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home loans

ASB records strong growth in business and rural lending as interim profit slips back from last year's record high
13th Feb 13, 11:11am
ASB records strong growth in business and rural lending as interim profit slips back from last year's record high
Westpac retail head says 'happy to talk' with existing customers about aggressive new mortgage offers targeting other banks' customers
12th Feb 13, 4:09pm
Westpac retail head says 'happy to talk' with existing customers about aggressive new mortgage offers targeting other banks' customers
Roger J Kerr says the Q4 employment data may be suspect but it is a lagging indicator anyway pointing backwards not forwards. You agree?
11th Feb 13, 2:26pm
Roger J Kerr says the Q4 employment data may be suspect but it is a lagging indicator anyway pointing backwards not forwards. You agree?
New aggressive mortgage pricing from Westpac signals a clear goal to win market share off rivals; big reductions require existing clients to borrow more
11th Feb 13, 7:09am
New aggressive mortgage pricing from Westpac signals a clear goal to win market share off rivals; big reductions require existing clients to borrow more
Westpac NZ says its mortgage growth remains below overall market levels, is continuing cross selling push
7th Feb 13, 4:17pm
Westpac NZ says its mortgage growth remains below overall market levels, is continuing cross selling push
Roger J Kerr says our swap rates can and will move higher soon for as range of reasons and interest rates are about to rise. Are you prepared?
4th Feb 13, 10:30am
Roger J Kerr says our swap rates can and will move higher soon for as range of reasons and interest rates are about to rise. Are you prepared?
Bernard Hickey says he can remember the same rhetoric from the RBNZ a decade ago about the same housing and borrowing pressures, and he fears the same 'do nothing' response. Your view?
3rd Feb 13, 10:00am
Bernard Hickey says he can remember the same rhetoric from the RBNZ a decade ago about the same housing and borrowing pressures, and he fears the same 'do nothing' response. Your view?
Latest credit data points to a renewed splurge in housing, fueled by low rates; borrowing by farmers rises fast too on strong growth in dairy conversions
31st Jan 13, 5:31pm
Latest credit data points to a renewed splurge in housing, fueled by low rates; borrowing by farmers rises fast too on strong growth in dairy conversions
Gareth Morgan thinks the Reserve Bank is edging closer to acknowledging mistakes on mortgage policy but he won't be satisfied until they actually do something about it. Your view?
31st Jan 13, 10:00am
Gareth Morgan thinks the Reserve Bank is edging closer to acknowledging mistakes on mortgage policy but he won't be satisfied until they actually do something about it. Your view?
Roger J Kerr warns that the rush to fix 'which always comes' as homeowners chase low rates, will unbalance the swap market and will raise rates across the curve. Your view?
29th Jan 13, 2:40pm
Roger J Kerr warns that the rush to fix 'which always comes' as homeowners chase low rates, will unbalance the swap market and will raise rates across the curve. Your view?
Borrowers disposable income starts to fall after two years of high weekly levels; wide variance between cities
22nd Jan 13, 12:27pm
Borrowers disposable income starts to fall after two years of high weekly levels; wide variance between cities
Westpac launches market leading two-year fixed mortgage rate with strings attached
22nd Jan 13, 6:44am
Westpac launches market leading two-year fixed mortgage rate with strings attached
ASB has increased its key 2 year fixed mortgage rate by +0.20% while cutting longer term rates
21st Jan 13, 7:07am
ASB has increased its key 2 year fixed mortgage rate by +0.20% while cutting longer term rates
Westpac fixed rates brought into line with main rivals for 6mth and 1yr terms
18th Jan 13, 4:59pm
Westpac fixed rates brought into line with main rivals for 6mth and 1yr terms
Home loan approvals exceed 8,000 in a week for first time in more than 3 and a half years, RBNZ figures show
17th Jan 13, 2:21pm
Home loan approvals exceed 8,000 in a week for first time in more than 3 and a half years, RBNZ figures show
Homeowners aren't effective negotiators with their banks. A review of the official data on how much borrowers are paying reveals the extent of the problem
15th Jan 13, 5:26am
Homeowners aren't effective negotiators with their banks. A review of the official data on how much borrowers are paying reveals the extent of the problem
The mortgage market may see many borrowers on floating rates decide to fix in 2013 to take advantage of lower interest rates
14th Jan 13, 5:24am
The mortgage market may see many borrowers on floating rates decide to fix in 2013 to take advantage of lower interest rates
Fixed rate mortgages below 5% are about to disappear from the market
10th Jan 13, 5:49pm
Fixed rate mortgages below 5% are about to disappear from the market
The Kiwibank-owned New Zealand Home Loan Company plots near doubling of Auckland presence as City of Sails becomes key growth engine
21st Dec 12, 3:59pm
The Kiwibank-owned New Zealand Home Loan Company plots near doubling of Auckland presence as City of Sails becomes key growth engine
The Public Trust withdraws from the mortgage market, can't compete with incentives being offered by major banks
19th Dec 12, 8:43am
The Public Trust withdraws from the mortgage market, can't compete with incentives being offered by major banks
ANZ is the latest bank to remove its short-term fixed rate mortgage 'special' offer; brings its standard rates into line with most other banks
15th Dec 12, 10:05am
ANZ is the latest bank to remove its short-term fixed rate mortgage 'special' offer; brings its standard rates into line with most other banks
BNZ September quarter profit tumbles, residential mortgage growth behind only ANZ and ASB, but is outstripped by business lending growth
14th Dec 12, 4:02pm
BNZ September quarter profit tumbles, residential mortgage growth behind only ANZ and ASB, but is outstripped by business lending growth
Kiwibank ends its pre-Christmas special, but makes big cuts to 3-5 year fixed rates
14th Dec 12, 1:54pm
Kiwibank ends its pre-Christmas special, but makes big cuts to 3-5 year fixed rates
BNZ CEO Andrew Thorburn says putting loan-to-valuation-ratio restrictions on residential mortgages would just see investors, rather than home buyers, buy houses
11th Dec 12, 4:20pm
BNZ CEO Andrew Thorburn says putting loan-to-valuation-ratio restrictions on residential mortgages would just see investors, rather than home buyers, buy houses
Opinion: Bernard Hickey finds the Reserve Bank remarkably relaxed about the Auckland house price boom. Too relaxed? And why no LVRs?
6th Dec 12, 9:12am
Opinion: Bernard Hickey finds the Reserve Bank remarkably relaxed about the Auckland house price boom. Too relaxed? And why no LVRs?