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Sales were achieved on more than half the properties at Barfoot & Thompson's auctions last week

Sales were achieved on more than half the properties at Barfoot & Thompson's auctions last week

Activity picked up in Barfoot & Thompson's auction rooms in the last week of September (23-29 Sept) with the agency marketing 120 properties for auction compared to 88 the previous week.

Of those, sales were achieved on 67, giving an overall sales rate of 56%.

Of the 67 sales, 56 were sold under the hammer, six were sold prior to their auctions and five were sold immediately after their auctions.

Sales were especially strong at the big auctions where at least a dozen properties were offered, with exactly two thirds of the properties selling at the Manukau auction and sales rates of 61% at both the North Shore auction and the Shortland Street auction on 25 September, where most of the properties offered were from central Auckland suburbs such as Remuera, St Heliers, Epsom, Mt Albert and Grey Lynn.

See the chart below for the results from all of Barfoot's residential auctions last week, while the details of the individual properties offered at each auction are available on our Residential Auction Results page.

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Barfoot & Thompson Residential Auction Results 23-29 September 2019
Date Venue Sold Sold Prior Sold Post Not Sold Postponed  Withdrawn Total % Sold
23-29 Sept On-site 2     3     5 40%
24 Sept Manukau 11 1   4 1 1 18 67%
24 Sept Shortland St 4     3 1   8 50%
25 Sept Mortgagee/Court 1     1   1 3 33%
25 Sept Shortland St 13 1 3 10   1 28 61%
25 Sept Pukekohe 1     4     5 20%
26 Sept North Shore 12 3 2 11     28 61%
26 Sept Kerikeri 5     2     7 71%
26 Sept Shortland St 4 1   4   1 10 50%
27 Sept Shortland St 3     5     8 38%
Total All venues 56 6 5 47 2 4 120 56%

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The Auckland market is gaining a more solid footing.


Activity picked up, but the number of auctions is still well down on this time last year.
180 auctions in same week last year (120 this year).

More sales this year (67 vs 57).…


We can't rule out that Auckland house prices will firm over forthcoming months.

Let's wait and see.......



You have gained 34000 social credit points for your optimistic attitude. You are now on level 34.


You have gained 34000 social credit points for your optimistic attitude. You are now on level 34.



Trademe has 16 properties listed for Kohimarama. Close to an all time low. Sold signs abound. Core Logic have my home at 95.5% of RV as at 29/9.

I have some spare time so I looked at recent sales for properties I know. There are 35 properties in my area, seven have sold in the last 5 months. One leaker townhouse, one normal townhouse, and five single home properties on subdividable sites. The average sale price was $2,006,000 at 96.7% of RV. Looking at the prices it's clear that the market hates leakers (67% of RV), loves renovations (all above RV) and is not paying above RV for smaller homes on larger sections. Seems pretty logical to me.

BTW Where is RP?


Place does seem empty without RP. However, I have dug up some of his oldies but goodies to reminisce on until his return.

From 1/2/19:

"All those cash stuffed briefcases all but gone, all Spruikers are left with is this song...........

Those were the days my friends, you thought they'd never end ;-)."

And my favourite (30/07/19):

"It's getting ever harder for vendors to get that equity banked. Property is notorious for being illiquid when one needs to sell. We are just entering a prolonged period of such times when only deep discounts will make higher clearance rates possible."


Go easy on him. RP and I are stuffed with our Term Deposit 'investments'. After tax they are not maintaining their real value. If they matured at the right time and there was a good chance the current government had no chance of re-election then I'd be into a rental property investment in a heart beat.


Told you to buy some gold nuggets..!


HeavyG - I almost miss RP too - almost ! Perhaps he has been banned with his personal attacks ?
TD's are looking a very poor option !


Yes - interesting that Retired-Poppy vanished straight after RBNZ's 0.5% cut to the OCR.

The slippery scoundrel - who would trust him now?



More fool you if you think cheaper, although harder to obtain money, will place your dreams of endless capital gains on sound footing. Looking forward my views are unchanged. Only the smart can hear the calls of reality.


WTF how did you pop back in here?


^_^ what do you mean?


Ahh just ignore those really sad real estate agents Poppy, TTP is clearly desperate. If he can't even recognize that the only short lived momentum in NZ's property market is due to falling mortgage interest rates, where people can get even further in to the debt mire. Then there no hope for him really is there. ;)



"Loves renos" - Makes zero sense to include renos in SP/RV analysis.
Of course it's going to look like the market "loves" them - you're comparing apples (SP) to oranges (RV).

The home has, by definition, materially changed compared to the state it was in at the time of the RV (you'd hope/assume for the better) - any rational purchaser should exclude renos from a set of comparable sales.
Why would any sane person pay away a reno multiple on a house that hasn't had any work done to it?

I've kept an eye on Kohi too.

According to CoreLogic Property Guru there have been 40 sales in the suburb in the past 6 months (since 4 April, excluding related parties and leasehold).
Average selling price was $1,471,575. Materially lower than what you claim.
SP/CV was 0.95, but 0.93 when you exclude the obvious renos at 49 Hawera & 38A Kohi Rd.

In this market anything with a SP/CV > 1.1 is usually a reliable flag for the property having been renovated.
There were 3 other properties in that basket that I kept in the dataset because I couldn't find their listings to comfirm they were renos.

But in short, you're way over-shooting on how well Kohi is going at the moment.


As you would know, Kohimarama is a mish mash of properties. Pockets with quality homes in good locations and some pretty average builds, usually infill facing South. I live in a part of Kohi where the majority of homes were Single House zoned, and face North. You will not buy any of those for <$2,000,000. In fact they sold for an average approaching $2,300,000. There were five of those in my selection, selling for RV/SP of 102%. Two of them were renovated over the three years since their purchase and sold in the last month. They achieved sales prices of > $900,000 above their purchase prices, leaving a large margin for renovations i.e. they were bought at a discount to RV and sold at a premium. A new build in my area is closer to $3,000,000.

As an aside, I calculated 96.6%, Core Logic is 95.2%. You are splitting hairs with 93% and 95%. Things are selling, take a drive and look at the boards.


Single-house zoned properties in Kohi is an exceptionally small dataset - there are maybe a dozen that exist (yeah, really) let alone sell in any given period.

See the properties shaded grey on this map:

And I know properties are selling, I'm more interested in the price they sell at which they are selling at; unfortunately that takes months to filter through on CoreLogic.
My real focus at the moment is what 'pairs' of houses are selling for - i.e. homes that 1st sold in 2015-2018 and are back on the market again in an unchanged state.
These vendors are, more often than not, pulling their listings or taking a bath.

Properties in this basket include from Kohi:
- 26 Sage Road - $3m sale price in May-19, $250k down on what it previously sold for in May-17;
- 60A Melanesia Road - Listed at the moment with a sale price of $2.65m, previously sold for $2.625m in Sept-17
- 109 Melanesia Road - Sold in July-19 and awaiting sale value. Was listed for <$2.25m, previously sold for $2.43m in May-18.
- 19 Allum St - Currently on the market. Sold for $2.28m in Nov-17, currently listed for $2.595m. *No* way they will get that.

91 & 85 Melanesia recently sold (after previously selling in 2015-16) but both had major renovations recently.
91 was back on the market after failing to sell last year.


Kohimarama - Ohh no too risky, low water line, risky when it comes to king tides. Not to mention climate change.…


I'm happy for more people to believe that.


As long as you don't go asking the taxpayer / ratepayer to bail you out (literally) in the future.


We also can't rule out that the market is going to take a big hairy dump over the forthcoming months.

Lets wait and see.....


"Lets wait and see" - The story of your life apparently. Please don't lash out again, I only say this because you are clearly in need of some tough love. If you're buying as a long term investment, who really cares if the market falls in the short term? Think about what the market will be in 10 years instead. Take advantage of the fact that you know we are currently in a post-peak buyers market still.


Well said DD


The market in 10 years is likey to have gone pretty much nowhere IMO. Yeah, i know you and the spruikers all think it can only ever go double every decade, but I'm not buying that load of trash.


OK, you are obviously entitled to that view. But will you acknowledge that you are taking the position that "this time is different"? House prices have gone up every decade since records began (I think including the crash mid 70s), but you are saying that is now about to change.


House prices have gone up every decade since records began (I think including the crash mid 70s), but you are saying that is now about to change.

Which records are these? The Beatles records? The history of recorded music? Or the dog-eared materials from the Ashley Church seminar?


In nominal terms I can't see a decade where it has fallen. And before you spit the dummy and demand inflation adjusted data, just remember that I didn't say inflation adjusted, and as far as mortgages go, inflation eats away at debt.


Is there an actual source for that other than an image on some random image hosting site?

I don't have a dog in this fight, I just like actual facts instead of random images.


Stats NZ Long Term Data Series. Graph is from If you are smart enough to use Google, go fetch.

You don't have a dog in this fight? I smell a bullsh*t.

"by Taubin | 9th Apr 19, 11:50am
Burn baby burn! The bigger the bubble the more painful the pop, and boy oh boy is this bubble going to pop."…


Since records began.

You mean coinciding with ever looser monetary policy over the past 30 years... which is reaching the zero bound.

What happens when the RBNZ runs out of rope for you at the same time most developed countries go into recession?


Indeed. Whats happens to the debt shrinking via inflation model when is no more inflation, and interest rates can't be "adjusted any more" to goose the system. How far away from that point are we now? In the end, the main winner has and will always be the banks, and if there is any form of reset, the big loser will be the risk taker/borrower. Our future holds either deflation or hyper inflation, either way the bank always wins. In a lot of ways its kinda like a global casino.

Last decade has been a golden run for sure thought thanks to printed cash sloshing around.


The worst part about this probable scenario is that the base case doesn't even have to be our economy. It could be very well be Australia, China, Japan, US, Germany or any whichever domino is the first to collapse while the rest follow shortly after.


Let's hope not TTP! Time for a reset


ha ha
nothing can be ruled out

life after death can't be ruled out, even though it seems incredibly unlikely


Another swallow - while this and other data is not on their own indicators in a upswing in the Auckland market they are at least indicating a growing firmness. The case for FHB holduing off due to bubble burst or significantly declining market is growing very much weaker. While there is never any certainty, FHB should have a degree of confidence; if anything, these first positive indicators are such that there is increasing likelihood of some upside and those who procrastinate on comments of bubble burst face some risk of being left behind as a 2% upswing on a valuation on a $750,000 house may well be $15,000 (after tax income) more next year.


Ah yes, I'm sure all those teachers, police(wo)men, chefs, dairy managers etc. are just sitting on their $150k savings, waiting for a good time to buy. I'm sure if they were confident enough, anyone could buy a house for $750000. Just gotta believe in yourself!


You think someone who can't save $15k a year can afford a $750k house?


Well those potential FHB sitting with $300,000 in their TD or low risk KiwiSaver returning 3% get a return of $9,000 less marginal tax rate of 30% is a net $6,300. A 2% upswing in the market (which Adrian Orr sees as ideal and acceptable) as described means one would be $8,700 worse off.
Don’t know how well-off others are, but $8,700 to me is not something I wouldn’t think about.


The average Kiwisaver balance is $17,000. Want to join us back in reality?


Well then, accepting that that house is going to cost you $15,000 more is a hell of a significant amount of money when one talks $17,000.
P.S. Don’t know where you got the $17,000 average from and I question whether it is necessarily the average that where serious FHB savers are at.


Average Kiwisaver balance comes from here: Note also that, on average, people only withdraw about $22,000 to buy a first home.

What are these serious FHB buyers? If their balance is $300,000 they have either been saving for like 20 years or their salary is way too high to not be able to save $15k a year. Either way your example doesn't fit. Which is really because the bottom line is that, if you can't save $15k a year, you have no business buying a house that costs $750k.


he/she and his/her like have no concept of the reality for the majority of 20 and 30-somethings who would like to buy a house but can't.
He and the likes of TTP, Houseworks, Yvil are missing something...and that something is 'empathy'.
Their world is one full of self interest.


Throwing your toys again Fritz? Yes we know life is not ideal for you now that you're still renting with your growing family. We understand its difficult but take some responsibility mate for your own choices so far in life.. please. I had to struggle to get where I am today and I bet the other people you name in your rant also had to as well but that's of little interest to you that we were young and poor once. Young people can at least say that house price vs income multiples are much higher today and plus they have student loans to repay Fritz.


"those potential FHB sitting with $300,000 in their TD or low risk KiwiSaver"
Percentage-wise, how many young couples who don't own a property have $300k in the bank? 1%? 0.1%?

From 2017:
" Analysing reported bank balances suggested most people - around 60 per cent of the adult population - do not have more than $10,000 in cash.
At the top end, bank balances were an average $69,000 in cash."…


Ok – point taken (I know of an extended family member who has $300k and looking to purchase FH on return from OE work – so not typical, and I accept as my error).
However, that doesn't negate the key point I was making.
Firstly, forget average KiiwSaver and bank balances. Serious potential FHB are going to be saving seriously and are likely to have significantly more cash in either their KiiwSaver and bank account combined than for much of their life. Once one has withdrawn funds from KiiwSaver for a first home there is very strong reason not to lock more than the minimum required to meet employer and tax credit advantages into one’s KiwiSaver, nor to have cash sitting in a bank account – post FHB one is likely to be looking at other non-cash investments mid and later life such as rental property or shares. So average KiwiSaver and bank balances are irrelevant.
So lets look at the a scenario if we accept an Auckland first home at $750k. Can we also accept the scenario that there could possibly well be a conservative 2% upswing in the Auckland property market – there is some early indications of some possible upswing and 2% is consistent with RBNZ comments and one they would be happy with. Note that some bank economists have mooted 5 and even 7%pa.
So, a conservative 2% upswing over the next 12 months will increase the valuation of that example of a $750k house by $15k.
So, if a potential FHB has $150k they meet the 20% LVR requirement. Sitting, their return on $150k at 3% on FHB KiwiSaver and/or TD is $4.5k less 30% marginal tax is $3.15K. If they sit and don’t buy now, they are further behind by $11.8k.
If a potential FHB has $90k, and their bank will accept that as one of their lending below the 20% threshold of loans below 20% LVR, then in short, sitting on their cash will return of $2.7k gross, a net return of $1.9k after tax, so they are $13.1k behind.
So yes, my suggestion of $300k was not typical. However, lesser savings and potential deposits is a worse case scenario than what I initially presented. So, smile, for yes you were correct, but the news is not good.
You can calculate the sums for lesser savings for a deposit and acceptable by your bank - the outcome is that sitting is just going to be a worse case scenario.
The key point that I was making that if there is an upturn in the market – for which there are a couple of signs - then FHB who procrastinate and find that the Auckland market shows some upswing of even 2%pa they are going to find themselves increasingly getting behind again.
There is no certainty that the market is going to increase by 2%, but purchasing a home is not about a short-term decision; however, choosing to hold off is one, and one that appears to be having risk of significant cost. That is the key point I was making.
To those potential FHB, I know it is very, very difficult, I dont envy you, and I wish you well. However, remember that there is little one can do about the wider economic factors, only what you can do to better your own personal position.


"Can we also accept that there could possibly well be a conservative 2% upswing in the Auckland property market " - this is exactly the assumption that the people who are waiting don't believe in. Including myself.
Your whole argument goes down the drain as soon as you change this assumption to be 0% or even -2%.
You are also assuming that home ownership has no costs beyond the mortgage payments. You are ignoring insurance, rates, repairs etc.

Basically what you're saying is that it's worth investing in something if it grows X% per year. Which is true if X > a certain number. So technically, your logic is correct, but it's not exactly revolutionary. The problem is, the actual growth will be Y%, which is unknown. It could be positive, it could be negative, it could be zero.

Also, I don't know the size of the average FHB savings account (including TDs), but I've got a feeling not many people have even $150k saved. If you look at the link I sent you, the top 10% of the whole population have an average of $70k saved. Mind you, older people tend to have more money, so the top 10% young person has most likely less than $70k in the bank. And what about the other 90%?


That's great - no problem at all.
Your prediction of 0% or -2% is just as valid as anyone's.
However, there is some data now coming out that there are possibly positive signs of a possible upswing in the market. Hold off if you wish; that is your choice - you will be smiling if that is the case but risk to get behind if there is an upswing.
As for all those costs of home maintenance, insurance and rates - don't kid yourself that your rent is not currently already meeting these costs.


Wait, so now we're assuming they save no money at all? I thought your hypothetical person is capable of saving $15k per year. So if he's getting a return of $3.15k and is saving $15k, isn't he now ahead if house prices only go up $15k? And if he is incapable of saving any money whatsoever, maybe he shouldn't be buying property? I wonder if there's any scenario in your mind where a person shouldn't buy property.

You may also want to double check your bank economist predictions. Those predictions are for NZ as a whole, NOT Auckland. ASB, for example, has predicted 0% growth in Auckland house prices for next year:…

I wonder also why you assume people are only capable of investing in term deposits. I'm not exactly a sophisticated investor, but I have 12% return on Harmoney and 18% on my share portfolio.


If you are sitting on investments as a potential FHB with returns of 12% and 18% then you need to check just how well you are in fact going to do.
Do check the figures before you start feeling too secure:
If you have a $100K saved away,
- even at a modest 2%, upturn, the valuation on that $750k house is going to be an extra $15,000
- to beat that, your $100k investment is going to have to return 15% after tax for you to be even. If you are suggesting that you are returning more than 15% after tax (well, well over 20% pre-tax and management fees), then I think that you are either in an exceptionally very high risk investments or a PONZI scheme.
My bet is that there is more chance of a 2% upswing than your investments returning more than 20% pre-tax.


So a leveraged investment in every thing other than real estate is described as a Ponzi scheme and high risk and your ( a property "investor") betting on this .


No cowpat; One's first house is a home, the second house is an (leveraged) investment.


If that's the case, why are you trying to argue that a 2% increase in the price of the house means it beats out all other investments? How is that relevant when the idea is to purchase a home?


Why do you make all these random assumptions about me? I actually am looking to buy my first home in Auckland, and I'm looking at a bit higher than the $750k range. I have more than $100k saved up. I'm saving considerably more than $15k per year, with or without my investments. I am little concerned about an increase of 2%. Certainly not about ASB's prediction of 0%.

But let's assume your numbers are exactly right, for the sake of argument I guess. I have exactly $100k saved up and I'm trying to buy a $750k house. The bank lets me borrow at more than 80% in this scenario, so I can't get the special rate, but if I'm lucky, I can still get about 4%, borrowing $650,000. My interest payments in this scenario come to $26,000 a year, and the house has increased by $15,000. I think I'm missing how I'm better off?


Sorry GGP just trying to read into what you are saying.
Most important pleasing thing is that you are thinking about it. Personally I think it great that you are looking to buy a home.
My real fear is for FHB (not applicable to me) who missed out on first homes as prices escalated away from them in the period of rapid house inflation following the GFC. Simply, their savings (both from income and investments) were outstripped by house inflation and I see further risk of that again.
What I see now are two things:
Firstly, the data coming out showing the first signs of A POSSIBLE period of an upswing in the Auckland property market, and
Secondly, a widely acknowledged downturn in the global and local economies, and like the GFC, easing of monetary policies such as cash rates and consequently similarly an increase in asset investment values (e.g. houses and the shares).
There is evidence of the later point already; in the later quarter of last year the share markets reacted negatively to the down turn in outlook, but this year despite continuing and more intense events (such as escalation of the trade wars) they have done exceptionally well as there has been recognition of action by central banks (including RBNZ and the OCR). This is not just me saying this - very large and respected fund managers are reporting this (if you want an example, a report I read the other day was from the NZ Government's GSF - google it).
Everyone will have a different view and outlook on risk. What is going to happen with the Auckland housing market? Yes, there is no certainty.
One can believe that there will be a bubble burst (very few are now posting this), or some deflation, and therefore it is best to hold off.
Others, such as myself, see the possibility of some upside and it is not just the recent auction and listing data that supports this, but also the increase in other assets such as shares. As I have tried to argue, even a 2% upswing will significantly cut into one's ability to save and return on savings.
The problem is that if these global economic headwinds continue for three or more years (likely), house price inflation could be significant. While house price inflation may not be as great as that post GFC, there are currently affordability issues or high prices vs income, so coming of a very high base even modest gains could push FHB further out from the reach of a home.
So the choice is for those potential FHB, does one hold off for possible short term gain (I think currently this is questionable) or long term assurance of owning a home.
If I was in that position, I would be taking the later option.


This is just in case you think I am all talk and I don't put my money where my mouth is.
I have posted previously (last November) that I shifted my term deposits to a more risk share based KiwiSaver account (which being 65+ I can draw on at any time), and a few months ago I posted that my wife became a reluctant landlord again as she shifted her term deposits and similar KiwiSaver funds due to likely cuts in OCR, outlook for decreasing term deposit and mortgage rates, and consequently increasing house prices (which have all happened).
I feel that home ownership provides one's family intrinsic security, is part of Kiwi culture that I wish see retained, and it is how the mine and previous generations have achieved financial security. For those values and reasons I encourage potential FHB and am concerned about the negative and suspect (usually unsubstantiated) posts.


printer8, you previously mentioned that your wife bought a house with the intent of getting capital gains. Is she intending to pay the requisite tax on a house bought and sold for this purpose? Perhaps should be factoring that tax into the equations here.


I think you have failed to argue that a 2% upswing can cut into the ability to save for a house. It is hard to imagine a scenario where one can currently afford a $750k house but cannot save $15k a year. That would describe almost nobody.

You needed to argue from the beginning that there will be more like a 6-7% price upswing. I don't see that as likely in the next year, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that if you think it is. I don't think auction clearance rates barely clearing 50% and the lowest sales numbers in August since 2010 point to that. I also wonder why you would think ASB would so dramatically underpredict housing prices, since it doesn't seem to be at all in their interests to do that.


I think you misunderstand my argument; i am not suggesting that a 2% upswing affects one ability to save. Rather a 2% upswing is considerably more than the return of one’s savings to date.
Don’t buy, but with increasing house prices of 2% translates to a house $15,000 more expensive. This a headwind on on what one saves and the returns on savings so Far accumulated.
Over 3 years at a conservative 2% that is ahiuse going to cost you $45,000 more. At 3% that house is $67,000 more. How do these reflect your ability to save - especially when I am told that most potential FHB don’t have this level of savings.
House prices outstripped potential FHB 2012 to 2016; coming of a high current base even 2 or 3% risk leaving behind those who procrastinate.


Why does it matter if the 2% is more than the return on your savings? As long as you can save up more than that 2%, the house is becoming gradually easier to afford, not harder, so it can't go beyond my affordability range. I.e. Why should I be worried that the house is $15,000 more expensive next year if I saved $30,000 over that year? (A hypothetical number, not reflecting my own situation).


On what planet does your average 1st home buyer have $300k in the bank??

Seriously, you must be from the school that calls $2.5m in Ponsonby "entry level affordable"


Read above.


Using the Auction results page, setting it only to Auckland properties that successfully sold by B&T. Just looking at the first page, we get 19 properties where there was both a sales price and a CV. Of those, 12 sold below CV and 9 sold above, I.e. about 63% below CV and 37% above CV.

The total sales prices were $20,759,000 and the total CVs were $21,020,000, so, in total, CVs were $261,000 more than prices, meaning on average each property sold for about $13,700 less than CV.

Very solid footing for the Auckland market indeed. As an aspiring FHB, I am becoming very worried.


How many were renos?


Chill, there's been a massive shift in sentiment by the government towards providing housing. The regulations and restrictions are lightening up, and we've got record levels of consents in Auckland at the moment. As usual with the credit cycle, there will be a flood of properties hitting the market just as the economy goes wrong, and it's overdue, with the foreign/marginal buyer gone, there's a significantly lower amount of capital pouring in to create the cascade of property sales. If we get the expected recession shortly, it'll be all over for the property investors who have already seen 2 years of stagnant/falling prices in Auckland.


As always the property posts on go ballistic very quickly. Summary - hard working younger tax payers unhappy with the now ridiculous grind required to achieve the security of home ownership, vs. smug investor types waxing on about how great they are. Last 20 years of varying Govt policy has simply made this issue worse.

What can you do about it....? Its election year again next year, voting turnout for the under 35 is poor - so get off your backsides and represent your own interests, rather than just complaining. Doing nothing is simply maintain the status quo of letting asset owners dominate the political landscape with policy's that suit them best.Vote against "a tax regime favors owners of capital and unjustly burdens wage earners".

Let the specuvestors eat cake.


It feels like the market has solidified compared to 6 months ago. Even at the high end there is solid competition for the better properties.


Not sure how relevant this is, but it is interesting…
