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Labour Party

Denied the state’s leadership and resources, New Zealand’s economy has been hollowed out and taken over. More importantly, so has its democracy
16th Sep 24, 7:30am
Denied the state’s leadership and resources, New Zealand’s economy has been hollowed out and taken over. More importantly, so has its democracy
Labour is talking about a wealth tax again. Jonathan Barrett & Lisa Marriott look at what its options are and what might work
12th Sep 24, 2:19pm
Labour is talking about a wealth tax again. Jonathan Barrett & Lisa Marriott look at what its options are and what might work
The New Zealand Super Fund will begin contributing to Crown coffers from next year as its tax bill outgrows taxpayer contributions
10th Sep 24, 4:46pm
The New Zealand Super Fund will begin contributing to Crown coffers from next year as its tax bill outgrows taxpayer contributions
With no realistic prospect of a 'policy disrupter' taking over the Labour Party, writes Chris Trotter, New Zealand’s wealthiest citizens can sleep easy
9th Sep 24, 7:36am
With no realistic prospect of a 'policy disrupter' taking over the Labour Party, writes Chris Trotter, New Zealand’s wealthiest citizens can sleep easy
Chris Hipkins says new taxes will be needed to fund healthcare and pensions for an ageing population without running up debt in the future
7th Sep 24, 9:35am
Chris Hipkins says new taxes will be needed to fund healthcare and pensions for an ageing population without running up debt in the future
Labour Party Finance Spokesperson Barbara Edmonds highlights critical role of insurance in New Zealand’s financial future as natural hazard risks increase and insurance premiums continue to rise
5th Sep 24, 11:57am
Labour Party Finance Spokesperson Barbara Edmonds highlights critical role of insurance in New Zealand’s financial future as natural hazard risks increase and insurance premiums continue to rise
Infrastructure overhaul will create an independent project pipeline and new Crown agency for private sector collaboration
1st Sep 24, 6:00am
Infrastructure overhaul will create an independent project pipeline and new Crown agency for private sector collaboration
Earl Bardsley argues the NZ Battery Project should be restarted and its dry year infrastructure proposal should be included in the 30-year National Infrastructure Plan
29th Aug 24, 10:11am
by Guest
Earl Bardsley argues the NZ Battery Project should be restarted and its dry year infrastructure proposal should be included in the 30-year National Infrastructure Plan
Chris Trotter says Chris Hipkins’ give-National-nothing-to-aim-at strategy will only succeed if the Coalition becomes as unpopular in three years as the British Tories became in fourteen
26th Aug 24, 8:22am
Chris Trotter says Chris Hipkins’ give-National-nothing-to-aim-at strategy will only succeed if the Coalition becomes as unpopular in three years as the British Tories became in fourteen
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon urged local governments to focus on the basics, even as he announced funding for a dance competition
24th Aug 24, 9:00am
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon urged local governments to focus on the basics, even as he announced funding for a dance competition
Chris Trotter says voting together, Māori and Pasifika workers, professionals and managers employed by the state, and “progressive” Baby-Boomer superannuitants, can defeat the Coalition Government. But will they?
19th Aug 24, 7:51am
Chris Trotter says voting together, Māori and Pasifika workers, professionals and managers employed by the state, and “progressive” Baby-Boomer superannuitants, can defeat the Coalition Government. But will they?
The Government's water reform policy may weaken LGFA’s financial stability and increase council borrowing costs, warns S&P
12th Aug 24, 3:11pm
The Government's water reform policy may weaken LGFA’s financial stability and increase council borrowing costs, warns S&P
Public listing for Kiwibank is off the table before the election, but alternative capital-raising options are being explored, Finance Minister says
7th Aug 24, 8:00am
Public listing for Kiwibank is off the table before the election, but alternative capital-raising options are being explored, Finance Minister says
Nicola Willis says she will use fiscal drag to help pay down public debt, despite calling it a flaw in the tax system
31st Jul 24, 8:15am
Nicola Willis says she will use fiscal drag to help pay down public debt, despite calling it a flaw in the tax system
The Coalition has delivered on its promise to cut taxes without extra borrowing but still needs to convince voters it won’t come at the cost of frontline staff
29th Jul 24, 8:30am
The Coalition has delivered on its promise to cut taxes without extra borrowing but still needs to convince voters it won’t come at the cost of frontline staff
Health NZ unable to stay within its budget after a period of high inflation and fast population growth
22nd Jul 24, 9:19pm
Health NZ unable to stay within its budget after a period of high inflation and fast population growth
Politicians didn’t use fiscal policy to fight inflation and should just stop talking about it, Dan Brunskill says
17th Jul 24, 2:47pm
Politicians didn’t use fiscal policy to fight inflation and should just stop talking about it, Dan Brunskill says
A nation reinvented: 40 years on from its 1984 victory, the Fourth Labour Government still defines NZ, Richard Shaw says
15th Jul 24, 1:07pm
by Guest
A nation reinvented: 40 years on from its 1984 victory, the Fourth Labour Government still defines NZ, Richard Shaw says
Andrew Coleman says while New Zealand Superannuation has several attractive features, it also has several serious downsides that disproportionately affect younger people
12th Jul 24, 10:01am
Andrew Coleman says while New Zealand Superannuation has several attractive features, it also has several serious downsides that disproportionately affect younger people
Sweeping central government rules will promote smaller homes, sprawling cities, and hopefully lower house prices
6th Jul 24, 9:30am
Sweeping central government rules will promote smaller homes, sprawling cities, and hopefully lower house prices
Andrew Coleman on why it's time for New Zealanders to consider a fundamental restructure of our government retirement income system and associated taxes
5th Jul 24, 5:00am
Andrew Coleman on why it's time for New Zealanders to consider a fundamental restructure of our government retirement income system and associated taxes
An unlikely coalition of New Zealand voters are backing Housing Minister Chris Bishop’s mission to bring down house prices
1st Jul 24, 3:14pm
An unlikely coalition of New Zealand voters are backing Housing Minister Chris Bishop’s mission to bring down house prices
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon wants 'downward pressure' on house prices but not necessarily real decreases
25th Jun 24, 6:43am
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon wants 'downward pressure' on house prices but not necessarily real decreases
Five businesses emit as much carbon as half of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet and Christian climate campaigners want them to pay for it
19th Jun 24, 6:46am
Five businesses emit as much carbon as half of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet and Christian climate campaigners want them to pay for it
Economic tailwinds are likely to help the National-led Government get re-elected, even if Labour looks to be in good shape now, Dan Brunskill says
16th Jun 24, 7:30am
Economic tailwinds are likely to help the National-led Government get re-elected, even if Labour looks to be in good shape now, Dan Brunskill says