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Election 2017 - Party Policies - Information and Communications Technology - Business
27th May 17, 9:25am
by Julia Wiener
Election 2017 - Party Policies - Information and Communications Technology - Business
Election 2017 - Party Policy - Tax - Business Tax
27th May 17, 9:09am
by Julia Wiener
Election 2017 - Party Policy - Tax - Business Tax
Our compilation of some of the key business, property, farming, retailing and economic comment made in response to the 2017 Budget
25th May 17, 4:18pm
Our compilation of some of the key business, property, farming, retailing and economic comment made in response to the 2017 Budget
Allan Barber reviews a cross-party review of how to achieve climate targets, one that will entail a difficult transition for rural economies
19th Apr 17, 8:44am
Allan Barber reviews a cross-party review of how to achieve climate targets, one that will entail a difficult transition for rural economies
Economists expect the Consumers Price Index to hit levels not seen in years; Reserve Bank not expected to act at this stage
18th Apr 17, 9:09am
Economists expect the Consumers Price Index to hit levels not seen in years; Reserve Bank not expected to act at this stage
Tom Coupé with 10 examples of business experiments, including dating without pictures, women who make you want to spend, Googling up smaller snacks, Bill Gates & chickens, moving from Tonga to NZ causes stress & more
24th Mar 17, 10:02am
by Guest
Tom Coupé with 10 examples of business experiments, including dating without pictures, women who make you want to spend, Googling up smaller snacks, Bill Gates & chickens, moving from Tonga to NZ causes stress & more
GDP grows only 0.4% in December quarter versus market pick of 0.7% and RBNZ forecast of 1.0%; Stats NZ says only half of 16 industries recorded growth; September figures revised down sharply
16th Mar 17, 11:05am
GDP grows only 0.4% in December quarter versus market pick of 0.7% and RBNZ forecast of 1.0%; Stats NZ says only half of 16 industries recorded growth; September figures revised down sharply
Crown accounts show OBEGAL surplus of $9 mln for six months to December versus forecast of $666 mln deficit; tax revenue and GST running higher than expected
16th Feb 17, 10:38am
Crown accounts show OBEGAL surplus of $9 mln for six months to December versus forecast of $666 mln deficit; tax revenue and GST running higher than expected
Government says its Housing Infrastructure Fund has received indicative proposals for $1.79 billion of infrastructure; Ministers say few of the proposals so far would increase the development speed of proposed projects
1st Feb 17, 3:51pm
Government says its Housing Infrastructure Fund has received indicative proposals for $1.79 billion of infrastructure; Ministers say few of the proposals so far would increase the development speed of proposed projects
September 23 named as election date; Prime Minister says National would again work with Act, United Future and Maori Party; would talk to Winston, but NZ First 'an unlikely partner'
1st Feb 17, 2:38pm
September 23 named as election date; Prime Minister says National would again work with Act, United Future and Maori Party; would talk to Winston, but NZ First 'an unlikely partner'
Public trust in government, business, media and NGOs around the world plummets, according to survey
26th Jan 17, 4:03pm
by admin
Public trust in government, business, media and NGOs around the world plummets, according to survey
CPI rose 0.4% in December quarter against 0.3% market expectations; 1.3% inflation for the year; first time inflation has breached 1% in two years, taking it back into the RBNZ's targeted 1% to 3% band
26th Jan 17, 11:18am
CPI rose 0.4% in December quarter against 0.3% market expectations; 1.3% inflation for the year; first time inflation has breached 1% in two years, taking it back into the RBNZ's targeted 1% to 3% band
Crown accounts show OBEGAL deficit of $768 mln for five months to November versus forecast of $1.704 bln deficit; tax revenue higher than expected; expenses lower than expected
26th Jan 17, 10:20am
Crown accounts show OBEGAL deficit of $768 mln for five months to November versus forecast of $1.704 bln deficit; tax revenue higher than expected; expenses lower than expected
GDP grew 1.1% in Sept qtr; Economists had forecast around 0.8%; Annual growth 3.5%; Construction, tourism, transport strong; farming weak
22nd Dec 16, 10:48am
GDP grew 1.1% in Sept qtr; Economists had forecast around 0.8%; Annual growth 3.5%; Construction, tourism, transport strong; farming weak
Kerry McDonald says exporters are losing 10-40% of the value from their exports because of an over-valued currency. He suggests shifting from using banks to convert US$ to NZ$ to using fintech and blockchain instead
19th Dec 16, 3:38pm
by Guest
Kerry McDonald says exporters are losing 10-40% of the value from their exports because of an over-valued currency. He suggests shifting from using banks to convert US$ to NZ$ to using fintech and blockchain instead
English names his first Cabinet; Bridges and Adams promoted; No successors yet to McCully and Parata in Foreign Affairs and Education as they will stay until May 1; Goldsmith and Upston promoted to Cabinet
18th Dec 16, 3:27pm
English names his first Cabinet; Bridges and Adams promoted; No successors yet to McCully and Parata in Foreign Affairs and Education as they will stay until May 1; Goldsmith and Upston promoted to Cabinet
Simon Bridges announces Government has commited to spend NZ$1.4 billion to NZ$2 billion to fully restore road and rail corridor along coastal route through Kaikoura; may take 12 months to reopen
15th Dec 16, 2:22pm
Simon Bridges announces Government has commited to spend NZ$1.4 billion to NZ$2 billion to fully restore road and rail corridor along coastal route through Kaikoura; may take 12 months to reopen
New PM to name Cabinet on Sunday with swearing in planned for Tuesday; Sam Lotu-liga says will step down at next election; Ministers seen in play include McCully, Parata and Smith; MBIE up for grabs
13th Dec 16, 4:22pm
New PM to name Cabinet on Sunday with swearing in planned for Tuesday; Sam Lotu-liga says will step down at next election; Ministers seen in play include McCully, Parata and Smith; MBIE up for grabs
New PM Bill English talks up infrastructure, housing and ensuring benefits of growth widely shared in first news conference after being elected National leader; sworn in as PM with Paula Bennett deputy
12th Dec 16, 2:11pm
New PM Bill English talks up infrastructure, housing and ensuring benefits of growth widely shared in first news conference after being elected National leader; sworn in as PM with Paula Bennett deputy
Treasury sees surpluses rising to NZ$8.5 bln by 2021; English increases capital spending allowance by NZ$5.4 bln over 4 years; Borrowing programme increased; Debt repayment and quake rebuild priority over tax cuts
8th Dec 16, 1:42pm
Treasury sees surpluses rising to NZ$8.5 bln by 2021; English increases capital spending allowance by NZ$5.4 bln over 4 years; Borrowing programme increased; Debt repayment and quake rebuild priority over tax cuts
Growing number of National MPs publicly declaring support for Bill English as PM; outcome of Monday vote may be fait accompli later today; Paula Bennett seen most likely choice as deputy; Collins focused on back-benchers
8th Dec 16, 12:10pm
Growing number of National MPs publicly declaring support for Bill English as PM; outcome of Monday vote may be fait accompli later today; Paula Bennett seen most likely choice as deputy; Collins focused on back-benchers
English and Coleman to contest bid for National Party leadership in Caucus vote next Monday; English's hopes for quick and cohesive leadership change dashed; Coleman wants 'generational change'; English says NZ Super options open
6th Dec 16, 11:29am
English and Coleman to contest bid for National Party leadership in Caucus vote next Monday; English's hopes for quick and cohesive leadership change dashed; Coleman wants 'generational change'; English says NZ Super options open
Regardless of what John Key says, his resignation has just opened next year's election race right up
5th Dec 16, 2:20pm
Regardless of what John Key says, his resignation has just opened next year's election race right up
Key says will vote for English as National leader in December 12 caucus vote; says National can win 4th and 5th terms with English as leader; Key says wants quieter life with family; eyes board positions in Australasia or Asia
5th Dec 16, 1:59pm
Key says will vote for English as National leader in December 12 caucus vote; says National can win 4th and 5th terms with English as leader; Key says wants quieter life with family; eyes board positions in Australasia or Asia
RBNZ wary of increasing use by banks of wholesale offshore funding to fill gap left by falling growth of local deposits; says banks raising deposit and mortgage rates to help fill gap; see long term rates having bottomed out
30th Nov 16, 4:57pm
RBNZ wary of increasing use by banks of wholesale offshore funding to fill gap left by falling growth of local deposits; says banks raising deposit and mortgage rates to help fill gap; see long term rates having bottomed out