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Angus Kebbell


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4 years 3 months

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Prices are high, but so are farm input costs. Chris Dillon explains why farmers are fortunate both are still in step and the risks when they aren't. The wild card is the struggle to improve productivity in the face of unwise box-ticking regulators
30th Jan 22, 9:17am
Prices are high, but so are farm input costs. Chris Dillon explains why farmers are fortunate both are still in step and the risks when they aren't. The wild card is the struggle to improve productivity in the face of unwise box-ticking regulators
There is no lack of opportunity to get up-to-date on what an ETS will do to farming, what the alternatives are, and what you have to do to ensure the worst doesn't happen
27th Jan 22, 11:33am
There is no lack of opportunity to get up-to-date on what an ETS will do to farming, what the alternatives are, and what you have to do to ensure the worst doesn't happen
The time is Now! Lead farmer groups need farmers to contribute their views to the He Waka Eke Noa framework as soon as possible because policies are about to get fixed for a generation
17th Jan 22, 9:25am
The time is Now! Lead farmer groups need farmers to contribute their views to the He Waka Eke Noa framework as soon as possible because policies are about to get fixed for a generation
Angus Kebbell explores why some farmers are feeling less than positive even in a time of good prices, favourable weather, and healthy markets. They are negative about the pace of imposed change
19th Dec 21, 4:09pm
Angus Kebbell explores why some farmers are feeling less than positive even in a time of good prices, favourable weather, and healthy markets. They are negative about the pace of imposed change
The pandemic has changed the world, but livestock farming not so much. But there has been preparation, innovation, and adoption of different ways to do farming business
11th Dec 21, 10:29am
The pandemic has changed the world, but livestock farming not so much. But there has been preparation, innovation, and adoption of different ways to do farming business
Human blind-trials of meals comparing pasture-raised beef or lamb, over grain-based animal diets, and plant-based pretenders, are showing clear health benefits from the pasture-raised product
27th Nov 21, 10:47am
Human blind-trials of meals comparing pasture-raised beef or lamb, over grain-based animal diets, and plant-based pretenders, are showing clear health benefits from the pasture-raised product
Thriving Southland is taking its community engagement to the next level with upskilling its volunteer leaders as more catchment area groups get formed
20th Nov 21, 2:21pm
Thriving Southland is taking its community engagement to the next level with upskilling its volunteer leaders as more catchment area groups get formed
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
13th Nov 21, 10:49am
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
Ongoing research at the Riddet Institute is proving the health benefits of pasture-raised beef over grain-based feedlot beef, even plant-based pretenders
6th Nov 21, 10:16am
Ongoing research at the Riddet Institute is proving the health benefits of pasture-raised beef over grain-based feedlot beef, even plant-based pretenders
Plant-based meat alternative products deliver 18 different ingredients, with little regulation and limited research on environmental impacts, resource requirements, nutrient quality, nutrient density, toxicity and health consequences of these proteins
23rd Oct 21, 10:18am
Plant-based meat alternative products deliver 18 different ingredients, with little regulation and limited research on environmental impacts, resource requirements, nutrient quality, nutrient density, toxicity and health consequences of these proteins
Comparing pasture-raised beef to grain finished beef and a plant-based alternative identified better human health outcomes for the pasture-raised product, just another key outcome from the science that supports NZ farmers
16th Oct 21, 10:13am
Comparing pasture-raised beef to grain finished beef and a plant-based alternative identified better human health outcomes for the pasture-raised product, just another key outcome from the science that supports NZ farmers
Online trading platforms for on-farm livestock provide a safe, transparent selling option, avoiding freight and yard fees, and avoiding the associated animal welfare issues
9th Oct 21, 10:41am
Online trading platforms for on-farm livestock provide a safe, transparent selling option, avoiding freight and yard fees, and avoiding the associated animal welfare issues
Leading infant formula research provides a promising competitive advantage and future for exporters following the discovery of a new natural source of nutritional oil that is surprisingly similar to the fat in breast milk
2nd Oct 21, 10:28am
Leading infant formula research provides a promising competitive advantage and future for exporters following the discovery of a new natural source of nutritional oil that is surprisingly similar to the fat in breast milk
How farming regenerates and spreads its knowledge base through farmer-led initiatives to tackle the challenges proactively, making real progress irrespective of what officials impose
26th Sep 21, 10:46am
How farming regenerates and spreads its knowledge base through farmer-led initiatives to tackle the challenges proactively, making real progress irrespective of what officials impose
The pointy end of animal science is making progress via breeding and vaccines to deliver livestock that can meet market food demands in a way that allows farmers to produce it and meet both climate and sustainability requirements
11th Sep 21, 10:58am
The pointy end of animal science is making progress via breeding and vaccines to deliver livestock that can meet market food demands in a way that allows farmers to produce it and meet both climate and sustainability requirements
Angus Kebbell talks to scientist Sinead Leahy about why and how the rural community needs to respond to the climate crisis, and why not responding will be worse for our rural businesses
6th Sep 21, 9:44am
Angus Kebbell talks to scientist Sinead Leahy about why and how the rural community needs to respond to the climate crisis, and why not responding will be worse for our rural businesses
Rural women who want to build a business from their home base are showing that with drive and technology, a vast array of businesses can be established successfully. Finding the unique market gap is crucial
29th Aug 21, 11:00pm
Rural women who want to build a business from their home base are showing that with drive and technology, a vast array of businesses can be established successfully. Finding the unique market gap is crucial
Angus Kebbell talks to North Canterbury farmer Fiona Bush about how her farm is responding to climate, water, land-use, and political changes. Utilising and relying on off-farm expert advice is becoming a bigger part of farm management
11th Aug 21, 12:23pm
Angus Kebbell talks to North Canterbury farmer Fiona Bush about how her farm is responding to climate, water, land-use, and political changes. Utilising and relying on off-farm expert advice is becoming a bigger part of farm management
Angus Kebbell talks with Grant Bunting of the Processor Working Group set up to help farmers work out their greenhouse gas footprint and build a plan to reduce it
2nd Aug 21, 9:19am
Angus Kebbell talks with Grant Bunting of the Processor Working Group set up to help farmers work out their greenhouse gas footprint and build a plan to reduce it
Angus Kebbell talks with Ronlyn Duncan from Landcare about the support available for improving sustainability practices on farms
20th Jul 21, 10:26am
Angus Kebbell talks with Ronlyn Duncan from Landcare about the support available for improving sustainability practices on farms
Angus Kebbell talks with Fraser McGougan, a Taneatua dairy farmer who has taken a very pro-active approach to the changing goal posts of 'sustainability', helping lead a substantial regional attitude shift on farms
13th Jul 21, 9:54am
Angus Kebbell talks with Fraser McGougan, a Taneatua dairy farmer who has taken a very pro-active approach to the changing goal posts of 'sustainability', helping lead a substantial regional attitude shift on farms
Angus Kebbell talks with Rachael Halder about how one key project in the Aparima River basin is engaging all 600+ farms so that through modelling and monitoring, the actions of every farm plan will be linked to water quality outcomes
5th Jul 21, 9:12am
Angus Kebbell talks with Rachael Halder about how one key project in the Aparima River basin is engaging all 600+ farms so that through modelling and monitoring, the actions of every farm plan will be linked to water quality outcomes
Angus Kebbell talks with Andrew Barton about a new large extension to the Amuri Irrigation scheme south of the Hurunui River. Overall this scheme will take a maximum of 12 cu/m/sec of a river that flows 100 cu/m/sec
13th Jun 21, 5:12pm
Angus Kebbell talks with Andrew Barton about a new large extension to the Amuri Irrigation scheme south of the Hurunui River. Overall this scheme will take a maximum of 12 cu/m/sec of a river that flows 100 cu/m/sec
Dealing with change and unexpected events may be a normal part of farming, but previous experiences may not prepare us for seasonal changes that don't revert to normal
5th Jun 21, 10:26am
Dealing with change and unexpected events may be a normal part of farming, but previous experiences may not prepare us for seasonal changes that don't revert to normal
Angus Kebbell talks with with Robyn Dynes of AgResearch about how reduced nitrate application can not only benefit water quality and GHG emissions, but the resulting lower stock numbers doesn't have to mean lower production
31st May 21, 10:04am
Angus Kebbell talks with with Robyn Dynes of AgResearch about how reduced nitrate application can not only benefit water quality and GHG emissions, but the resulting lower stock numbers doesn't have to mean lower production