, the rubbish collection just gets pushed a day.
Are they not reopening the borders with The Cook Islands, Niue and Samoa solely to keep our own tourism dollars internal ?
I always though they would bring it forward, JA has done that all the way through, under promise and over deliver ie going to one hundred people thought it would be 50. pity her ministers don't learn off her and always do the reverse over promise and under deliver
as for WP and ACT they have now seen her pattern so are calling her bluff to take away her high ground
Allowing the protest with 2'000 people in close proximity to go ahead unchecked is a slap in the face for every hospo business who does its upmost to comply with level 2 rules. Basically it's an admission that level 2 is not needed and the only consistent way forward is to announce moving to level 1 today with immediate effect.
(I'm not casting a judgement on the Black lives Matter protest per se, of course what the cops did in the US is terrible)
New Zealanders stood at their gates at 6.00am on Anzac Day to make their point. And maintained community safety.
But the protestors yesterday showed their non concern for the rest of New Zealand.
They could have done similar to Anzac day.
Seems these protestors have wrestled the leadership from PM Ardern.
Over the week end we went out shopping and spent a lot of money to support the businesses who have suffered over the lock down period. However, given that the selfish interests of the hospitality and retail sectors are quite prepared to push NZ to level 1 before we are ready according to educated specialists, I am throwing our credit card into the draw until we have a vaccine.
Right, so what about the "selfish interests of the protesters?
Also where does the money for the shopping you did over the weekend come from? Maybe a job? I suppose you're not in the hospitality business so you don't care if they don't have a job, just as long as you have yours.
Good luck not using your credit cards to buy food, petrol, clothes, anything at all until we have a vaccine
Level 2 - its now just a mockery -- threaten to stop a film -- exemption comign from a country with nearly 1.5 milllion cases - many of them active -- want to protest black lives matter - they do of course - hey meet up in your thousands and shout your head off -- all ok -- want to operate a small business -- whale watching -cafe -for example -- NEIN NEIN NEIN --
we better pray for no further outbreak - as since yesterday All this governments credibility has disappeared completely - you can buy an exemption - or if you want to promote the governments political agenda - simply ignore all public health rules --
Ashley Bloomfield has to have time to assess the zero numbers to see what is happening!
It takes a while to assess what a flat line of zero is showing!
It doesn’t matter one iota that all these businesses are going broke and many won’t be opening up, just as long as we are kind.
Apparently there is a long tail to this virus, although the tail fell off several weeks ago.
Arderns government is not for business it is all about control.
Ardern is right to hold the line. Why? Look at the science.
The only data we have in NZ is the 1918/19 Spanish Influenza Epidemic, so let's see what that tells us:
FIRST WAVE barely a flea bite.....just a slightly above average seasonal flu....nothing to worry about.
Neck Minnit......Wham! SECOND WAVE hits like a sledgehammer with 9000 dead in 8 weeks in a population of only one million. That's 45,000 dead if extrapolated to today's population of 5 million. And what's more all ages are equally vulnerable.
Political clowns like Peters and Trump play on the ignorance of the mob. Peters, like Bridges, only has a law degree and no scientific education. They don't take into account the propensity of viruses to unaccountably mutate using exactly the same processes that evolution used to produce us human beings.
The formula for evolution can be paraphrased as:
RANDOM MUTATION (of the genome of a particular species) followed by the SELECTIVE RETENTION of that genetic mutation if it benefits the survival of the particular species. Thus, a random mutation of the Covid-19 virus (and it has already mutated many times) can randomly produce a more virulent strain (which can even bypass a vaccination for the original strain if such a vaccination existed) if even the smallest trace of it remained in our population.
That's why we have to be extra careful.
That's why I think those who broke the distancing rules in the weekend's demonstrations are just ignorant dumbos being used by activists who are merely spoiling for a fight under any pretext.
I don't disagree with protesting per se, in fact I'm all for it if it's genuine but in this case it's not.
deputy prime minister says the government must do something about the mass gatherings -- TWAT - you are the F%$$ing government -- you are 2IC so do something ??? this is why you went into power is it not -- to get things done -- more grandstanding -- but never ever taking responsibility
if you cant address a basic issue -- with full video coverage as evidence -- why are you even in government ?
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