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Angus Kebbell


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4 years 3 months

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Angus Kebbell talks to farmers who are assessing how emissions taxes will affect their operations, their business, and what sequestration will and won't be counted
6th May 23, 4:56pm
Angus Kebbell talks to farmers who are assessing how emissions taxes will affect their operations, their business, and what sequestration will and won't be counted
Angus Kebbell says it is one thing for the Climate Change Commission to require more emissions savings from farmers, but there is no agreed way to define them, and the sector is already has the world's lowest carbon footprint
30th Apr 23, 2:49pm
Angus Kebbell says it is one thing for the Climate Change Commission to require more emissions savings from farmers, but there is no agreed way to define them, and the sector is already has the world's lowest carbon footprint
The ACT Party's rural spokesperson sets out how they would approach emissions control in the rural sector and square it with our international obligations
22nd Apr 23, 11:14am
The ACT Party's rural spokesperson sets out how they would approach emissions control in the rural sector and square it with our international obligations
AgResearch's Marlon Dos Reis describes how social media posts are helping drive food research change
16th Apr 23, 4:53pm
AgResearch's Marlon Dos Reis describes how social media posts are helping drive food research change
David Norton says aspects of carbon farming with exotics are "ecologically fraudulent". "And I think we should be rewarding and providing an income for native forests as a permanent long term carbon sequestration tool, both post- and pre-1990"
26th Mar 23, 9:59am
David Norton says aspects of carbon farming with exotics are "ecologically fraudulent". "And I think we should be rewarding and providing an income for native forests as a permanent long term carbon sequestration tool, both post- and pre-1990"
Angus Kebbell makes the case for protecting livestock farming and resisting carbon farming as a better way to help New Zealand earn its way in the world - and be more honest in how we reduce our carbon footprint and sequester carbon
18th Mar 23, 9:43am
Angus Kebbell makes the case for protecting livestock farming and resisting carbon farming as a better way to help New Zealand earn its way in the world - and be more honest in how we reduce our carbon footprint and sequester carbon
Adam Forbes takes an holistic look at the role forests can play in rural land use, the particular problems with lock-up-and-walk-away forests, and the need to understand what is required for responsible management of forests
11th Mar 23, 9:45am
Adam Forbes takes an holistic look at the role forests can play in rural land use, the particular problems with lock-up-and-walk-away forests, and the need to understand what is required for responsible management of forests
Rural Support Trusts are an integral part of helping communities get through natural disasters and they are active in Tairāwhiti. Pania King reports on the impacts in this region
2nd Mar 23, 11:29am
Rural Support Trusts are an integral part of helping communities get through natural disasters and they are active in Tairāwhiti. Pania King reports on the impacts in this region
The Rural Support Trust is coordinating the rural recovery and clean-up and should be the first port of call for farmers wanting to register for assistance
18th Feb 23, 9:30am
The Rural Support Trust is coordinating the rural recovery and clean-up and should be the first port of call for farmers wanting to register for assistance
Marble Point Station is just another property affected by the official drive to only partially count actual sequestration by formally excluding large stands of native bush. Actual carbon-neutral is twisted into a pretend carbon deficit
12th Feb 23, 10:10am
Marble Point Station is just another property affected by the official drive to only partially count actual sequestration by formally excluding large stands of native bush. Actual carbon-neutral is twisted into a pretend carbon deficit
Angus Kebbell notes the simplification and 'reform' of the RMA and related legislation will benefit urban housing, but fails to see how any of this rolls back over-regulation of rural New Zealand
6th Feb 23, 10:49am
Angus Kebbell notes the simplification and 'reform' of the RMA and related legislation will benefit urban housing, but fails to see how any of this rolls back over-regulation of rural New Zealand
Sam McIvor joins Angus Kebbell to discuss the consequences of rapid-fire poor policy-making, how it is building unintended consequences, and leaving a trail of regulatory mess that is going to take years to fix
28th Jan 23, 11:11am
Sam McIvor joins Angus Kebbell to discuss the consequences of rapid-fire poor policy-making, how it is building unintended consequences, and leaving a trail of regulatory mess that is going to take years to fix
Angus Kebbell digs into the ground-breaking work that the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium are doing to reduce GHG emissions from livestock - and there is promising progress to report
21st Jan 23, 9:15am
Angus Kebbell digs into the ground-breaking work that the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium are doing to reduce GHG emissions from livestock - and there is promising progress to report
Angus Kebbell wraps up the year with two highlight interviews, exploring carbon sequestration again, and the emissions trading scheme
23rd Dec 22, 2:22pm
Angus Kebbell wraps up the year with two highlight interviews, exploring carbon sequestration again, and the emissions trading scheme
In the drive to find low-emitting sheep, research is showing that the benefits may be quite wide with these new breeds. Not only are there environment benefits, but better product quality as well
17th Dec 22, 10:07am
In the drive to find low-emitting sheep, research is showing that the benefits may be quite wide with these new breeds. Not only are there environment benefits, but better product quality as well
Beef farmers are looking for efficiencies to deal with both the cost and climate change pressures. Pat Crawshaw discusses how the INZB program is helping that search
14th Dec 22, 10:48am
Beef farmers are looking for efficiencies to deal with both the cost and climate change pressures. Pat Crawshaw discusses how the INZB program is helping that search
Barbara Haya talks to Angus Kebbell about carbon offsets and emissions trading schemes and how they permit polluters to carry on their excessive emissions by buying cheap credits and absolve responsibilities to reduce their emissions
3rd Dec 22, 10:14am
Barbara Haya talks to Angus Kebbell about carbon offsets and emissions trading schemes and how they permit polluters to carry on their excessive emissions by buying cheap credits and absolve responsibilities to reduce their emissions
Developing international markets need to offset increased farm input costs
26th Nov 22, 10:07am
Developing international markets need to offset increased farm input costs
The National Party tells farmers that if you sequester carbon and can measure and monitor it, that should count towards your farming contribution to carbon neutrality
19th Nov 22, 9:48am
The National Party tells farmers that if you sequester carbon and can measure and monitor it, that should count towards your farming contribution to carbon neutrality
Angus Kebbell talks to Damien O'Connor about sequestration, He Waka Eke Noa consultation, forestry's march and locking up food-producing land so companies can continue to pollute
12th Nov 22, 10:28am
Angus Kebbell talks to Damien O'Connor about sequestration, He Waka Eke Noa consultation, forestry's march and locking up food-producing land so companies can continue to pollute
David Frame on the ETS and HWEN, on afforestation, and how we can get to where we need to be climate-wise and still maintain the lifestyle we have - in spite of underperforming public institutions
29th Oct 22, 11:13am
David Frame on the ETS and HWEN, on afforestation, and how we can get to where we need to be climate-wise and still maintain the lifestyle we have - in spite of underperforming public institutions
Substituting food producing land for locked-up carbon forests just so international companies can avoid reducing their emissions appears to farmers as the ultimate in bad environmental policy. Phil Orme reviews what farmers can do to avoid the worst of it
22nd Oct 22, 10:54am
Substituting food producing land for locked-up carbon forests just so international companies can avoid reducing their emissions appears to farmers as the ultimate in bad environmental policy. Phil Orme reviews what farmers can do to avoid the worst of it
Madeline Hall points out that price is not the thing that truly makes change happen. Focusing only on that can create an unstable tipping point with unintended consequences
16th Oct 22, 3:11pm
Madeline Hall points out that price is not the thing that truly makes change happen. Focusing only on that can create an unstable tipping point with unintended consequences
Marina Shearer says that when stress and challenging situations stop yourself from responding inappropriately, you need to have strategies on hand to deal with these pressures
8th Oct 22, 10:31am
Marina Shearer says that when stress and challenging situations stop yourself from responding inappropriately, you need to have strategies on hand to deal with these pressures
Rob Morrison points out that allowing offsets within the ETS is woefully dodgy, giving a free pass to major polluters. He makes the case for regenerative native forests to sequester carbon as the way to meet our obligations properly
1st Oct 22, 10:00am
Rob Morrison points out that allowing offsets within the ETS is woefully dodgy, giving a free pass to major polluters. He makes the case for regenerative native forests to sequester carbon as the way to meet our obligations properly