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Food prices rise 1.8% in Jan from Dec and 3.8% in year to Jan including GST hike
11th Feb 11, 11:08am
Food prices rise 1.8% in Jan from Dec and 3.8% in year to Jan including GST hike
Savings Working Group recommends single default KiwiSaver provider and soft compulsion; Considers raising GST to 17.5%
1st Feb 11, 10:34am
Savings Working Group recommends single default KiwiSaver provider and soft compulsion; Considers raising GST to 17.5%
Weak supermarket and grocery store sales drag down November core retail sales
21st Jan 11, 11:03am
Weak supermarket and grocery store sales drag down November core retail sales
Annual consumer price inflation rises 4%, December quarter CPI up 2.3% - in line with Reserve Bank expectations
20th Jan 11, 10:59am
Annual consumer price inflation rises 4%, December quarter CPI up 2.3% - in line with Reserve Bank expectations
December food prices fell led by lower prices for vegetables
17th Jan 11, 11:08am
December food prices fell led by lower prices for vegetables
90 seconds at 9 am with BNZ: Rising NZ$; Rising food prices; Food riots; GST-free personal imports; Trade balance
10th Jan 11, 8:39am
90 seconds at 9 am with BNZ: Rising NZ$; Rising food prices; Food riots; GST-free personal imports; Trade balance
NZ Venture Capital Association chairman Kerry McIntosh says bank appetite for leveraged deals is back
24th Dec 10, 10:06am
NZ Venture Capital Association chairman Kerry McIntosh says bank appetite for leveraged deals is back
Total October retail sales drop 2.5% led by weaker sales of cars and vehicle parts
14th Dec 10, 11:05am
Total October retail sales drop 2.5% led by weaker sales of cars and vehicle parts
Homebuilder confidence 'moderately negative' says Goldman Sachs in new survey, probably 'overstating' confidence levels
25th Nov 10, 10:35am
Homebuilder confidence 'moderately negative' says Goldman Sachs in new survey, probably 'overstating' confidence levels
Food prices rise 2.2% in October after GST hike on October 1
11th Nov 10, 11:43am
Food prices rise 2.2% in October after GST hike on October 1
Government deficit before gains and losses NZ$2.2 bln bigger than expected in 3 months to Sept as tax take falls
8th Nov 10, 10:05am
Government deficit before gains and losses NZ$2.2 bln bigger than expected in 3 months to Sept as tax take falls
Finance Minister Bill English says tax recepits NZ$750 mln below forecast in the last two months
27th Oct 10, 10:38am
Finance Minister Bill English says tax recepits NZ$750 mln below forecast in the last two months
Poll result: 67% say they will save extra disposable income from personal income tax cuts
18th Oct 10, 10:58am
Poll result: 67% say they will save extra disposable income from personal income tax cuts
GST rise has had muted effect on inflation so far, but on-going effects would create challenge, RBNZ's Bollard says
12th Oct 10, 12:21pm
GST rise has had muted effect on inflation so far, but on-going effects would create challenge, RBNZ's Bollard says
Michael Hill says surging gold price could push jewellery prices up, sees no evidence of people hoarding gold jewellery
8th Oct 10, 3:40pm
Michael Hill says surging gold price could push jewellery prices up, sees no evidence of people hoarding gold jewellery
Housing and farm loans up in August, no pre-GST hike spike in consumer debt
29th Sep 10, 4:10pm
Housing and farm loans up in August, no pre-GST hike spike in consumer debt
Banks lift credit card limits by record amount two months ahead of GST increase, but few takers yet
21st Sep 10, 5:05pm
Banks lift credit card limits by record amount two months ahead of GST increase, but few takers yet
The rise in GST from 12.5% to 15% will have an upside for earthquake victims
6th Sep 10, 3:18pm
by John Grant
The rise in GST from 12.5% to 15% will have an upside for earthquake victims
National Bank says momentum of business confidence easing back
30th Aug 10, 3:50pm
National Bank says momentum of business confidence easing back
Using GST hike as "veil" to lift wages and prices will see higher OCR
19th Aug 10, 2:32pm
Using GST hike as "veil" to lift wages and prices will see higher OCR
ASB sees retail sales growth broader than just pre-GST hike spending
13th Aug 10, 11:56am
ASB sees retail sales growth broader than just pre-GST hike spending
Opinion: Olly Newland explains why the housing gloomsters are wrong and now is the time to buy
6th Aug 10, 10:13pm
Opinion: Olly Newland explains why the housing gloomsters are wrong and now is the time to buy
'Stay off the brakes' NZMEA tells Bollard, ASB expects 25bp hike
23rd Jul 10, 11:48am
'Stay off the brakes' NZMEA tells Bollard, ASB expects 25bp hike
Consumer confidence down as worries about next year mount
22nd Jul 10, 3:54pm
Consumer confidence down as worries about next year mount
Inflation up 0.3% in June quarter, increases 1.8% in June year
16th Jul 10, 11:06am
Inflation up 0.3% in June quarter, increases 1.8% in June year