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Kiwibank offers 4% for a one year term deposit, 7-years after the last time it had such an offer. Challenger banks are now offering higher one-year rates as rate curve moves higher

Personal Finance / analysis
Kiwibank offers 4% for a one year term deposit, 7-years after the last time it had such an offer. Challenger banks are now offering higher one-year rates as rate curve moves higher
Source: Copyright: thitimontoyai

Kiwibank has become the first 'main' bank to offer 4% per annum for a one-year term deposit in this interest rate cycle.

The last time a main bank had a 4% one-year rate was July 2015, seven years ago.

Kiwibank is itself following a range of challenger banks, and is very likely to be followed by the big Aussie-owned banks, although they may hold out for a while yet.

A one-year term deposit is about as far out as most Kiwi savers are prepared to go. All banks, including those big Aussie ones, offer rates above 4% for terms of two-years and longer.

At the very long-term, rate offers of 5% or more are now within range. China Construction Bank is the top offeror at 4.70% for five years. They are just the latest of many raising rates for the longer terms.

The top rate for six months is from both ICBC and China Construction Bank at 3.50%.

These rises will likely put pressure on other challenger banks, and that pressure will eventually flow through to the main banks. The immediate pressure on the main banks will now come from this latest Kiwibank move.

Kiwibank hasn't changed any other term deposit rates at this time.

Generally, banks will be holding back on rate changes ahead of Wednesday's Reserve Bank (RBNZ) Official Cash Rate (OCR) review. There will be no surprise if a 50 basis points rise is confirmed, and in fact this increase is now well priced in. Another 50 basis points is also priced in to the next RBNZ OCR review in August.

But what economists and analysts will be keenly following are any signals about the future rate track in the RBNZ commentary on Wednesday.

Internationally, the weekend's strong US jobs report locks in more US Federal Reserve rate hikes, likely to be 75 basis points at the end of the month, with more of the same priced in for their subsequent review as well. But changes in economic activity levels will be being closely watched by regulators and markets, and these could change wholesale interest rate market attitudes. After the US jobs data, markets resumed their bullish views on rising rates. And that may flow into local wholesale swap rate markets later Monday.

An easy way to work out how much extra you can earn is to use our full function deposit calculator. We have included it at the foot of this article. That will not only give you an after-tax result, you can tweak it for the added benefits of Term PIEs as well. It is better you have that extra interest than the bank (and especially if you are in the 39% tax bracket - PIEs are taxes at 28% flat).

The latest headline rate offers are in this table after the recent increases.

for a $25,000 deposit
July 11, 2022
Rating 3/4
5 / 6 / 7
8 - 11
  1 yr   18mth 2 yrs 3 yrs
Main banks                
ANZ AA- 1.80 2.75 2.90 3.65 3.70 4.05 4.10
ASB AA- 1.80 2.75 2.95 3.65 3.75 4.05 4.30
AA- 1.80 2.75 2.90 3.65 3.70 4.05 4.10
Kiwibank A 1.85 2.85 3.00 4.00   4.10 4.20
Westpac AA- 1.80 2.75 2.95 3.65 3.80 4.10 4.30
Other banks                
China Constr. Bank A 2.60 3.50 3.85 4.05 4.10 4.35 4.35
Co-operative Bank BBB 1.50 2.75 2.95 3.60 3.80 4.10 4.30
Heartland Bank BBB 1.80 3.40 3.45 4.00 3.80 4.10 4.20
HSBC AA- 1.80 2.75 2.90 3.65   4.05 4.10
ICBC A 2.50 3.50 3.85 4.05 4.05 4.30 4.40
Rabobank A 2.15 3.20 3.40 3.80 3.90 4.25 4.45
SBS Bank BBB 1.65 2.65 2.90 3.65 3.65 4.05 4.30
A- 1.80 2.75 2.95 3.65 3.80 4.10 4.30

Term deposit rates

Select chart tabs

(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)
(bank averages)

Term deposit calculator

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Interest rates going up again Wednesday. Bank on it.


The TD curve will invert by september, when the 1 yr will be higher than the 5 yr. 


Great to see Term Deposit interest rates trending upward!

Those with term deposits (including many elderly people) have suffered a lean time over the past 7 years - while property owners/investors have enjoyed huge capital appreciation and buoyant rental returns.



Well um, as for the next seven years....... 🏡☔


yes has been a tough few years for elderly TD holders, much more balanced fiscal environment now.


They havent increased at the long end, their 5 yr still uncompetitive at 4.3%. All eyes on the 5 year, that may not get to 5%.


Now we are talking about term deposit rates touching 4%.....will not be long before we are talking about 6%....7%....just like only few months were talking about mortage rates touching 4% and are now seeing 6%.


As much as my TD would love that I don't see it happening. Just watch how fast the RBNZ tries to taper the rises. 50bps coming this week and then it could be back to the good old "Wait and watch".


If i was nearing the end of my working life and had an investment decision to make between real estate or TDs, I know which one I would choose. Would hate to have my retirement fund tied up in real estate at the moment. Smart people will be diversified, but how many of those are in NZ?


In the current conditions, I would not touch residential property with a barge pole. 


Have you ever touched residential property with a barge pole?


I keep my barge poles next to the bed. Never know when you might need them.


Wow, rich fulla, Must be nice to be rich enough to have a bedroom big enough to keep a couple barge poles in..  


Telescopic barge poles


Didn't claim I could close the bedroom door, did I?


Maybe you live in a tent?


How much is a barge pole worth RickStrauss?
Couldn’t be more than $250. Depending on the condition.


Tell him he's dreaming!


If I was expecting to live more than a decade or two I'd want more than just TDs to avoid getting a savaging from inflation. 

Shares would be a lower hassle alternative to real estate and would be a useful part of the mix. 


Agreed :)


Cash in the bank has been consistently a very poor investment for, I don't know, forever?


That's a very "insolvent" comment. Stagflation is a game changer. 


Not many but I'm one of them. To be fair I am not greedy and can manage on TD returns and just not interested in trying to make even more money. Money buys you time and freedom once you have that you really appreciate it.


That's right Carlos, I am not interested in extending what I have in cash, just holding on to it is fine. As I have said many times before I only invest in what I know and that's full at the moment.


Great post Carlos. If more people would work out the best strategy is to stop  when they have enough for their needs and then work out how to enjoy it.. a lot of our bigger issues would magically disappear. 


Life is about the journey after all


Very good progress. Still significant room for upwards swings. 


Less tax still a kick in the proverbial 


4.8% by Feb 2023 guaranteed. Be Quick.


This rising interest rates are not only good for savers. But also good for first home buyers, as they are causing house prices to drop and they will need a lower deposit as a result.  Low interest rates mainly benefit those who already have a mortgage and own a house. Not those that don't.


Much too simplistic a comment. Low rates helped me in the first year of home ownership but didn’t act as a barrier to purchasing. Conversely, rising rates are not a 100% sold good thing for FHB at all - the rises we’ve watched happen in the last year have effectively doubled the servicing costs of a mortgage. Prices have not and are unlikely to halve in order to balance out that doubling of interest rates right now. The net outcome is harder to purchase now relative to any time previously - in the last two years prices have risen too much and not tapered as much. Before that though rates were similar to now prices were lower then too. Rates at where they are now are much closer to the long-term average. Your name on here is indicative. 

As the general rule, low rates help blow bubbles bigger and bigger as money is funnelled into unproductive assets and existing stock put up against each other. 


> effectively doubled the servicing costs of a mortgage.

The interest part has more than doubled, yes, but P+I repayments, which really ought to be what we're talking about for a fhb, are up maybe 60%.

Still more than the price drop, I grant you. 


Depends on ones definition of servicing costs.  I would say the interest is the "servicing costs" of a mortgage. 

Someone with a $500k mortgage @ 2.5% over 30 years will pay $11k principal and $12k interest in their first year.  By year 2 $478k remains.  They fix at 5.5% and suddenly their P = $6k and I = $26k.  Effectively half the principal payments, and more than double the interest costs.   


Why does the principal payment drop so far in yr 2? 
