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Budget 2023 will include over a billion dollars to rebuild roads, rail and schools
14th May 23, 11:17am
Budget 2023 will include over a billion dollars to rebuild roads, rail and schools
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says he will fund resilient infrastructure projects while cutting other spending
12th May 23, 9:35am
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says he will fund resilient infrastructure projects while cutting other spending
Group of wealthy people present an open letter to the government asking to be forced to pay more tax
11th May 23, 12:01am
Group of wealthy people present an open letter to the government asking to be forced to pay more tax
Guy Trafford casts an eye over tax, spending, public servant numbers and rural regulation through a lens of Labour & National's records
28th Apr 23, 10:08am
Guy Trafford casts an eye over tax, spending, public servant numbers and rural regulation through a lens of Labour & National's records
A shift to coastal shipping and rail could cut NZ’s freight transport emissions – why aren’t we doing it?
27th Apr 23, 12:18pm
by Guest
A shift to coastal shipping and rail could cut NZ’s freight transport emissions – why aren’t we doing it?
RBNZ says the risks to financial stability posed by high-LVR lending have reduced to a level where the current restrictions may be unnecessarily reducing efficiency
26th Apr 23, 9:20am
RBNZ says the risks to financial stability posed by high-LVR lending have reduced to a level where the current restrictions may be unnecessarily reducing efficiency
Government's 'Affordable Water Reform' gives councils more control but could reduce the efficiencies of scale
14th Apr 23, 8:34am
Government's 'Affordable Water Reform' gives councils more control but could reduce the efficiencies of scale
Revamped Three Waters to create 10 water management entities in an effort to give local governments more influence over massive infrastructure upgrades
13th Apr 23, 12:24pm
Revamped Three Waters to create 10 water management entities in an effort to give local governments more influence over massive infrastructure upgrades
In its interim response to the Productivity Commission's immigration inquiry the Government agrees mostly with the commission's recommendations - but has kicked to touch the idea of ending Permanent Resident visas for new residents
3rd Apr 23, 1:49pm
In its interim response to the Productivity Commission's immigration inquiry the Government agrees mostly with the commission's recommendations - but has kicked to touch the idea of ending Permanent Resident visas for new residents
A new crossing over the Waitematā Harbour carries an enormous price tag but has broad political support
30th Mar 23, 4:29pm
A new crossing over the Waitematā Harbour carries an enormous price tag but has broad political support
Government outlines five options for a second central city Waitematā harbour crossing and wants to begin construction this decade
30th Mar 23, 9:42am
Government outlines five options for a second central city Waitematā harbour crossing and wants to begin construction this decade
Bridget Coates argues NZ must harness the collective power & expertise of our public & financial sector for the transition to a more resilient economy
24th Mar 23, 10:04am
by Guest
Bridget Coates argues NZ must harness the collective power & expertise of our public & financial sector for the transition to a more resilient economy
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton sets out the case for protecting green space against the backdrop of 'irreversible' densification of NZ cities
16th Mar 23, 2:00pm
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton sets out the case for protecting green space against the backdrop of 'irreversible' densification of NZ cities
S&P Global Ratings sees debt drop for councils after Three Waters reforms
1st Mar 23, 12:05pm
S&P Global Ratings sees debt drop for councils after Three Waters reforms
For Chris Hipkins and Labour, the state highway to October has been rendered impassable by inaction and political slash. Christopher Luxon and National, meanwhile, have discovered an unsealed road without slips and fallen trees
27th Feb 23, 9:32am
For Chris Hipkins and Labour, the state highway to October has been rendered impassable by inaction and political slash. Christopher Luxon and National, meanwhile, have discovered an unsealed road without slips and fallen trees
Doug Fairgray on the Labour-National push to enable greater housing density across our five biggest cities
26th Feb 23, 6:00am
Doug Fairgray on the Labour-National push to enable greater housing density across our five biggest cities
Katharine Moody probes how planning might respond to help disaster recovery, to prevent future tragedy and incorporate lessons from recent extreme weather events
21st Feb 23, 2:25pm
by Guest
Katharine Moody probes how planning might respond to help disaster recovery, to prevent future tragedy and incorporate lessons from recent extreme weather events
Cabinet decides on initial $250m top-up for road repair fund; initial $50m for discretionary grants to small business; Govt also considering rebuild work visa for affected regions
20th Feb 23, 5:59pm
Cabinet decides on initial $250m top-up for road repair fund; initial $50m for discretionary grants to small business; Govt also considering rebuild work visa for affected regions
Cyclone Gabrielle’s lesson is that NZ’s climate change adaptation efforts have been woefully insufficient, and much more work is needed if we are to survive this 'time of consequences'
20th Feb 23, 7:42am
Cyclone Gabrielle’s lesson is that NZ’s climate change adaptation efforts have been woefully insufficient, and much more work is needed if we are to survive this 'time of consequences'
Timothy Welch argues the massive outages caused by Cyclone Gabrielle strengthen the case for burying power lines
15th Feb 23, 5:02pm
by Guest
Timothy Welch argues the massive outages caused by Cyclone Gabrielle strengthen the case for burying power lines
Influential RBNZ survey shows substantial drop in expectations of inflation in two years time - albeit that at 3.3% the survey respondents still see inflation outside the targeted band in 2025
14th Feb 23, 3:25pm
Influential RBNZ survey shows substantial drop in expectations of inflation in two years time - albeit that at 3.3% the survey respondents still see inflation outside the targeted band in 2025
Gareth Vaughan calls for a major society-wide effort to improve New Zealand's climate resilience
14th Feb 23, 11:33am
Gareth Vaughan calls for a major society-wide effort to improve New Zealand's climate resilience
National State of Emergency declared in response to Cyclone Gabrielle
14th Feb 23, 8:56am
National State of Emergency declared in response to Cyclone Gabrielle
Flood warning: NZ’s critical infrastructure is too important to fail – greater resilience is urgently needed
13th Feb 23, 2:00pm
by Guest
Flood warning: NZ’s critical infrastructure is too important to fail – greater resilience is urgently needed
It’s near impossible to get good data on water use in New Zealand. This raises questions about public accountability
10th Feb 23, 10:36am
by Guest
It’s near impossible to get good data on water use in New Zealand. This raises questions about public accountability