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A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; ANZ cuts TD rates, matches mortgage rates, raises personal loan rates, terms of trade improve, Fonterra pays 13% more in Australia

A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; ANZ cuts TD rates, matches mortgage rates, raises personal loan rates, terms of trade improve, Fonterra pays 13% more in Australia

Here are the key things you need to know before you leave work today.

ANZ cut its one year standard rate to 5.39% from 5.59%. The new rate is more in line with what it's rivals offer. It is also the same rate as their two year 'special'.

ANZ also announced term deposit cuts that will take effect tomorrow. These range from -25 bps for 30 and 60 day terms down to -10 bps for 5 years terms. The new rates make the ANZ the stingiest in the term deposit market. They also announced -25 bps cuts to their Serious Saver account and similar cuts to other at-call savings accounts. Late in the day, the Cooperative Bank has also cut rates.

Unheralded, ANZ have raised their Personal Loan interest rates by +2%, upping their <$10,000 rate to 18.95% and the >$10,000 rate to 17.95%. These changes will make peer-to-peer platforms seem an even better deal for borrower with good credit.

Some reviewers thought today's release of the March trade price indexes (here and here) represented a 'dead cat bounce', others a 'brief detour'. Others were less harsh. This is what ANZ said: "Unless New Zealand’s commodity export price index takes much more of a turn for the worse, we’ll be talking about an all-up correction in the nation’s goods terms of trade of around 8%, from a 41-year high mid last year leaving them stronger than they were in mid-2013. That’s not the end of the world, and certainly not for the NZ economy."

87% KIWI
Fonterra announced a New Zealand 2014/15 final payout last week of $4.40/kgMS and $5.25/kgMS for the 2015/16 season. But unreported here, Fonterra announced it will pay its Australian suppliers AU$5.54/kgMS. At the exchange rate when the announcements were made, that is equivalent to $5.94/kgMS - or +13% more for their Australian suppliers.

The Law Commission recommended that NZ Trust law be updated. The Government is proceeding with a new review of the Commission's review. It is recommended you don't hold your breath on this one, although it is "on the Agenda' now.

Reflecting overnight rises on Wall Street, local wholesale swap rates moved higher today by +1 bp. But the 90 day bank bill rate is down -1 bp to 3.46%.

The New Zealand dollar is holding above 71 USc after its sharp fall over the weekend. As of late this afternoon the lower rates have held from where they started this morning and are now at 71.1 USc, 93.1 AUc, 65.1 euro cents, and the TWI-5 is at 75.9. Check our real-time charts here.

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Daily exchange rates

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Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
Daily benchmark rate
Source: RBNZ
End of day UTC
Source: CoinDesk

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Drums are beating even louder today

Where the money is going - Where can they hide now? - guess

Blaming 'Chinese money' for real estate prices ignores probity question…

Criminals target Australian real estate to launder money, AUSTRAC reports

Criminals are targeting Australian real estate as a safe haven to launder money and hide the proceeds of crime, according to the national money laundering watchdog. AUSTRAC has identified high-value goods, including real estate, to be a significant money laundering channel in Australia. The "relatively uncomplicated" nature of property transactions made it easy to wash large volumes of cash…


Here's the official AUSTRAC report

RBNZ is the responsible NZ authority
They must have their hands full by now

Any news of any reports from the RBNZ?…


Meanwhile, as more Auckland properties are taken out of the market by overseas money of unknown origin, here is Bernard Hickey copping a snow-job from Nick Smith on a magical-mystery bus tour eulogising all the additional land being released to compensate for the shrinking housing stock no longer available for sale elsewhere

Meanwhile, I was one of a number of media on a mystery bus tour on Friday with Nick Smith of Government-run or supported building sites and vacant land around Auckland ahead of his presentation to developers and builders about the Auckland Crown Land Programme…


Asian stocks down today again.
India cuts interest rates today.
THE QUOTE: "The risks in global markets are simmering under the surface: Grexit, increases to the Fed funds rate, China's equity valuations, Japan's QE program to 'nowhere,' ECB's QE program and Australia's inability to pull up the slowdown in the economy," said IG strategist Evan Lucas in a market commentary.…


Of course its been like this for years, ie the World's economy threatening to implode, who knows how long we will stutter along. I sort of suspect that once we see a real dip the stock brokers/banks then panic and they will with their super fast servers bail out so fast an eye blink will miss it.


Unheralded, ANZ have raised their Personal Loan interest rates by +2%, upping their <$10,000 rate to 18.95% and the >$10,000 rate to 17.95%

Hmmm - Australia’s biggest banks are looking to Glenn Stevens for a hand in arresting a four-year decline in lending margins. Read more

And elsewhere. Apparently the poverty stricken need to be bleed a little harder. Poor darlings.


property prices dropped in aussie last month…
Apra advised all mortgage lenders to add 2% to calculations from today,
it looks like they are preparing for a correction in Sydney and melbourne
