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Higher than expected tax revenue and lower than forecast core expenses push govt's 7-month surplus to $1.145 bln, well above expectations
7th Mar 17, 10:00am
by Guest
Higher than expected tax revenue and lower than forecast core expenses push govt's 7-month surplus to $1.145 bln, well above expectations
Revenue Minister Judith Collins says government yet to decide whether bank capital will be included in the crackdown on corporates' use of hybrid mismatches
6th Mar 17, 10:33am
Revenue Minister Judith Collins says government yet to decide whether bank capital will be included in the crackdown on corporates' use of hybrid mismatches
'Measured' approach proposed for closing multinationals' tax loopholes seen as too tough by big business consultant and too weak by retail lobby group
5th Mar 17, 8:12pm
'Measured' approach proposed for closing multinationals' tax loopholes seen as too tough by big business consultant and too weak by retail lobby group
ASB's Aussie parent details another PERLS debt issue by its NZ branch giving the trifecta of Tier 1 Capital, NZ tax deductibility & Australian franking credits
21st Feb 17, 9:50pm
ASB's Aussie parent details another PERLS debt issue by its NZ branch giving the trifecta of Tier 1 Capital, NZ tax deductibility & Australian franking credits
Crown accounts show OBEGAL surplus of $9 mln for six months to December versus forecast of $666 mln deficit; tax revenue and GST running higher than expected
16th Feb 17, 10:38am
Crown accounts show OBEGAL surplus of $9 mln for six months to December versus forecast of $666 mln deficit; tax revenue and GST running higher than expected
Crown accounts show OBEGAL deficit of $768 mln for five months to November versus forecast of $1.704 bln deficit; tax revenue higher than expected; expenses lower than expected
26th Jan 17, 10:20am
Crown accounts show OBEGAL deficit of $768 mln for five months to November versus forecast of $1.704 bln deficit; tax revenue higher than expected; expenses lower than expected
ACT Leader David Seymour says urban planning laws must change for housing affordability to be improved, advocates sharing central government revenue with councils
23rd Jan 17, 2:01pm
by Guest
ACT Leader David Seymour says urban planning laws must change for housing affordability to be improved, advocates sharing central government revenue with councils
Gareth Vaughan on combating & lampooning Trump, Wettergate & the liberal legion, China & Trump, the Trump News Network, UK landlords swapping houses for shops & more
20th Jan 17, 10:21am
Gareth Vaughan on combating & lampooning Trump, Wettergate & the liberal legion, China & Trump, the Trump News Network, UK landlords swapping houses for shops & more
Terry Baucher reviews how the tax authorities have started to move against tax base erosion and profit shifting by multinationals
28th Dec 16, 9:31am
Terry Baucher reviews how the tax authorities have started to move against tax base erosion and profit shifting by multinationals
Gareth Morgan argues for the closing of the tax "glaring loophole" that gives a free pass to non-cash gains on assets
8th Dec 16, 12:10pm
Gareth Morgan argues for the closing of the tax "glaring loophole" that gives a free pass to non-cash gains on assets
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party targets tax as it releases its first policy
7th Dec 16, 9:57am
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party targets tax as it releases its first policy
Terry Baucher wonders if it is time to look again at the funding of superannuation and gathers some of the facts and figures
6th Dec 16, 9:34am
Terry Baucher wonders if it is time to look again at the funding of superannuation and gathers some of the facts and figures
Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy on the top 10 things to know about Donald Trump's impending Presidency
2nd Dec 16, 10:00am
Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy on the top 10 things to know about Donald Trump's impending Presidency
Treasury publishes Long Term Fiscal Position forecasts; repeats 2013 warning that net debt will blow out to around 200% of GDP by 2060 without changes to NZ Super indexation and age
22nd Nov 16, 6:32pm
Treasury publishes Long Term Fiscal Position forecasts; repeats 2013 warning that net debt will blow out to around 200% of GDP by 2060 without changes to NZ Super indexation and age
Rory Noorland points out the intricate and specific rules the IRD applies to the deductibility of gifts
22nd Nov 16, 12:03pm
by Guest
Rory Noorland points out the intricate and specific rules the IRD applies to the deductibility of gifts
John Mauldin details his plan to solve the US deficit & debt problems, jumpstart the economy, pay for healthcare & other costs, all with the least damage to the body politic and economy
22nd Nov 16, 12:01pm
John Mauldin details his plan to solve the US deficit & debt problems, jumpstart the economy, pay for healthcare & other costs, all with the least damage to the body politic and economy
PM meets with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg; says told him to fix public perception that Facebook not paying enough tax; Key says feeling that got Trump got elected because voters believe 'world isn't fair'
21st Nov 16, 11:14am
PM meets with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg; says told him to fix public perception that Facebook not paying enough tax; Key says feeling that got Trump got elected because voters believe 'world isn't fair'
Revenue Minister Michael Woodhouse pledges crackdown on foreign-owned companies using debt to move 'excessive profits' out of New Zealand
17th Nov 16, 12:16pm
Revenue Minister Michael Woodhouse pledges crackdown on foreign-owned companies using debt to move 'excessive profits' out of New Zealand
Bank lobby group wants government to exclude bank regulatory capital from crackdown on tools used by multinationals to shift profits overseas and minimise New Zealand tax
15th Nov 16, 11:33am
Bank lobby group wants government to exclude bank regulatory capital from crackdown on tools used by multinationals to shift profits overseas and minimise New Zealand tax
MinterEllisonRuddWatts' Andrew Ryan points out a whole range of financial institutions have new responsibilities under the OECD's AEOI tax initiative, but nothing to gain from it
9th Nov 16, 10:51am
by Guest
MinterEllisonRuddWatts' Andrew Ryan points out a whole range of financial institutions have new responsibilities under the OECD's AEOI tax initiative, but nothing to gain from it
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties
4th Nov 16, 9:36am
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties
The Government is showing signs of wanting to call all the shots on the housing market itself next year
3rd Nov 16, 8:19am
The Government is showing signs of wanting to call all the shots on the housing market itself next year
Terry Baucher mulls the hidden economy and concludes IRD should look more closely at the tax gap
10th Oct 16, 8:24am
Terry Baucher mulls the hidden economy and concludes IRD should look more closely at the tax gap
Visa and Mastercard dominate the New Zealand credit card market yet their local revenue, profit and notably tax, is minuscule
4th Oct 16, 5:02am
Visa and Mastercard dominate the New Zealand credit card market yet their local revenue, profit and notably tax, is minuscule
It is becoming clearer by the day that the ever-reluctant National-led administration will have to do more on the demand side of housing
3rd Oct 16, 1:48pm
It is becoming clearer by the day that the ever-reluctant National-led administration will have to do more on the demand side of housing