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fresh water

TOP's Geoff Simmons sees farmers getting increasingly frustrated having to contend with an emissions proposal that will do little except require massive paperwork, while facing water quality policies that have no detail
28th Oct 19, 9:48am
TOP's Geoff Simmons sees farmers getting increasingly frustrated having to contend with an emissions proposal that will do little except require massive paperwork, while facing water quality policies that have no detail
Unintended consequence: Farmers who have invested in long term fresh water remediation feel thrown under the bus with grandfathering in the Essential Freshwater policies, and now those who didn't are in a easier position to comply
9th Oct 19, 10:13am
Unintended consequence: Farmers who have invested in long term fresh water remediation feel thrown under the bus with grandfathering in the Essential Freshwater policies, and now those who didn't are in a easier position to comply
Guy Trafford has a look at where the world’s fresh water is situated and how New Zealand is placed. He decides water is our competitive advantage for the future
4th Sep 19, 2:33pm
Guy Trafford has a look at where the world’s fresh water is situated and how New Zealand is placed. He decides water is our competitive advantage for the future
Guy Trafford looks at the Indian dairy industry. Fonterra has their eye there too. Even though many aspects are unexpected, he concludes a venture there is unlikely to be Fonterra's Eldorado
1st Aug 19, 10:40am
Guy Trafford looks at the Indian dairy industry. Fonterra has their eye there too. Even though many aspects are unexpected, he concludes a venture there is unlikely to be Fonterra's Eldorado
Guy Trafford reminds us of New Zealand’s natural advantages and hopes they don’t get lost in the drive to meet short term goals
26th Jun 19, 11:42am
Guy Trafford reminds us of New Zealand’s natural advantages and hopes they don’t get lost in the drive to meet short term goals
Stephen Forbes takes a look at what the Government has achieved and where it's heading after 18 months in office
9th May 19, 10:29am
Stephen Forbes takes a look at what the Government has achieved and where it's heading after 18 months in office
Geoff Simmons says capitalism can work, but only if it is a level playing field. Right now we have the opposite of a level playing field. We have a game that is rigged in the favour of a few
20th Apr 19, 10:02am
Geoff Simmons says capitalism can work, but only if it is a level playing field. Right now we have the opposite of a level playing field. We have a game that is rigged in the favour of a few
Terry Baucher is surprised the Govt won't prioritise any Tax Working Group environmental tax proposals for now, and argues we'll be re-litigating the issue of capital taxation within a decade
18th Apr 19, 8:03am
Terry Baucher is surprised the Govt won't prioritise any Tax Working Group environmental tax proposals for now, and argues we'll be re-litigating the issue of capital taxation within a decade
Tax Working Group recommends government includes agriculture sector in a reformed Emissions Trading Scheme
21st Feb 19, 11:34am
Tax Working Group recommends government includes agriculture sector in a reformed Emissions Trading Scheme
The NZ Initiative's Eric Crampton on all things freshwater; the state of play, irrigation, quality, cap & trade, water management, prices & more
26th Oct 18, 10:00am
The NZ Initiative's Eric Crampton on all things freshwater; the state of play, irrigation, quality, cap & trade, water management, prices & more
Kerry McDonald details why he believes New Zealand must hold a Royal Commission into the policy failures of successive governments since the Millennium
14th Aug 18, 2:30pm
Kerry McDonald details why he believes New Zealand must hold a Royal Commission into the policy failures of successive governments since the Millennium
Guy Trafford and IrrigationNZ's Andrew Curtis argue irrigation and agreement on water policy will be crucial for food production in the future
11th Aug 18, 10:34am
Guy Trafford and IrrigationNZ's Andrew Curtis argue irrigation and agreement on water policy will be crucial for food production in the future
It has taken a while but tensions are finally starting to show within the parties that form the Government. Jason Walls argues Andrew Little put it best: ‘This is just coalition government’
17th Jun 18, 7:09am
by Jason Walls
It has taken a while but tensions are finally starting to show within the parties that form the Government. Jason Walls argues Andrew Little put it best: ‘This is just coalition government’
Allan Barber sees ongoing trade access challenges, irrigation, and the growth of China as a food customer all among what will be the key issues in 2018
16th Jan 18, 4:38pm
Allan Barber sees ongoing trade access challenges, irrigation, and the growth of China as a food customer all among what will be the key issues in 2018
Labour targets rental law overhaul; Nats to get even tougher on gangs and drugs; Greens target leached nitrates levy at dairy, could shave 5% off average dairy farm's profitability
4th Sep 17, 5:02am
Labour targets rental law overhaul; Nats to get even tougher on gangs and drugs; Greens target leached nitrates levy at dairy, could shave 5% off average dairy farm's profitability
Labour could have knocked the water debate out of the park; But the economics of its royalties policy just don't work; Let's hope they get some nationalistic headlines out of it before questions are asked
9th Aug 17, 1:25pm
Labour could have knocked the water debate out of the park; But the economics of its royalties policy just don't work; Let's hope they get some nationalistic headlines out of it before questions are asked
Labour to impose royalties on all commercial water use, but says rates won't be set until after 'first 100 days' meeting with affected parties after election
9th Aug 17, 10:38am
Labour to impose royalties on all commercial water use, but says rates won't be set until after 'first 100 days' meeting with affected parties after election
Peter Gluckman calls for national conversations on fresh water policy that are beyond traditional political rhetoric. The issues are complex, the stakeholders multiple, requiring innovative science and ground-breaking solutions
14th Apr 17, 1:20pm
by admin
Peter Gluckman calls for national conversations on fresh water policy that are beyond traditional political rhetoric. The issues are complex, the stakeholders multiple, requiring innovative science and ground-breaking solutions
Government refuses to consider OECD's recommendation to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme despite agriculture making up half of NZ's emissions; OECD suggests Government eases back funding for irrigation
21st Mar 17, 9:19am
Government refuses to consider OECD's recommendation to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme despite agriculture making up half of NZ's emissions; OECD suggests Government eases back funding for irrigation
Water tax debate would require decisions on ownership, allocations, charge fairness across industries, PM English says
20th Mar 17, 9:26am
Water tax debate would require decisions on ownership, allocations, charge fairness across industries, PM English says
A water tax debate during an election year? Political madness! Well actually they're not discussing the real problem; Talking bottled export tax misses the point - let's talk charges, allocations and efficencies
19th Mar 17, 7:21am
A water tax debate during an election year? Political madness! Well actually they're not discussing the real problem; Talking bottled export tax misses the point - let's talk charges, allocations and efficencies
Govt aims to have 90% of rivers and waterways swimmable by 2040, Environment Minister Smith says; Farmers are ready for the challenge - Primary Industries Minister Guy
23rd Feb 17, 2:29pm
Govt aims to have 90% of rivers and waterways swimmable by 2040, Environment Minister Smith says; Farmers are ready for the challenge - Primary Industries Minister Guy
William Rolleston sees the advent of argument dressed up as science but which abandons the principles of evidence, balance and context in order to persuade
16th Feb 17, 8:52am
William Rolleston sees the advent of argument dressed up as science but which abandons the principles of evidence, balance and context in order to persuade
The new Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister is once again outside Cabinet. Does this mean National doesn't take oversight of our savings & improving the lot of SMEs seriously?
22nd Dec 16, 5:02am
The new Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister is once again outside Cabinet. Does this mean National doesn't take oversight of our savings & improving the lot of SMEs seriously?
Geoff Simmons investigates the claim that farm land prices could be cut by $40 bln as environmental limits bite
22nd Oct 16, 10:17am
Geoff Simmons investigates the claim that farm land prices could be cut by $40 bln as environmental limits bite