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RBNZ's Bollard says comfortable with interest rate level at the moment, watching and waiting for housing sector recovery
29th Sep 11, 9:53am
RBNZ's Bollard says comfortable with interest rate level at the moment, watching and waiting for housing sector recovery
Opinion: Rodney Dickens offers an alternative Monetary Policy Statement
29th Sep 11, 9:08am
Opinion: Rodney Dickens offers an alternative Monetary Policy Statement
Opinion: Sarah Mehrtens explains why we should be happy with the current level of bank profits
28th Sep 11, 5:01pm
by Guest
Opinion: Sarah Mehrtens explains why we should be happy with the current level of bank profits
AMI officially goes on the block this week after breaching Crown Support Deed through a NZ$76 million capital shortfall
27th Sep 11, 12:48pm
AMI officially goes on the block this week after breaching Crown Support Deed through a NZ$76 million capital shortfall
Recent events are very negative for the NZD, says Roger J Kerr. He looks ahead to 2012
26th Sep 11, 3:27pm
Recent events are very negative for the NZD, says Roger J Kerr. He looks ahead to 2012
RBNZ: 'We have prevented New Zealand registered companies from committing many frauds overseas'
22nd Sep 11, 4:38pm
RBNZ: 'We have prevented New Zealand registered companies from committing many frauds overseas'
Commerce Minister Simon Power wants taxman to help crack down on NZ registered companies implicated overseas in smuggling, money laundering and tax fraud
20th Sep 11, 4:01pm
Commerce Minister Simon Power wants taxman to help crack down on NZ registered companies implicated overseas in smuggling, money laundering and tax fraud
ANZ in first domestic bond issue by a bank for nearly a month, raises NZ$125 mln in seven-year issue
19th Sep 11, 4:20pm
ANZ in first domestic bond issue by a bank for nearly a month, raises NZ$125 mln in seven-year issue
Kiwibank offers 'book a rate' home loans at 'special' rates; Kicks off with 6.95% offer on 5-year fixed-term loan
19th Sep 11, 11:46am
Kiwibank offers 'book a rate' home loans at 'special' rates; Kicks off with 6.95% offer on 5-year fixed-term loan
Global sentiment is turning against the AUD, says Roger J Kerr. He reviews how this will affect the NZD
19th Sep 11, 11:34am
Global sentiment is turning against the AUD, says Roger J Kerr. He reviews how this will affect the NZD
'Until the world works out where it is going, our interest rates are going nowhere.' Your view?
19th Sep 11, 11:20am
'Until the world works out where it is going, our interest rates are going nowhere.' Your view?
BNZ sees NZD rising to A$0.85 over the next year
19th Sep 11, 9:14am
BNZ sees NZD rising to A$0.85 over the next year
BusinessDesk: NZ GDP growth probably slowed in second quarter, reviving in second half of 2011
19th Sep 11, 8:22am
BusinessDesk: NZ GDP growth probably slowed in second quarter, reviving in second half of 2011
Opinion: Bernard Hickey warns the Reserve Bank should be wary of a loosening of mortgage lending standards despite slow loan growth
18th Sep 11, 1:05am
Opinion: Bernard Hickey warns the Reserve Bank should be wary of a loosening of mortgage lending standards despite slow loan growth
NZ$/US$ higher on back of central bank action to relieve US$ funding pressure
16th Sep 11, 8:36am
NZ$/US$ higher on back of central bank action to relieve US$ funding pressure
ANZ boss Mike Smith urges banks from countries with strong banking systems to fight against Basel III banking reforms
15th Sep 11, 10:15am
ANZ boss Mike Smith urges banks from countries with strong banking systems to fight against Basel III banking reforms
RBNZ holds OCR at 2.5% and lowers forecast track for interest rates by 60 bps due to high NZ$, slow quake rebuild and global economic risks
15th Sep 11, 9:05am
RBNZ holds OCR at 2.5% and lowers forecast track for interest rates by 60 bps due to high NZ$, slow quake rebuild and global economic risks
Markets anticipate no move from Bollard
15th Sep 11, 8:38am
Markets anticipate no move from Bollard
Finance Minister English wonders what effect global central bankers' Jackson Hole pessimism will have on RBNZ Governor Bollard's growth forecasts
14th Sep 11, 3:41pm
Finance Minister English wonders what effect global central bankers' Jackson Hole pessimism will have on RBNZ Governor Bollard's growth forecasts
'Only a global recession will prevent the domestic recovery and need for the RBNZ to lift rates'
14th Sep 11, 8:33am
'Only a global recession will prevent the domestic recovery and need for the RBNZ to lift rates'
Opinion: Neville Bennett explains why mortgage borrowers are suckers that need more creditor friendly laws and low rate, very long term fixed mortgages
13th Sep 11, 4:23pm
Opinion: Neville Bennett explains why mortgage borrowers are suckers that need more creditor friendly laws and low rate, very long term fixed mortgages
Volatile trading in currency markets as Euro default and bank strength concerns heighten
13th Sep 11, 8:49am
Volatile trading in currency markets as Euro default and bank strength concerns heighten
The over-riding determinant of the NZD/USD value is the Australian dollar movement against the USD
12th Sep 11, 12:30pm
The over-riding determinant of the NZD/USD value is the Australian dollar movement against the USD
'If the NZD does not depreciate the NZ economy is really going to struggle to record any positive growth' says Roger J Kerr
12th Sep 11, 12:11pm
'If the NZD does not depreciate the NZ economy is really going to struggle to record any positive growth' says Roger J Kerr
Greek and Italian default spreads at all time highs; Euro worries dominate trading
12th Sep 11, 8:43am
Greek and Italian default spreads at all time highs; Euro worries dominate trading