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PM Key says US and Europe will need to take their economic medicine, but spare capacity in US will help growth; China one to watch
15th Aug 11, 5:53pm
PM Key says US and Europe will need to take their economic medicine, but spare capacity in US will help growth; China one to watch
Earthquake Minister Brownlee unsure when NZ insurance companies will offer more competitive rates; Staying in close contact with reinsurers
14th Aug 11, 12:37pm
Earthquake Minister Brownlee unsure when NZ insurance companies will offer more competitive rates; Staying in close contact with reinsurers
Government still eyeing savings tax break, but complexities and poor IRD computer systems stand in the way
13th Aug 11, 12:43pm
Government still eyeing savings tax break, but complexities and poor IRD computer systems stand in the way
Finance Minister Bill English quizzed by National Party delegates on ensuring SOE shares not sold to foreign investors by Kiwis
13th Aug 11, 11:03am
Finance Minister Bill English quizzed by National Party delegates on ensuring SOE shares not sold to foreign investors by Kiwis
NZ government surplus track could be more challenging given global market turmoil, but give things time to settle down first, English says
11th Aug 11, 3:59pm
NZ government surplus track could be more challenging given global market turmoil, but give things time to settle down first, English says
Opinion: John Pagani argues US President Obama is coming through the economic turmoil still politically viable
10th Aug 11, 10:33am
Opinion: John Pagani argues US President Obama is coming through the economic turmoil still politically viable
Federated Farmers against Parliamentary milk price inquiry, says govt should look at all kinds of other price rises as well if it goes ahead
9th Aug 11, 1:24pm
Federated Farmers against Parliamentary milk price inquiry, says govt should look at all kinds of other price rises as well if it goes ahead
NZ PM Key still upbeat on NZ growth on the morning after global markets plunged 5% on global recession fears
9th Aug 11, 8:02am
NZ PM Key still upbeat on NZ growth on the morning after global markets plunged 5% on global recession fears
PM Key still optimistic NZ economy can grow in line with Treasury forecasts, following global market turmoil, US rating downgrade
8th Aug 11, 5:06pm
PM Key still optimistic NZ economy can grow in line with Treasury forecasts, following global market turmoil, US rating downgrade
NZIER warns on NZ's rotting fiscal core; Says NZ could end up like Greece, US in 10-15 years as deficit & debt balloons as population ages
8th Aug 11, 1:16pm
NZIER warns on NZ's rotting fiscal core; Says NZ could end up like Greece, US in 10-15 years as deficit & debt balloons as population ages
Opinion: NZ's conservatives don't like GST exemptions, so where are their principles in other debates like over the ETS?
8th Aug 11, 11:13am
Opinion: NZ's conservatives don't like GST exemptions, so where are their principles in other debates like over the ETS?
NZ well placed to deal with global market fallout having met S&P demands, although outcome unclear if US falls back into recession, PM Key says
8th Aug 11, 8:12am
NZ well placed to deal with global market fallout having met S&P demands, although outcome unclear if US falls back into recession, PM Key says
NZ bank funding costs to rise as a result of latest market turmoil, BNZ CEO Thorburn says; Supports move towards compulsory savings
8th Aug 11, 7:36am
NZ bank funding costs to rise as a result of latest market turmoil, BNZ CEO Thorburn says; Supports move towards compulsory savings
Govt debt front-loading 'over,' although DMO quietly borrows NZ$700m as foreign investors flock to NZ amid global crises
3rd Aug 11, 6:01pm
Govt debt front-loading 'over,' although DMO quietly borrows NZ$700m as foreign investors flock to NZ amid global crises
Local government bond bank a step closer as select committee recommends bill creating it be passed
3rd Aug 11, 5:32pm
Local government bond bank a step closer as select committee recommends bill creating it be passed
Finance Minister English ejected from Question Time in Parliament as debate over Labour's capital gains tax policy gets heated
3rd Aug 11, 3:07pm
Finance Minister English ejected from Question Time in Parliament as debate over Labour's capital gains tax policy gets heated
Finance Minister English says EU sovereign debt crisis, possible US downgrade, still dangers for NZ borrowing, exports
3rd Aug 11, 9:45am
Finance Minister English says EU sovereign debt crisis, possible US downgrade, still dangers for NZ borrowing, exports
John Pagani: Key says it shouldn't be news your taxes paid to get the PM on Letterman
2nd Aug 11, 4:31pm
John Pagani: Key says it shouldn't be news your taxes paid to get the PM on Letterman
Support out there for 10 yr census, as Stats NZ undertakes review of moving from 5 yr cycle, Statistics Minister Williamson says
2nd Aug 11, 4:09pm
Support out there for 10 yr census, as Stats NZ undertakes review of moving from 5 yr cycle, Statistics Minister Williamson says
More than half of households in Christchurch red zone have given go ahead for government to offer to buy homes, Brownlee says
2nd Aug 11, 10:46am
More than half of households in Christchurch red zone have given go ahead for government to offer to buy homes, Brownlee says
Opinion: Bernard Hickey suggests 10 things John Key and Alan Bollard could do to at least try to soften the NZ$
2nd Aug 11, 8:13am
Opinion: Bernard Hickey suggests 10 things John Key and Alan Bollard could do to at least try to soften the NZ$
Key says high NZ$ tough for exporters, but he doesn't want to punt taxpayers' money on intervention when success is no certainty
2nd Aug 11, 7:50am
Key says high NZ$ tough for exporters, but he doesn't want to punt taxpayers' money on intervention when success is no certainty
Obama, Geithner, Bernanke told Key about benefits of high currency; 'Best way NZ govt can help exporters is helping them be more competitive'
1st Aug 11, 6:58pm
Obama, Geithner, Bernanke told Key about benefits of high currency; 'Best way NZ govt can help exporters is helping them be more competitive'
US spending cuts or even default won't necessarily push NZ interest rates up because NZ becomes more attractive, PM Key says
1st Aug 11, 7:53am
US spending cuts or even default won't necessarily push NZ interest rates up because NZ becomes more attractive, PM Key says
Opinion: John Pagani looks at some lessons for New Zealand from former UK PM Tony Blair
29th Jul 11, 4:00pm
Opinion: John Pagani looks at some lessons for New Zealand from former UK PM Tony Blair