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Keith Woodford


Keith Woodford is an independent consultant who holds honorary positions as Professor of Agri-Food Systems at Lincoln University and Senior Research Fellow at the Contemporary China Research Centre at Victoria University. His archived writings are available at

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11 years 4 months

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Keith Woodford sets out how the seeds of Fonterra’s current situation were sown a long time ago, driven by over-confidence and arrogance in the overarching company culture
23rd Sep 19, 12:03pm
Keith Woodford sets out how the seeds of Fonterra’s current situation were sown a long time ago, driven by over-confidence and arrogance in the overarching company culture
Keith Woodford says Fonterra’s short-term problem is asset sales, asset values and earnings; the longer-term problem is a capital structure that is no longer fit for purpose
17th Sep 19, 11:17am
Keith Woodford says Fonterra’s short-term problem is asset sales, asset values and earnings; the longer-term problem is a capital structure that is no longer fit for purpose
Keith Woodford lays out how Fonterra’s Chilean profits and market share have been dropping, and how its farmers have been deserting for other processors. He says write-downs appear likely
2nd Sep 19, 10:10am
Keith Woodford lays out how Fonterra’s Chilean profits and market share have been dropping, and how its farmers have been deserting for other processors. He says write-downs appear likely
Keith Woodford explains how Fonterra’s Australian operations must now be centre stage to Fonterra’s financial unravelling
20th Aug 19, 10:08am
Keith Woodford explains how Fonterra’s Australian operations must now be centre stage to Fonterra’s financial unravelling
Keith Woodford explains how Fonterra’s capital shortage has now got a great deal worse, with no easy answers
13th Aug 19, 8:15am
Keith Woodford explains how Fonterra’s capital shortage has now got a great deal worse, with no easy answers
Keith Woodford calls on the Government to rethink its forestry policies so as to favour all New Zealanders of present and future generations, and to constrain the narrow-based behaviours of international investors
5th Aug 19, 1:53pm
Keith Woodford calls on the Government to rethink its forestry policies so as to favour all New Zealanders of present and future generations, and to constrain the narrow-based behaviours of international investors
New A2 milk clinical trial with children has big implications both for child nutrition and also for the dairy industry
20th Jul 19, 2:33pm
New A2 milk clinical trial with children has big implications both for child nutrition and also for the dairy industry
With confirmed infected properties doubling in the last six months and MPI apologising for unacceptable delays in tracing, the big question is whether eradication is still feasible
9th Jul 19, 9:01am
With confirmed infected properties doubling in the last six months and MPI apologising for unacceptable delays in tracing, the big question is whether eradication is still feasible
Keith Woodford explains some complexities of Fonterra’s capital structure, and how this plays out both over the short and long term
7th Jul 19, 6:31am
Keith Woodford explains some complexities of Fonterra’s capital structure, and how this plays out both over the short and long term
Keith Woodford says Yili’s bid for Westland Milk can look different to farmers with livelihoods at stake than it does to outsiders
25th Jun 19, 10:30am
Keith Woodford says Yili’s bid for Westland Milk can look different to farmers with livelihoods at stake than it does to outsiders
Keith Woodford says crippling carbon liabilities attaching to land that is carbon farmed will be all that is left after foreign investors harvest the first cycle gains
10th Jun 19, 5:16pm
Keith Woodford says crippling carbon liabilities attaching to land that is carbon farmed will be all that is left after foreign investors harvest the first cycle gains
Keith Woodford assesses the latest DIRA update and concludes it just nibbles with the status quo and avoids the big decisions
7th Jun 19, 3:15pm
Keith Woodford assesses the latest DIRA update and concludes it just nibbles with the status quo and avoids the big decisions
Keith Woodford exposes another difficult issue that has to be understood and resolved in relation to New Zealand’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill
1st Jun 19, 9:46am
Keith Woodford exposes another difficult issue that has to be understood and resolved in relation to New Zealand’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill
The latest numbers say that Fonterra is struggling to turn around both its performance and its balance sheet, says Keith Woodford
27th May 19, 2:00pm
The latest numbers say that Fonterra is struggling to turn around both its performance and its balance sheet, says Keith Woodford
There is much more work to be done as the Zero Carbon Bill works its way through to enactment, says Keith Woodford
13th May 19, 11:40am
There is much more work to be done as the Zero Carbon Bill works its way through to enactment, says Keith Woodford
American agriculture is increasingly dominated by large scale corporate operations
1st May 19, 10:15am
American agriculture is increasingly dominated by large scale corporate operations
Keith Woodford discusses why China must stay front of mind when considering agrifood developments
16th Apr 19, 9:50am
Keith Woodford discusses why China must stay front of mind when considering agrifood developments
Keith Woodford explains how the Westland dairy co-operative created its own demise, with sale to Chinese company Yili now the best and only realistic strategy
1st Apr 19, 5:45pm
Keith Woodford explains how the Westland dairy co-operative created its own demise, with sale to Chinese company Yili now the best and only realistic strategy
Keith Woodford reflects as to whether the farming rules of the game, including the importance of cash flow versus capital gain, have changed, irrespective of any capital gains tax, and what this means for the future
18th Mar 19, 4:11pm
Keith Woodford reflects as to whether the farming rules of the game, including the importance of cash flow versus capital gain, have changed, irrespective of any capital gains tax, and what this means for the future
Keith Woodford explains how MPI continues to withhold key information about the Mycoplasma bovis eradication program
4th Mar 19, 8:34am
Keith Woodford explains how MPI continues to withhold key information about the Mycoplasma bovis eradication program
Keith Woodford describes how anger is mounting again amongst Mycoplasma bovis farmers and how some are in dire trouble. The official information flow lacks transparency as to what is really happening
18th Feb 19, 8:38am
Keith Woodford describes how anger is mounting again amongst Mycoplasma bovis farmers and how some are in dire trouble. The official information flow lacks transparency as to what is really happening
Keith Woodford explains the decisions and behaviours that have led to dairy’s debt-laden pickle
9th Feb 19, 9:31am
Keith Woodford explains the decisions and behaviours that have led to dairy’s debt-laden pickle
Keith Woodford explains how transforming dairy to be environmentally friendly is possible, but existing debt will be a big constraint
23rd Jan 19, 4:30pm
Keith Woodford explains how transforming dairy to be environmentally friendly is possible, but existing debt will be a big constraint
Keith Woodford explains why the Mycoplasma battle is far from over; at best it is the end of the beginning
8th Jan 19, 9:31am
Keith Woodford explains why the Mycoplasma battle is far from over; at best it is the end of the beginning
Keith Woodford explains why Fonterra’s strategic reset depends on board personalities as well as strategy
10th Dec 18, 5:11pm
Keith Woodford explains why Fonterra’s strategic reset depends on board personalities as well as strategy