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Fonterra is employing a back to basics strategy that will involve it getting rid of its overseas 'milk pools' over time; is targeting lower dividends in the immediate future and will not borrow to pay for these
26th Sep 19, 8:46am
Fonterra is employing a back to basics strategy that will involve it getting rid of its overseas 'milk pools' over time; is targeting lower dividends in the immediate future and will not borrow to pay for these
Fonterra says it has $1 billion available for debt reduction after completing its latest asset sale
25th Sep 19, 8:47am
Fonterra says it has $1 billion available for debt reduction after completing its latest asset sale
S&P Global Ratings sees Fonterra's flexibility over setting the milk price paid to farmers as giving the dairy co-operative a higher debt capacity
12th Sep 19, 1:53pm
S&P Global Ratings sees Fonterra's flexibility over setting the milk price paid to farmers as giving the dairy co-operative a higher debt capacity
David Hargreaves continues crunching the numbers on Fonterra and points to 2015 as the year it all went terribly wrong
11th Sep 19, 3:09pm
David Hargreaves continues crunching the numbers on Fonterra and points to 2015 as the year it all went terribly wrong
David Hargreaves crunches some numbers around Fonterra and does little to soothe his own anxiety about the future of New Zealand's dairy giant and our dairy industry
10th Sep 19, 9:26am
David Hargreaves crunches some numbers around Fonterra and does little to soothe his own anxiety about the future of New Zealand's dairy giant and our dairy industry
ANZ agriculture economist Susan Kilsby thinks Fonterra may have to make still further asset write-downs of up to $700 million and may have to withhold some of the milk price payout
5th Sep 19, 10:24am
ANZ agriculture economist Susan Kilsby thinks Fonterra may have to make still further asset write-downs of up to $700 million and may have to withhold some of the milk price payout
Fonterra says its milk volumes in Australia were down nearly 29% in the first month of the new season, following on from a more than 20% drop for the whole of last season
28th Aug 19, 3:05pm
Fonterra says its milk volumes in Australia were down nearly 29% in the first month of the new season, following on from a more than 20% drop for the whole of last season
David Hargreaves says Fonterra needs to articulate a plan for how it will get back on its feet quickly - or NZ's dairy industry could be imperilled
20th Aug 19, 8:46am
David Hargreaves says Fonterra needs to articulate a plan for how it will get back on its feet quickly - or NZ's dairy industry could be imperilled
Fonterra says it is set to lose between $590 mln and $675 mln in the just-completed financial year after writing down the value of more of its assets; $800 mln debt reduction target not achieved; board discussion on capital structure
12th Aug 19, 8:56am
Fonterra says it is set to lose between $590 mln and $675 mln in the just-completed financial year after writing down the value of more of its assets; $800 mln debt reduction target not achieved; board discussion on capital structure
Fonterra is now planning to sell part of its ill-starred investment in China's Beingmate on-market having failed to find a buyer for the whole 18.8% stake
7th Aug 19, 10:26am
Fonterra is now planning to sell part of its ill-starred investment in China's Beingmate on-market having failed to find a buyer for the whole 18.8% stake
A season of two halves draws to a close with Fonterra's NZ milk production only just slightly up on the 'weak' figures of a year earlier; forecasts similar volumes for new season
26th Jun 19, 12:22pm
A season of two halves draws to a close with Fonterra's NZ milk production only just slightly up on the 'weak' figures of a year earlier; forecasts similar volumes for new season
Fonterra has come in slightly below market predictions with its milk price forecast for the new season; confirms closure of Australian plant; puts China farms up for review
23rd May 19, 9:02am
Fonterra has come in slightly below market predictions with its milk price forecast for the new season; confirms closure of Australian plant; puts China farms up for review
Bank economists say the global dairy prices and outlook are pointing to a farmgate milk price in excess of $7 per kilogram of milk solids in the new season
22nd May 19, 12:50pm
Bank economists say the global dairy prices and outlook are pointing to a farmgate milk price in excess of $7 per kilogram of milk solids in the new season
'Bittersweet' moment for Fonterra as it sells iconic NZ brand to global ice cream company Froneri
13th May 19, 9:04am
'Bittersweet' moment for Fonterra as it sells iconic NZ brand to global ice cream company Froneri
Vector targeting funds raised to repay some existing bank debt and to 'diversify' its funding sources
1st May 19, 11:31am
Vector targeting funds raised to repay some existing bank debt and to 'diversify' its funding sources
David Hargreaves expresses reservations about Fonterra's efforts to turn itself around
26th Mar 19, 8:08am
David Hargreaves expresses reservations about Fonterra's efforts to turn itself around
Mercer's David Scobie explains how referring to past performance has its uses when selecting investment products, but can be a comfort blanket with many holes
21st Mar 19, 9:49am
by Guest
Mercer's David Scobie explains how referring to past performance has its uses when selecting investment products, but can be a comfort blanket with many holes
Rising global dairy prices are increasing Fonterra's chances of being able to pay a farmgate milk price at the top end of its current forecast range
20th Mar 19, 3:50pm
Rising global dairy prices are increasing Fonterra's chances of being able to pay a farmgate milk price at the top end of its current forecast range
Fonterra's new chief executive says the co-operative needs to put New Zealand 'front and centre' and extract the maximum value from milk produced here
20th Mar 19, 8:49am
Fonterra's new chief executive says the co-operative needs to put New Zealand 'front and centre' and extract the maximum value from milk produced here
The new leadership of Fonterra will need to demonstrate at next week's half-year result announcement that they are getting a handle on the giant dairy co-operative's many problems and issues
11th Mar 19, 3:35pm
The new leadership of Fonterra will need to demonstrate at next week's half-year result announcement that they are getting a handle on the giant dairy co-operative's many problems and issues
Ratings agency Fitch says Fonterra has structural issues it needs to address; expects Fonterra to prioritise the strength of its balance sheet over payments to farmer shareholders; Hurrell gets Fonterra CEO job permanently
5th Mar 19, 10:09am
Ratings agency Fitch says Fonterra has structural issues it needs to address; expects Fonterra to prioritise the strength of its balance sheet over payments to farmer shareholders; Hurrell gets Fonterra CEO job permanently
Very mixed news for farmers as Fonterra increases the milk price forecast by possibly as much as 60c, but slashes the earnings forecast possibly more than in half; no interim dividend
28th Feb 19, 9:09am
Very mixed news for farmers as Fonterra increases the milk price forecast by possibly as much as 60c, but slashes the earnings forecast possibly more than in half; no interim dividend
Mercer's David Scobie says financial markets have delivered investors a reality check
4th Feb 19, 8:25am
by Guest
Mercer's David Scobie says financial markets have delivered investors a reality check
Westpac economists are the latest to trim their milk price forecast for this season - down to $6.10 from $6.25
5th Dec 18, 2:23pm
Westpac economists are the latest to trim their milk price forecast for this season - down to $6.10 from $6.25
BNZ economists are the latest to lower their milk price forecast for the current season - to $6, which is below Fonterra's forecast range of $6.25 to $6.50
3rd Dec 18, 3:01pm
BNZ economists are the latest to lower their milk price forecast for the current season - to $6, which is below Fonterra's forecast range of $6.25 to $6.50