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Rural News

ASB economist Nat Keall says the global dairy market is well supplied in the near-term, 'and it is difficult to see a catalyst for much strengthening in demand'
16th Aug 23, 12:47pm
ASB economist Nat Keall says the global dairy market is well supplied in the near-term, 'and it is difficult to see a catalyst for much strengthening in demand'
Guy Trafford pulls together the trends from the recent survey on farmer sentiment, matches them with what farmers say about their own businesses, and overlays what they want from the political parties
16th Aug 23, 9:36am
Guy Trafford pulls together the trends from the recent survey on farmer sentiment, matches them with what farmers say about their own businesses, and overlays what they want from the political parties
The 2023 Red Meat Sector Conference political debate by the key candidates refrained from sharp partisan positions, offered considered positions to generally difficult issues, leaving the audience unsatisfied for the silver bullets they sought
15th Aug 23, 12:02pm
The 2023 Red Meat Sector Conference political debate by the key candidates refrained from sharp partisan positions, offered considered positions to generally difficult issues, leaving the audience unsatisfied for the silver bullets they sought
With BNZ having a target to reduce its financed dairy farming emissions through membership of the UN-convened Net Zero Banking Alliance, where are other key NZ rural lenders at?
15th Aug 23, 5:00am
With BNZ having a target to reduce its financed dairy farming emissions through membership of the UN-convened Net Zero Banking Alliance, where are other key NZ rural lenders at?
Angus Kebbell reviews the three options being offered to change the permanent forest category of the Emissions Trading Scheme
12th Aug 23, 9:26am
Angus Kebbell reviews the three options being offered to change the permanent forest category of the Emissions Trading Scheme
The future land use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa is up for debate after a Ministerial Inquiry and the Government's Response. Guy Trafford looks at the state of play
10th Aug 23, 5:55pm
The future land use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa is up for debate after a Ministerial Inquiry and the Government's Response. Guy Trafford looks at the state of play
Angus Kebbell reviews the four options offered to rescue the failing Emissions Trading Scheme
10th Aug 23, 9:03am
Angus Kebbell reviews the four options offered to rescue the failing Emissions Trading Scheme
BNZ economists say economic activity will take 'a noticeable hit' from the expected lower milk price this year
8th Aug 23, 10:47am
BNZ economists say economic activity will take 'a noticeable hit' from the expected lower milk price this year
Fonterra cuts its new season payout forecast sharply, down -$1/kgMS from a midpoint of $8.00/kgMS to $7.00/kg/MS
4th Aug 23, 8:52am
Fonterra cuts its new season payout forecast sharply, down -$1/kgMS from a midpoint of $8.00/kgMS to $7.00/kg/MS
Westland Milk's ethical management award tainted by court-required association with Glorivale's dairy farm. WMP price dives. Impressive progress eliminating M. bovis
3rd Aug 23, 10:03am
Westland Milk's ethical management award tainted by court-required association with Glorivale's dairy farm. WMP price dives. Impressive progress eliminating M. bovis
Allan Barber likes the progress NZ has made with a broad set of trade deals. The challenge now is to avoid the pesky non-tariff barriers countries raise
1st Aug 23, 12:48pm
Allan Barber likes the progress NZ has made with a broad set of trade deals. The challenge now is to avoid the pesky non-tariff barriers countries raise
With a declining local market, and uncertainties in both China and India, the log market is struggling to get out of its recent price retreat. Lower harvest volumes during winter are helping avoid oversupply
1st Aug 23, 10:24am
With a declining local market, and uncertainties in both China and India, the log market is struggling to get out of its recent price retreat. Lower harvest volumes during winter are helping avoid oversupply
In a drive to their recapture pre-pandemic initiative, the deer industry has refreshed its marketing activity, focused on targeted North American food service markets and Asian velvet opportunities
31st Jul 23, 12:44pm
In a drive to their recapture pre-pandemic initiative, the deer industry has refreshed its marketing activity, focused on targeted North American food service markets and Asian velvet opportunities
While we face an imminent El Niño, the longer term climate impacts are going to be much tougher on other global regions. When they come let's hope they are in a position to pay for our primary products, says Guy Trafford
31st Jul 23, 12:30pm
While we face an imminent El Niño, the longer term climate impacts are going to be much tougher on other global regions. When they come let's hope they are in a position to pay for our primary products, says Guy Trafford
Big money invested into picking a new dairy 'winner' hasn't turned out well for investors and participants in the goat milking industry, reports Guy Trafford
29th Jul 23, 9:00am
Big money invested into picking a new dairy 'winner' hasn't turned out well for investors and participants in the goat milking industry, reports Guy Trafford
Weaker demand for farms and lifestyle blocks pushes down rural property prices
27th Jul 23, 9:38am
Weaker demand for farms and lifestyle blocks pushes down rural property prices
Fonterra seen as having to lower its milk price forecast soon, as one major bank economist slashes his forecast price by over a dollar
26th Jul 23, 1:13pm
Fonterra seen as having to lower its milk price forecast soon, as one major bank economist slashes his forecast price by over a dollar
Alex Duncan & Tom McClurg want the fishing industry to move to a more productive and sustainable future, using elements of the Fonterra model as a useful and proven pathway
26th Jul 23, 12:16pm
by Guest
Alex Duncan & Tom McClurg want the fishing industry to move to a more productive and sustainable future, using elements of the Fonterra model as a useful and proven pathway
Guy Trafford isn't impressed with the National Party's lurch into a hunting & fishing policy that reverts to ideas first floated more than a decade ago. Farmers should be very wary, he says
25th Jul 23, 4:35pm
Guy Trafford isn't impressed with the National Party's lurch into a hunting & fishing policy that reverts to ideas first floated more than a decade ago. Farmers should be very wary, he says
Previous discussions about the impact of climate change focused on sea levels and drought. Now the isolation threat to provinces like Northland, Gisborne, Coromandel and Marlborough are perhaps more challenging
22nd Jul 23, 10:14am
Previous discussions about the impact of climate change focused on sea levels and drought. Now the isolation threat to provinces like Northland, Gisborne, Coromandel and Marlborough are perhaps more challenging
It turns out there are some good nutrition benefits inherent in New Zealand sheep milk. Angus Kebbel talks to Amber Milan, a research fellow at the Liggins Institute
22nd Jul 23, 9:29am
It turns out there are some good nutrition benefits inherent in New Zealand sheep milk. Angus Kebbel talks to Amber Milan, a research fellow at the Liggins Institute
ANZ economists expect a gradual lift in dairy commodity prices - but not before a large proportion of the new NZ season's supply has already been traded; they have cut their forecast milk price
20th Jul 23, 12:04pm
ANZ economists expect a gradual lift in dairy commodity prices - but not before a large proportion of the new NZ season's supply has already been traded; they have cut their forecast milk price
Allan Barber highlights the long term project by the Forest Bridge Trust to restore the biodiversity from the Kaipara Harbour in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, across North Auckland
18th Jul 23, 1:31pm
Allan Barber highlights the long term project by the Forest Bridge Trust to restore the biodiversity from the Kaipara Harbour in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, across North Auckland
Consultation on the proposal for land with a local slope of less than 5 degrees where beef cattle and deer will be required to be excluded from waterways is underway. The Government is looking for feedback on practicality, or alternatives
17th Jul 23, 2:38pm
Consultation on the proposal for land with a local slope of less than 5 degrees where beef cattle and deer will be required to be excluded from waterways is underway. The Government is looking for feedback on practicality, or alternatives
Guy Trafford notes we have been blessed with with an adequate fresh water resource, one that will be even more important in a climate-changed future
17th Jul 23, 11:28am
Guy Trafford notes we have been blessed with with an adequate fresh water resource, one that will be even more important in a climate-changed future