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Kiwibank drops its two and three year home loan interest rates to bring them in line with those offered by ASB and Westpac

Kiwibank drops its two and three year home loan interest rates to bring them in line with those offered by ASB and Westpac

Kiwibank is trimming 10 basis points off its two-year fixed-term home loan interest rate and 20 basis points off its three-year fixed rate, bringing them into line with the two and three year rates advertised by ASB and Westpac.

The rate changes, effective from Friday (September 30), bring Kiwibank's two-year rate down to 6.3% and three-year rate down to 6.70%.

The state owned bank has left all its other home loan rates, including its 5.65% variable, or floating, rate unchanged.

The Kiwibank cuts bring its three year rate in line with ASB and Westpac as the lowest three-year rate advertised by banks, but the 6.30% two-year rate offered by Kiwibank, ASB, and Westpac, is slightly higher than TSB's 6.28%.

See all bank advertised home loan rates here.

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