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Nick Smith

Maori Party wins tug-of-war between National's coalition partners, striking deal with the Government so the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill can be passed
23rd Mar 17, 5:10pm
Maori Party wins tug-of-war between National's coalition partners, striking deal with the Government so the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill can be passed
Government refuses to consider OECD's recommendation to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme despite agriculture making up half of NZ's emissions; OECD suggests Government eases back funding for irrigation
21st Mar 17, 9:19am
Government refuses to consider OECD's recommendation to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme despite agriculture making up half of NZ's emissions; OECD suggests Government eases back funding for irrigation
Govt writes to water allocation advisory group asking for specific review on bottled-export issue after rise in public interest; Report set for November 2017
20th Mar 17, 6:04pm
Govt writes to water allocation advisory group asking for specific review on bottled-export issue after rise in public interest; Report set for November 2017
Govt open to using $1bn Housing Infrastructure Fund differently to get around council debt concerns, not keen on sharing GST
14th Mar 17, 5:09pm
Govt open to using $1bn Housing Infrastructure Fund differently to get around council debt concerns, not keen on sharing GST
Govt aims to have 90% of rivers and waterways swimmable by 2040, Environment Minister Smith says; Farmers are ready for the challenge - Primary Industries Minister Guy
23rd Feb 17, 2:29pm
Govt aims to have 90% of rivers and waterways swimmable by 2040, Environment Minister Smith says; Farmers are ready for the challenge - Primary Industries Minister Guy
Govt building boom claim fueled by 137% rise in building costs since 2004, Labour says; Twyford vs Smith in Parliament take-two
15th Feb 17, 3:55pm
Govt building boom claim fueled by 137% rise in building costs since 2004, Labour says; Twyford vs Smith in Parliament take-two
Smith, Twyford & Peters battle over housing figures as consents-to-builds rates, state house building and shortfall estimates are aired in Parliament
15th Feb 17, 6:29am
Smith, Twyford & Peters battle over housing figures as consents-to-builds rates, state house building and shortfall estimates are aired in Parliament
Govt opens consultation on urban development authorities, Building and Construction Minister Smith announces
14th Feb 17, 3:40pm
Govt opens consultation on urban development authorities, Building and Construction Minister Smith announces
Building and Construction Minister Smith says getting better estimates of NZ housing shortage is tough without becoming Soviet-style economy
14th Feb 17, 11:07am
Building and Construction Minister Smith says getting better estimates of NZ housing shortage is tough without becoming Soviet-style economy
This Government portrayed the solution to the hot Auckland house market as being all about increased supply - but its efforts in that regard have faltered badly in the past year
9th Feb 17, 4:29pm
This Government portrayed the solution to the hot Auckland house market as being all about increased supply - but its efforts in that regard have faltered badly in the past year
Government says its Housing Infrastructure Fund has received indicative proposals for $1.79 billion of infrastructure; Ministers say few of the proposals so far would increase the development speed of proposed projects
1st Feb 17, 3:51pm
Government says its Housing Infrastructure Fund has received indicative proposals for $1.79 billion of infrastructure; Ministers say few of the proposals so far would increase the development speed of proposed projects
Despite much noise from the Government, its efforts to ramp up Auckland housing supply appear to be flagging; David Hargreaves crunches some numbers
20th Dec 16, 3:46pm
Despite much noise from the Government, its efforts to ramp up Auckland housing supply appear to be flagging; David Hargreaves crunches some numbers
Migration now accounts for two thirds of Auckland's population growth and is the main reason for the region's housing shortage
14th Dec 16, 11:58am
Migration now accounts for two thirds of Auckland's population growth and is the main reason for the region's housing shortage
Consultation begins around how best to put some of the burden back onto tenants to pay for any damage they cause to their rented homes
17th Oct 16, 3:32pm
Consultation begins around how best to put some of the burden back onto tenants to pay for any damage they cause to their rented homes
It is becoming clearer by the day that the ever-reluctant National-led administration will have to do more on the demand side of housing
3rd Oct 16, 1:48pm
It is becoming clearer by the day that the ever-reluctant National-led administration will have to do more on the demand side of housing
Labour challenges Key view that "virtually 100%" of building consents turn into actual houses; Twyford cites Statistics NZ estimates of new dwellings being 800 a month or 13% lower than dwelling consents since 2014; Smith insists almost all will be built
25th Sep 16, 9:53pm
Labour challenges Key view that "virtually 100%" of building consents turn into actual houses; Twyford cites Statistics NZ estimates of new dwellings being 800 a month or 13% lower than dwelling consents since 2014; Smith insists almost all will be built
Smith says Government looking at becoming a party to Unitary Plan appeals to combat any delays in bringing new housing supply to Auckland market
20th Sep 16, 4:11pm
Smith says Government looking at becoming a party to Unitary Plan appeals to combat any delays in bringing new housing supply to Auckland market
Rules around body corporates need tightening before a whole new generation of Auckland apartment buyers are burnt by poor disclosure, inadequate maintenance and dodgy building quality
18th Sep 16, 5:02am
Rules around body corporates need tightening before a whole new generation of Auckland apartment buyers are burnt by poor disclosure, inadequate maintenance and dodgy building quality
Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand needs to rediscover its 1974 house building mojo, which means building a lot more smaller, simpler homes with Government backing
4th Sep 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand needs to rediscover its 1974 house building mojo, which means building a lot more smaller, simpler homes with Government backing
Nick Smith sets out the Government's "comprehensive plan for improving New Zealand’s management of freshwater"
30th Aug 16, 8:39pm
by admin
Nick Smith sets out the Government's "comprehensive plan for improving New Zealand’s management of freshwater"
Bernard Hickey argues a land tax and/or targeted rates would change the expectations of unending tax-free capital gains with low holding costs that is driving a frenzy of land-banking in Auckland
28th Aug 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues a land tax and/or targeted rates would change the expectations of unending tax-free capital gains with low holding costs that is driving a frenzy of land-banking in Auckland
Auckland Council says Unitary Plan to provide for more than 400,000 new homes to meet the demands of Auckland’s growth over the next 30 years
15th Aug 16, 3:19pm
Auckland Council says Unitary Plan to provide for more than 400,000 new homes to meet the demands of Auckland’s growth over the next 30 years
Caps lifted for first home buyers who want to use their KiwiSaver to access the HomeStart grant to boost their deposit
31st Jul 16, 11:41am
by admin
Caps lifted for first home buyers who want to use their KiwiSaver to access the HomeStart grant to boost their deposit
The number of new homes being consented nationally rose 35% in June compared with a year ago; Auckland had consents for 921 units compared with 704 in June 2015
29th Jul 16, 11:05am
The number of new homes being consented nationally rose 35% in June compared with a year ago; Auckland had consents for 921 units compared with 704 in June 2015
Nick Smith emphasises 'the importance of the Council concluding' the Unitary Plan process; Says he'd opt for an over-supply of housing over developers securing a monopoly on the market
27th Jul 16, 7:29pm
Nick Smith emphasises 'the importance of the Council concluding' the Unitary Plan process; Says he'd opt for an over-supply of housing over developers securing a monopoly on the market