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David Hargreaves


A senior journalist and news editor with, David Hargreaves has covered financial markets and economics both in New Zealand and Britain for longer than he cares to mention.

Member for

11 years 10 months

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'Overall, businesses expect the worst is past. Although the medicine has been bitter, it’s working'
31st Jan 24, 1:26pm
'Overall, businesses expect the worst is past. Although the medicine has been bitter, it’s working'
David Hargreaves dives back through from the start of detailed mortgage figures the Reserve Bank has now been producing for 9 years to show a picture of burgeoning first home buyer involvement and mostly shrinking investor participation
31st Jan 24, 11:44am
David Hargreaves dives back through from the start of detailed mortgage figures the Reserve Bank has now been producing for 9 years to show a picture of burgeoning first home buyer involvement and mostly shrinking investor participation
Latest RBNZ figures show first home buyers picked up over a quarter of the new mortgage monies advanced in December - although it was a slow month overall
30th Jan 24, 11:20am
Latest RBNZ figures show first home buyers picked up over a quarter of the new mortgage monies advanced in December - although it was a slow month overall
Statistics New Zealand figures show household net worth increased by $5.3 billion in the September 2023 quarter, while savings rates remained steady
25th Jan 24, 11:35am
Statistics New Zealand figures show household net worth increased by $5.3 billion in the September 2023 quarter, while savings rates remained steady
David Hargreaves wonders whether the belated introduction of debt-to-income ratio controls will be a case of better-late-than-never, or whether they've already missed the proverbial bus
24th Jan 24, 9:59am
David Hargreaves wonders whether the belated introduction of debt-to-income ratio controls will be a case of better-late-than-never, or whether they've already missed the proverbial bus
With new figures this week likely to show our inflation rate falling meaningfully, economists are nevertheless concerned about the potential for for further inflationary disruptions
22nd Jan 24, 3:05pm
With new figures this week likely to show our inflation rate falling meaningfully, economists are nevertheless concerned about the potential for for further inflationary disruptions
Economic data in the coming week is likely to show inflation is slowing. But the key thing will be whether the Reserve Bank is satisfied that the inflation beast really has been properly tamed - or whether we still have things to worry about
21st Jan 24, 6:00am
Economic data in the coming week is likely to show inflation is slowing. But the key thing will be whether the Reserve Bank is satisfied that the inflation beast really has been properly tamed - or whether we still have things to worry about
ANZ economists don't believe the RBNZ will give warning of when it is going to cut the Official Cash Rate and that it will be a case of 'deny-deny-deny-cut' to avoid premature easing in financial conditions
18th Jan 24, 4:08pm
ANZ economists don't believe the RBNZ will give warning of when it is going to cut the Official Cash Rate and that it will be a case of 'deny-deny-deny-cut' to avoid premature easing in financial conditions
Stats NZ says food prices fell in December for the fourth consecutive month, taking the annual rate of food price inflation down to 4.8% compared with the peak level of 12.5% seen earlier in 2023; airfares skyrocket; rents keep pushing up
18th Jan 24, 11:01am
Stats NZ says food prices fell in December for the fourth consecutive month, taking the annual rate of food price inflation down to 4.8% compared with the peak level of 12.5% seen earlier in 2023; airfares skyrocket; rents keep pushing up
Stats NZ figures show that retail card spending fell a seasonally-adjusted 2.0% in December
17th Jan 24, 12:23pm
Stats NZ figures show that retail card spending fell a seasonally-adjusted 2.0% in December
Latest Reserve Bank figures indicate that New Zealand's home owner-occupiers appear to be betting that interest rates will start coming down again sooner rather than later
17th Jan 24, 11:05am
Latest Reserve Bank figures indicate that New Zealand's home owner-occupiers appear to be betting that interest rates will start coming down again sooner rather than later
The BNZ/SEEK Employment Report shows that the number of applications per job advertisement has now hit unprecedented levels
16th Jan 24, 11:03am
The BNZ/SEEK Employment Report shows that the number of applications per job advertisement has now hit unprecedented levels
The Reserve Bank's chief economist will be speaking on economic developments a month before the first scheduled OCR announcement for the year in a move clearly aimed at guiding the markets after December's shock GDP fall
16th Jan 24, 9:54am
The Reserve Bank's chief economist will be speaking on economic developments a month before the first scheduled OCR announcement for the year in a move clearly aimed at guiding the markets after December's shock GDP fall
ASB economists assess the key risks in the year ahead - there's plenty
15th Jan 24, 2:10pm
ASB economists assess the key risks in the year ahead - there's plenty
The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey shows that inflation expectations have fallen but pricing intentions have risen; the post-election rise in business confidence has continued
19th Dec 23, 1:33pm
The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey shows that inflation expectations have fallen but pricing intentions have risen; the post-election rise in business confidence has continued
ASB's latest housing confidence survey shows that for the first time in 18 months more Kiwis are expecting house prices to rise than fall; ASB economists say 'it's an important watershed'
19th Dec 23, 11:14am
ASB's latest housing confidence survey shows that for the first time in 18 months more Kiwis are expecting house prices to rise than fall; ASB economists say 'it's an important watershed'
ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley says it now looks more likely the Official Cash Rate will be cut in the second half of next year - rather than in 2025
18th Dec 23, 2:28pm
ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley says it now looks more likely the Official Cash Rate will be cut in the second half of next year - rather than in 2025
A survey for Federated Farmers shows over a quarter of farmers feeling under pressure from banks while overall satisfaction levels with the banks have dropped
18th Dec 23, 1:16pm
A survey for Federated Farmers shows over a quarter of farmers feeling under pressure from banks while overall satisfaction levels with the banks have dropped
The Reserve Bank finds itself stuck in the middle of still-high inflation and an economy that is buckling under far more quickly than had been believed
14th Dec 23, 2:38pm
The Reserve Bank finds itself stuck in the middle of still-high inflation and an economy that is buckling under far more quickly than had been believed
Stats NZ says food prices fell in November for the third consecutive month; domestic airfares and accommodation rose
13th Dec 23, 12:37pm
Stats NZ says food prices fell in November for the third consecutive month; domestic airfares and accommodation rose
David Hargreaves wonders how able - and indeed willing - the new Government will be to get a grip on our unfolding immigration crisis
12th Dec 23, 3:19pm
David Hargreaves wonders how able - and indeed willing - the new Government will be to get a grip on our unfolding immigration crisis
Reserve Bank now says 'there may be value in waiting' before removing LVRs, or just easing the restrictions rather than removing them altogether
12th Dec 23, 11:28am
Reserve Bank now says 'there may be value in waiting' before removing LVRs, or just easing the restrictions rather than removing them altogether
Insurance Council says about three quarters of the $3.6 billion of claims for the massive weather events earlier this year have now been paid
12th Dec 23, 9:35am
Insurance Council says about three quarters of the $3.6 billion of claims for the massive weather events earlier this year have now been paid
Global economic researcher Capital Economics warns against any move to put a time limit on the RBNZ achieving its inflation target
12th Dec 23, 8:39am
Global economic researcher Capital Economics warns against any move to put a time limit on the RBNZ achieving its inflation target
Kiwibank's chief economist Jarrod Kerr fires up the summer BBQ chat by saying everything wrong with the kiwi property market can be put down to supply and a lack of it - but most policy makers focus on demand because it's what they can influence
11th Dec 23, 2:07pm
Kiwibank's chief economist Jarrod Kerr fires up the summer BBQ chat by saying everything wrong with the kiwi property market can be put down to supply and a lack of it - but most policy makers focus on demand because it's what they can influence