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Angela Mentis

BNZ's lead over ANZ NZ as New Zealand's biggest business lender grows
27th Aug 24, 3:37pm
BNZ's lead over ANZ NZ as New Zealand's biggest business lender grows
Big bank annual financial results confirm BNZ as NZ's biggest business lender, albeit CEO Dan Huggins says he's 'not too caught up on the size of the book'
11th Nov 21, 6:56pm
Big bank annual financial results confirm BNZ as NZ's biggest business lender, albeit CEO Dan Huggins says he's 'not too caught up on the size of the book'
BNZ makes internal appointment of current executive Dan Huggins to succeed Angela Mentis as CEO in October
25th Aug 21, 10:40am
BNZ makes internal appointment of current executive Dan Huggins to succeed Angela Mentis as CEO in October
BNZ overtakes ANZ to become New Zealand's biggest lender to businesses in a market going backwards
24th Jun 21, 4:31pm
BNZ overtakes ANZ to become New Zealand's biggest lender to businesses in a market going backwards
As Westpac reviews its ownership of Westpac NZ, its three big rivals, ANZ, CBA and NAB, remain committed to their kiwi subsidiaries
11th May 21, 3:33pm
As Westpac reviews its ownership of Westpac NZ, its three big rivals, ANZ, CBA and NAB, remain committed to their kiwi subsidiaries
BNZ CEO Angela Mentis says outcome of Westpac's New Zealand ownership review 'will be interesting'
7th May 21, 9:35am
BNZ CEO Angela Mentis says outcome of Westpac's New Zealand ownership review 'will be interesting'
BNZ posts big rise in interim profit boosted by a positive turnaround in credit impairments, solid revenue growth and a major drop in expenses
6th May 21, 10:24am
BNZ posts big rise in interim profit boosted by a positive turnaround in credit impairments, solid revenue growth and a major drop in expenses
BNZ's parent National Australia Bank agrees to sell BNZ Life to Partners Life for NZ$290 million
16th Dec 20, 5:18pm
BNZ's parent National Australia Bank agrees to sell BNZ Life to Partners Life for NZ$290 million
BNZ CEO Angela Mentis suggests the Reserve Bank probably won't need to drop the Official Cash Rate below zero if its proposed funding for lending programme works
6th Nov 20, 9:37am
BNZ CEO Angela Mentis suggests the Reserve Bank probably won't need to drop the Official Cash Rate below zero if its proposed funding for lending programme works
Annual profit falls $260 million at BNZ as COVID-19 makes its impact felt, income falls and expenses rise
5th Nov 20, 10:29am
Annual profit falls $260 million at BNZ as COVID-19 makes its impact felt, income falls and expenses rise
Gareth Vaughan suggests the attitudes of Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr and the big four banks' bosses present at last week's INFINZ conference suggests some interesting times ahead as key issues come to a head
28th Oct 20, 1:27pm
Gareth Vaughan suggests the attitudes of Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr and the big four banks' bosses present at last week's INFINZ conference suggests some interesting times ahead as key issues come to a head
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr tells bank bosses to look past their noses, as ANZ NZ chairman plus ASB, BNZ and Westpac CEOs speak out against the possibility of the RBNZ taking the OCR negative
24th Oct 20, 9:59am
RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr tells bank bosses to look past their noses, as ANZ NZ chairman plus ASB, BNZ and Westpac CEOs speak out against the possibility of the RBNZ taking the OCR negative
BNZ says it has provided home loan support to 21k home loan customers & 17k business customers due to COVID-19;  Sees economy contracting by about 9% in 2020 as unemployment pushes 10% and house prices drop by about 10%.
28th Apr 20, 9:59am
BNZ says it has provided home loan support to 21k home loan customers & 17k business customers due to COVID-19;  Sees economy contracting by about 9% in 2020 as unemployment pushes 10% and house prices drop by about 10%.
BNZ's parent National Australia Bank gives early demonstration of credit loss expectations in a COVID-19 world as its profit tumbles, dividend's cut and A$3.5b equity raise is detailed
27th Apr 20, 5:00pm
BNZ's parent National Australia Bank gives early demonstration of credit loss expectations in a COVID-19 world as its profit tumbles, dividend's cut and A$3.5b equity raise is detailed
BNZ September year profit drops $7 million as expenses increase at more than twice the pace of income and loan impairments rise
7th Nov 19, 10:26am
BNZ September year profit drops $7 million as expenses increase at more than twice the pace of income and loan impairments rise
Banks have had to remove incentives linked to sales and are being told to ensure good outcomes for all customers. Here, ANZ, BNZ and Westpac's CEOs talk about how this is progressing
13th May 19, 2:11pm
Banks have had to remove incentives linked to sales and are being told to ensure good outcomes for all customers. Here, ANZ, BNZ and Westpac's CEOs talk about how this is progressing
Business lobby group BusinessNZ is dismissive of the RBNZ's bank capital proposals yet NZ owned banks argue they would bolster their competitive position vs their big Aussie owned rivals. So why the disconnect?
11th May 19, 9:46am
Business lobby group BusinessNZ is dismissive of the RBNZ's bank capital proposals yet NZ owned banks argue they would bolster their competitive position vs their big Aussie owned rivals. So why the disconnect?
Gareth Vaughan delves into the big banks' interim financial results noting three are on track for annual profit of more than $1 bln, whilst ANZ could crack $2 bln
7th May 19, 4:50pm
Gareth Vaughan delves into the big banks' interim financial results noting three are on track for annual profit of more than $1 bln, whilst ANZ could crack $2 bln
ANZ NZ CEO David Hisco says Auckland housing market may be in 7-8 year period where it does nothing, as BNZ rival Angela Mentis eyes continued growth of housing lending market share
4th May 19, 10:02am
ANZ NZ CEO David Hisco says Auckland housing market may be in 7-8 year period where it does nothing, as BNZ rival Angela Mentis eyes continued growth of housing lending market share
CEO Angela Mentis says if RBNZ capital proposals go ahead BNZ will have to be 'incredibly disciplined about what business we do'
3rd May 19, 9:33am
CEO Angela Mentis says if RBNZ capital proposals go ahead BNZ will have to be 'incredibly disciplined about what business we do'
BNZ posts 12% increase in interim profit to $550 mln with income up and expenses & bad debts both falling. Parent NAB says BNZ may need to 'reprice and/or reduce' lending to meet RBNZ capital proposals
2nd May 19, 10:35am
BNZ posts 12% increase in interim profit to $550 mln with income up and expenses & bad debts both falling. Parent NAB says BNZ may need to 'reprice and/or reduce' lending to meet RBNZ capital proposals
BNZ makes changes to its business divisions, appoints two new executives & gives another a new job title
4th Feb 19, 3:00pm
BNZ makes changes to its business divisions, appoints two new executives & gives another a new job title
BNZ to pay out over 10,000 customers an average of $375 each as a result of documentation errors following changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA)
5th Dec 18, 10:28am
BNZ to pay out over 10,000 customers an average of $375 each as a result of documentation errors following changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA)
CEO Angela Mentis says BNZ hopes to recoup revenue lost through fee reductions by gaining more customers' business & new customers
2nd Nov 18, 3:33pm
CEO Angela Mentis says BNZ hopes to recoup revenue lost through fee reductions by gaining more customers' business & new customers
BNZ posts 10% rise in annual profit as income rises and bottom line gets boost from mark to market movements in offshore debt
1st Nov 18, 10:19am
BNZ posts 10% rise in annual profit as income rises and bottom line gets boost from mark to market movements in offshore debt