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Project Syndicate

Long, slow, positive trends don’t make it to the front page or to water-cooler conversations. So we develop peculiar misperceptions, especially the idea that a preponderance of things are going wrong, says Bjørn Lomborg
15th May 18, 10:11am
by Guest
Long, slow, positive trends don’t make it to the front page or to water-cooler conversations. So we develop peculiar misperceptions, especially the idea that a preponderance of things are going wrong, says Bjørn Lomborg
By abandoning thoughtful policymaking, the US has failed to articulate anything resembling a credible national strategy. A trade war with China, which is already benefiting them at America's expense, is a case in point
15th May 18, 8:41am
by Guest
By abandoning thoughtful policymaking, the US has failed to articulate anything resembling a credible national strategy. A trade war with China, which is already benefiting them at America's expense, is a case in point
James Manyika and Myron Scholes identify three outstanding features of the current version of the famous Solow Paradox
10th May 18, 9:53am
by Guest
James Manyika and Myron Scholes identify three outstanding features of the current version of the famous Solow Paradox
P.H. Yu argues that the survival of the existing international order depends on the West's willingness to reform it
9th May 18, 8:34am
by Guest
P.H. Yu argues that the survival of the existing international order depends on the West's willingness to reform it
Given free trade, migration & foreign direct investment promise far-reaching potential gains for all parties involved, Koichi Hamada asks will we allow ignorance & political opportunism to prevent us from realising them?
4th May 18, 9:32am
by Guest
Given free trade, migration & foreign direct investment promise far-reaching potential gains for all parties involved, Koichi Hamada asks will we allow ignorance & political opportunism to prevent us from realising them?
Has US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer made an ironclad case against China in his so-called Section 301 report? Stephen Roach thinks not, calling it wide of the mark in key areas
26th Apr 18, 12:04pm
by Guest
Has US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer made an ironclad case against China in his so-called Section 301 report? Stephen Roach thinks not, calling it wide of the mark in key areas
Yu Yongding says the reason Sino-American relations have soured is the Trump administration's worldview, not external balances
25th Apr 18, 8:54am
by Guest
Yu Yongding says the reason Sino-American relations have soured is the Trump administration's worldview, not external balances
There is an urgent need for the US President to gain a far better understanding of how global trade actually works. Otherwise they will cause severe damage to the US and the global economy says Asad Jamal
19th Apr 18, 11:41am
by Guest
There is an urgent need for the US President to gain a far better understanding of how global trade actually works. Otherwise they will cause severe damage to the US and the global economy says Asad Jamal
Larry Hatheway implores the EU to step up to lead the world supporting open, rules-based international trade. But that will require strengthening its own financial footing so it can face the 'daunting challenges' ahead
18th Apr 18, 10:52am
by Guest
Larry Hatheway implores the EU to step up to lead the world supporting open, rules-based international trade. But that will require strengthening its own financial footing so it can face the 'daunting challenges' ahead
Arvind Subramanian finds it odd there is little protest against financial integration even as those who built multilateral trade rules are now undermining them
17th Apr 18, 9:21am
by Guest
Arvind Subramanian finds it odd there is little protest against financial integration even as those who built multilateral trade rules are now undermining them
Benjamin Cohen fears the US may expand its trade and investment actions against China to include action in currency markets, a path that "would be dangerous, and possibly disastrous"
12th Apr 18, 10:23am
by Guest
Benjamin Cohen fears the US may expand its trade and investment actions against China to include action in currency markets, a path that "would be dangerous, and possibly disastrous"
We are missing an important perspective on China and its leadership says Keyu Jin, and not for the first time. Accountability for outcomes is the real issue
11th Apr 18, 1:58pm
by Guest
We are missing an important perspective on China and its leadership says Keyu Jin, and not for the first time. Accountability for outcomes is the real issue
Rather than retaliate, Lee Jong-Wha says Asian economies should take the opportunity to revamp their development models, boosting their own prosperity and resilience, and be constructive global actors
2nd Apr 18, 7:58am
by Guest
Rather than retaliate, Lee Jong-Wha says Asian economies should take the opportunity to revamp their development models, boosting their own prosperity and resilience, and be constructive global actors
Justin Yifu Lin says China can see opportunity in trade leadership as America pulls back with its proposed tariffs, costs that will be paid by its own middle class consumers
1st Apr 18, 6:30am
by Guest
Justin Yifu Lin says China can see opportunity in trade leadership as America pulls back with its proposed tariffs, costs that will be paid by its own middle class consumers
The CCP says it wants "quality" economic growth. But if local governments are to succeed, China’s leaders will need to update the incentive system that fueled past success
31st Mar 18, 8:30am
by Guest
The CCP says it wants "quality" economic growth. But if local governments are to succeed, China’s leaders will need to update the incentive system that fueled past success
Unbalanced exports and IP theft may be real in the US China trade dispute, but it is the US tax cuts that will prove the real enemy of an effective resolution says Shang-Jin Wei
24th Mar 18, 9:39am
by Guest
Unbalanced exports and IP theft may be real in the US China trade dispute, but it is the US tax cuts that will prove the real enemy of an effective resolution says Shang-Jin Wei
Stephen Roach sees a China that knows what it has to do, and an America with a serious leadership deficit. Accountability for failure won't be able to be avoided
22nd Mar 18, 5:00am
by Guest
Stephen Roach sees a China that knows what it has to do, and an America with a serious leadership deficit. Accountability for failure won't be able to be avoided
Denise Ho assesses the new dominant authoritarian strand in Chinese society compared to other phases China has gone through, and points out that 'reform' has often accompanied authoritarianism
17th Mar 18, 9:41am
by Guest
Denise Ho assesses the new dominant authoritarian strand in Chinese society compared to other phases China has gone through, and points out that 'reform' has often accompanied authoritarianism
Western governments have offered protections for incumbent firms at the expense of new market entrants and productivity growth. With China realising the value of fair & free competition, the West needs to change course or get left behind
6th Mar 18, 4:00pm
by Guest
Western governments have offered protections for incumbent firms at the expense of new market entrants and productivity growth. With China realising the value of fair & free competition, the West needs to change course or get left behind
Credit-supply expansions play a key role in subsequent recessions. Households take on more debt when lenders make it more available or more affordable, which drives up aggregate demand – that is, until the music stops
6th Mar 18, 9:35am
by Guest
Credit-supply expansions play a key role in subsequent recessions. Households take on more debt when lenders make it more available or more affordable, which drives up aggregate demand – that is, until the music stops
Stephen Roach says look at the real nature of the US savings-short economy to understand why 'momentum' won't carry it far, and why a tariff wall won't help
28th Feb 18, 5:02am
by Guest
Stephen Roach says look at the real nature of the US savings-short economy to understand why 'momentum' won't carry it far, and why a tariff wall won't help
Yu Yongding argues that whatever challenges it faces, the PBOC must stay the course, and convince markets China really is committed to a floating exchange-rate regime
27th Feb 18, 4:20pm
by Guest
Yu Yongding argues that whatever challenges it faces, the PBOC must stay the course, and convince markets China really is committed to a floating exchange-rate regime
Ultra-loose monetary policy stopped being appropriate long ago says Germany's Jürgen Stark, and the ECB's refusal to normalise policy faster is drastically increasing the risks to financial stability
20th Feb 18, 8:30am
by Guest
Ultra-loose monetary policy stopped being appropriate long ago says Germany's Jürgen Stark, and the ECB's refusal to normalise policy faster is drastically increasing the risks to financial stability
With higher living standards, Chinese citizens will demand far more personal freedom and political accountability. The most fundamental challenge for Beijing is to govern while excluding electoral democracy
14th Feb 18, 12:27pm
by Guest
With higher living standards, Chinese citizens will demand far more personal freedom and political accountability. The most fundamental challenge for Beijing is to govern while excluding electoral democracy
With Russia showing the way on how cyber tactics and subterfuge can upend democracies, China will surely be taking pages from the Kremlin's playbook says Kent Harrington
12th Feb 18, 10:58am
by Guest
With Russia showing the way on how cyber tactics and subterfuge can upend democracies, China will surely be taking pages from the Kremlin's playbook says Kent Harrington