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The Opportunities Party

Andrew Courtney says renters pay for their accommodation out of tax-paid income, yet owner-occupiers avoid that, plus they avoid any tax on the gains on their assets. The unfairness won't change unless that tax rules change, he says
4th Feb 18, 6:53am
by Guest
Andrew Courtney says renters pay for their accommodation out of tax-paid income, yet owner-occupiers avoid that, plus they avoid any tax on the gains on their assets. The unfairness won't change unless that tax rules change, he says
National, Labour and the Greens want to reduce government debt. But is it the right time for political parties to be campaigning on tightening the government’s purse strings?
20th Sep 17, 9:11am
National, Labour and the Greens want to reduce government debt. But is it the right time for political parties to be campaigning on tightening the government’s purse strings?
EY's David Snell takes a look at the tax issues that have cropped up during the election campaign and points out political parties are ignoring the power of disruption
30th Aug 17, 12:28pm
by Guest
EY's David Snell takes a look at the tax issues that have cropped up during the election campaign and points out political parties are ignoring the power of disruption
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
22nd Aug 17, 10:44am
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
17th Aug 17, 12:17pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
Newshub poll shows big jump for Labour and Ardern at expense of Greens, National and New Zealand First; Winston Peters still Kingmaker
9th Aug 17, 6:15pm
Newshub poll shows big jump for Labour and Ardern at expense of Greens, National and New Zealand First; Winston Peters still Kingmaker
Looking starkly at Generation Rent, parties are proposing policies which would protect those who will never own a home
9th Aug 17, 1:00pm
by Julia Wiener
Looking starkly at Generation Rent, parties are proposing policies which would protect those who will never own a home
Gareth Morgan vies to protect renters with longer leases, eviction restrictions, improved insulation funded by ETS proceeds and more social housing
7th Aug 17, 10:13am
by admin
Gareth Morgan vies to protect renters with longer leases, eviction restrictions, improved insulation funded by ETS proceeds and more social housing
Brian Fallow talks to The Opportunities Party's leader Gareth Morgan about his policies and where his votes might come from
5th Jul 17, 2:06pm
Brian Fallow talks to The Opportunities Party's leader Gareth Morgan about his policies and where his votes might come from
While they align with the ideals of the Labour-Greens, Gareth Morgan’s tax proposals go further than any party in Parliament would dare to propose
3rd Jul 17, 4:16pm
by Julia Wiener
While they align with the ideals of the Labour-Greens, Gareth Morgan’s tax proposals go further than any party in Parliament would dare to propose
Brian Fallow looks at what exactly is the issue with immigration that's making it an election year issue, and finds three areas of concern
19th Jun 17, 10:34am
Brian Fallow looks at what exactly is the issue with immigration that's making it an election year issue, and finds three areas of concern
Gareth Morgan defends the TOP income tax policy's claim on capital will lead to "an avalanche of capital outflows". He sees a business sector boost instead benefiting shareholders
20th May 17, 2:31pm
Gareth Morgan defends the TOP income tax policy's claim on capital will lead to "an avalanche of capital outflows". He sees a business sector boost instead benefiting shareholders
Gareth Morgan on why we should vote for The Opportunities Party when he wants to get his policies implemented but doesn't want to join the parliamentary 'zoo' 
4th May 17, 10:32am
Gareth Morgan on why we should vote for The Opportunities Party when he wants to get his policies implemented but doesn't want to join the parliamentary 'zoo' 
Gareth Morgan joins Shamubeel Eaqub calling for a population strategy. He wants to know how we form one and what the goal of such a strategy should be
30th Apr 17, 7:02am
Gareth Morgan joins Shamubeel Eaqub calling for a population strategy. He wants to know how we form one and what the goal of such a strategy should be
Partial means testing of NZ Super and restrictions on the ability of landlords to evict tenants are cornerstones of The Opportunities Party's housing and income policies
15th Mar 17, 8:00am
Partial means testing of NZ Super and restrictions on the ability of landlords to evict tenants are cornerstones of The Opportunities Party's housing and income policies
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party wants to wean NZ off fossil fuels, end 'bias' towards roads, and see traffic congestion charges introduced
9th Mar 17, 5:25pm
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party wants to wean NZ off fossil fuels, end 'bias' towards roads, and see traffic congestion charges introduced
Mt Albert by-election to test how palatable The Opportunities Party's 'radical centrism' will be in the general election; Geoff Simmons explains why 'it's time for something fresh'
10th Feb 17, 9:16am
Mt Albert by-election to test how palatable The Opportunities Party's 'radical centrism' will be in the general election; Geoff Simmons explains why 'it's time for something fresh'
The Opportunities Party calls for TVNZ to be sold, four year political cycles, a written Constitution, and an Upper House to keep Parliament in check
7th Feb 17, 11:02am
The Opportunities Party calls for TVNZ to be sold, four year political cycles, a written Constitution, and an Upper House to keep Parliament in check
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party says we must protect and enhance our natural environment both because we love it, and because it makes good business sense 
20th Jan 17, 11:27am
by Guest
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party says we must protect and enhance our natural environment both because we love it, and because it makes good business sense 
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party sees 'a big downside' from too many migrants; the current regime is 'rotten'; focus needs to be on skilled people seeking a more liberal and tolerant society
15th Dec 16, 9:27am
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party sees 'a big downside' from too many migrants; the current regime is 'rotten'; focus needs to be on skilled people seeking a more liberal and tolerant society
Gareth Morgan argues for the closing of the tax "glaring loophole" that gives a free pass to non-cash gains on assets
8th Dec 16, 12:10pm
Gareth Morgan argues for the closing of the tax "glaring loophole" that gives a free pass to non-cash gains on assets
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party targets tax as it releases its first policy
7th Dec 16, 9:57am
Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party targets tax as it releases its first policy
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties
4th Nov 16, 9:36am
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties