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BusinessDesk: NZ commodity prices ended 2011 on a weak note, ANZ says

Rural News
BusinessDesk: NZ commodity prices ended 2011 on a weak note, ANZ says

New Zealand commodity prices dropped to their lowest levels in a year in December, led by declines in wool and skins.

The ANZ Commodity Price Index slipped 0.8% last month, with little change in the New Zealand dollar resulting in a 0.6% decline in world prices. Since a peak in May 2011, the overall level of commodity prices has fallen 10%.

Eleven commodities fell, two rose and four remained unchanged. Wool and skins declined 7%, log prices dropped 5% and lamb prices fell 4%. A new record high was recorded for beef prices, rebounding 12% in December. The price of skim milk powder, butter, casein and sawn timber all eased by 1% or less. No change was recorded in the price of seafood, apples, whole milk powder or venison.

ANZ commodity price index

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Source: ANZ
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Source: ANZ
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Source: ANZ
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Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
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Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ
price index
Source: ANZ

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What about pork ?
