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Federated Farmers

Fed Farmers concerned about the biosecurity risk to PRRS from a flood of imported pork. Your view?
20th Mar 13, 2:23pm
by Guest
Fed Farmers concerned about the biosecurity risk to PRRS from a flood of imported pork. Your view?
Bruce Wills wonders why the anger at the RAP program; 'its just the dole and means and asset tested like any other benefit'. Your view?
18th Mar 13, 9:23am
Bruce Wills wonders why the anger at the RAP program; 'its just the dole and means and asset tested like any other benefit'. Your view?
Sheep and beef farmers support PGP collaboration programme, result cheered by Fed Farmers
14th Mar 13, 12:16pm
by Guest
Sheep and beef farmers support PGP collaboration programme, result cheered by Fed Farmers
Bruce Wills says Fed Farmers are genuinely impressed by what is being proposed for sections 6 and 7 in the RMA "where wording makes a world of difference". Your view?
9th Mar 13, 1:17pm
Bruce Wills says Fed Farmers are genuinely impressed by what is being proposed for sections 6 and 7 in the RMA "where wording makes a world of difference". Your view?
Willy Leferink wants environmental regulation that is clear, realistic and achievable, that does not stifle innovation or creative individuality. You agree?
7th Mar 13, 3:15pm
by Guest
Willy Leferink wants environmental regulation that is clear, realistic and achievable, that does not stifle innovation or creative individuality. You agree?
Mike Joy calls on the dairy industry to nail their environmental colours to the mast and stop indulging in blame, denial and excuses. Your view?
7th Mar 13, 1:30pm
Mike Joy calls on the dairy industry to nail their environmental colours to the mast and stop indulging in blame, denial and excuses. Your view?
Bruce Wills says the high dollar is why we need policy reform to help exporters become as competitive as they can be. Your view?
7th Mar 13, 11:28am
Bruce Wills says the high dollar is why we need policy reform to help exporters become as competitive as they can be. Your view?
Federated Farmers likes what it sees in the latest discussion document from the Govt to reform the RMA
6th Mar 13, 10:22am
by Guest
Federated Farmers likes what it sees in the latest discussion document from the Govt to reform the RMA
Allan Barber reviews a hard-hitting Report critical of readiness for a major foot-and-mouth outbreak, made more worrying after FedFarmers concerns about PKE
5th Mar 13, 4:35pm
Allan Barber reviews a hard-hitting Report critical of readiness for a major foot-and-mouth outbreak, made more worrying after FedFarmers concerns about PKE
Bruce Wills says fiscal policy settings are to blame for the high dollar because the productive economy isn’t driving it up; it is government policy and spending choices. Your view?
3rd Mar 13, 11:09am
Bruce Wills says fiscal policy settings are to blame for the high dollar because the productive economy isn’t driving it up; it is government policy and spending choices. Your view?
Bernard Hickey says the government will change the rules and give subsidies to those sectors and companies it likes the look of and he wants manufacturing exporters included
3rd Mar 13, 10:03am
Bernard Hickey says the government will change the rules and give subsidies to those sectors and companies it likes the look of and he wants manufacturing exporters included
As drought grips much of the North Island, farmers are being urged to start thinking about using some of the tax relief measures available to cope with the business stress
2nd Mar 13, 10:08am
As drought grips much of the North Island, farmers are being urged to start thinking about using some of the tax relief measures available to cope with the business stress
Federated Farmers calls on drought-affected farmers to use local supplementary feed which is plentiful in some areas
1st Mar 13, 11:10am
by Guest
Federated Farmers calls on drought-affected farmers to use local supplementary feed which is plentiful in some areas
Allan Barber reviews the SFF open letter. He welcomes coordination, questions the value of partial mergers, and hopes the focus stays on creating value. Your view?
26th Feb 13, 1:27pm
Allan Barber reviews the SFF open letter. He welcomes coordination, questions the value of partial mergers, and hopes the focus stays on creating value. Your view?
Bruce Wills says real agreements built off real achievements are showing real gains. He cites Lake Rotorua's water quality gains and hopes farmers' backing of Wools of NZ will kickstart the campaign for wool
25th Feb 13, 9:13am
Bruce Wills says real agreements built off real achievements are showing real gains. He cites Lake Rotorua's water quality gains and hopes farmers' backing of Wools of NZ will kickstart the campaign for wool
Dairy farms to be 'asked' to sign up to new water quality commitments after industry bodies agree updated details
20th Feb 13, 10:55am
Dairy farms to be 'asked' to sign up to new water quality commitments after industry bodies agree updated details
Allan Barber wonders if sheep & beef farmers and processors could actually work together for sustainable growth even if they think it would be a good idea. Your view?
20th Feb 13, 8:58am
Allan Barber wonders if sheep & beef farmers and processors could actually work together for sustainable growth even if they think it would be a good idea. Your view?
Bruce Wills reports that Federated Farmers is throwing its support behind a major programme to tackle depression among rural people. You got experiences that can help?
16th Feb 13, 3:47pm
Bruce Wills reports that Federated Farmers is throwing its support behind a major programme to tackle depression among rural people. You got experiences that can help?
Bruce Wills calls on growers to take ownership of the wool problem. It will only go forward with collective investment and support for the 'Campaign for Wool', he says. Your view?
9th Feb 13, 4:18pm
Bruce Wills calls on growers to take ownership of the wool problem. It will only go forward with collective investment and support for the 'Campaign for Wool', he says. Your view?
Bruce Wills wants to know what farmers think about the changes NZ Post is proposing for mail delivery. Your view?
2nd Feb 13, 4:48pm
Bruce Wills wants to know what farmers think about the changes NZ Post is proposing for mail delivery. Your view?
Farmers rankled by "uninformed opinion" on what the detection of DCD in milk means
28th Jan 13, 9:21am
Farmers rankled by "uninformed opinion" on what the detection of DCD in milk means
Bruce Wills wants to move from the 'bleeding edge' to the 'leading edge' by focusing on facts rather than assumptions. Do you agree?
25th Jan 13, 4:44pm
Bruce Wills wants to move from the 'bleeding edge' to the 'leading edge' by focusing on facts rather than assumptions. Do you agree?
Anders Crofoot finds that a gullible media damages farming when it is uncritical of fads and pseudo-science, due especially to their influence over regulators
18th Jan 13, 12:22pm
Anders Crofoot finds that a gullible media damages farming when it is uncritical of fads and pseudo-science, due especially to their influence over regulators
Katie Milne finds farming a socially progressive meritocracy, and says more women in leadership raises returns - provided they are qualified to be there
12th Jan 13, 10:11am
Katie Milne finds farming a socially progressive meritocracy, and says more women in leadership raises returns - provided they are qualified to be there
Worry about lack of rain shifts to other issues and Fed Farmers makes the case for large scale commercial water storage
11th Jan 13, 9:22am
by Guest
Worry about lack of rain shifts to other issues and Fed Farmers makes the case for large scale commercial water storage