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Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
5th Apr 19, 10:00am
Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
Susan St John says the minority report from the Tax Working Group should be taken seriously if the desire is to reduce inequality and improve housing affordability
28th Mar 19, 10:09am
Susan St John says the minority report from the Tax Working Group should be taken seriously if the desire is to reduce inequality and improve housing affordability
Will Fitzgibbon of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists says NZ is 'being harmed reputationally as a country' through its role in the world of offshore finance
27th Mar 19, 10:46am
Will Fitzgibbon of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists says NZ is 'being harmed reputationally as a country' through its role in the world of offshore finance
The myth is that households are getting less and less of the national income. They are not. It is stable at a good level, as is the updated measure of inequality
12th Dec 18, 11:00am
The myth is that households are getting less and less of the national income. They are not. It is stable at a good level, as is the updated measure of inequality
Chairman Michael Cullen says the Tax Working Group will be as detailed as possible to combat political attacks through 'mischief by misrepresentation'
24th Sep 18, 2:22pm
Chairman Michael Cullen says the Tax Working Group will be as detailed as possible to combat political attacks through 'mischief by misrepresentation'
A fresh approach to personal savings is the only way to stop our slide into inequality and low productivity, argues Robert MacCulloch
23rd Jun 18, 9:11am
by Guest
A fresh approach to personal savings is the only way to stop our slide into inequality and low productivity, argues Robert MacCulloch
Davos man must change. But Larry Hatheway says that cannot mean rejecting the core commitment to the view that human ingenuity, fostered by open societies and rewarded by markets, remains the sturdiest foundation for the advancement of humankind
30th Jan 18, 9:03am
by Guest
Davos man must change. But Larry Hatheway says that cannot mean rejecting the core commitment to the view that human ingenuity, fostered by open societies and rewarded by markets, remains the sturdiest foundation for the advancement of humankind
In the inequality debate, Jason Furman wants economists and social scientists to obsess less over aggregate data, and to focus more on how policy decisions impact real people
20th Jan 18, 8:57am
by Guest
In the inequality debate, Jason Furman wants economists and social scientists to obsess less over aggregate data, and to focus more on how policy decisions impact real people
Geoff Simmons takes aim at the Government for its 'middle class cheerleading', arguing we are being softened-up for a watering-down of Labour's child poverty reduction goals
18th Jan 18, 2:26pm
Geoff Simmons takes aim at the Government for its 'middle class cheerleading', arguing we are being softened-up for a watering-down of Labour's child poverty reduction goals
In automation and AI, many see a jobless future and higher inequality. But the technologically driven shift should be welcomed, say Christopher Pissarides & Jacques Bughin
17th Jan 18, 10:06am
by Guest
In automation and AI, many see a jobless future and higher inequality. But the technologically driven shift should be welcomed, say Christopher Pissarides & Jacques Bughin
Credit Suisse argues a run of bad luck is seeing Millennials do it tougher than their parents did when they were young
19th Nov 17, 7:20am
by Guest
Credit Suisse argues a run of bad luck is seeing Millennials do it tougher than their parents did when they were young
Unless we figure out how to better manage the yawning differences in incomes and outcomes, we’re going to see increasing tension and fragmentation in society, John Mauldin argues
14th Nov 17, 9:45am
Unless we figure out how to better manage the yawning differences in incomes and outcomes, we’re going to see increasing tension and fragmentation in society, John Mauldin argues
Brian Fallow takes a pre-election look at income and consumer spending data to get an idea of how the average New Zealander is doing financially
5th Sep 17, 11:35am
Brian Fallow takes a pre-election look at income and consumer spending data to get an idea of how the average New Zealander is doing financially
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
22nd Aug 17, 10:44am
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
NZIER's Derek Gill argues poverty is the problem in New Zealand, not income inequality, and this limits social mobility
23rd Jun 17, 12:06pm
by Guest
NZIER's Derek Gill argues poverty is the problem in New Zealand, not income inequality, and this limits social mobility
Nirmal Nair gazes into a crystal ball and predicts mega trends for 2037. He sees electric cars, cyber-crime, a better work-life balance, crypto-currencies & more
17th Jun 17, 10:02am
by Guest
Nirmal Nair gazes into a crystal ball and predicts mega trends for 2037. He sees electric cars, cyber-crime, a better work-life balance, crypto-currencies & more
Labour, Greens & New Zealand First attack Steven Joyce's first Budget as 'the One Dollar Budget', and a bribe for the wealthy
25th May 17, 5:11pm
Labour, Greens & New Zealand First attack Steven Joyce's first Budget as 'the One Dollar Budget', and a bribe for the wealthy
Jim Bolger, PM in the 1990s, reflects on the 'failure' of neo-liberalism, inequality and race relations in the third part of RNZ's 9th Floor series
14th May 17, 7:57am
by Guest
Jim Bolger, PM in the 1990s, reflects on the 'failure' of neo-liberalism, inequality and race relations in the third part of RNZ's 9th Floor series
Vic Uni Professor Jonathan Boston rallies against intergenerational equity bias that favours short-term political thinking; Outlines NZ successes, failures and why income inequality desperately needs to be tackled
24th Mar 17, 9:31am
Vic Uni Professor Jonathan Boston rallies against intergenerational equity bias that favours short-term political thinking; Outlines NZ successes, failures and why income inequality desperately needs to be tackled
With technology generating products at unbeatably low costs, and the gains accruing to very few, oddly voters are attracted political slogans suspicious of regulation. The status quo is getting dangerous
15th Jan 17, 9:58am
by Guest
With technology generating products at unbeatably low costs, and the gains accruing to very few, oddly voters are attracted political slogans suspicious of regulation. The status quo is getting dangerous
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties
4th Nov 16, 9:36am
High profile economist Gareth Morgan launching 'The Opportunities Party', says it's a rebellion against the politics of mediocrity & against the inertia of the established parties
Oliver Hartwich on capitalism by another name, explaining Trump, the perils of health hype, understanding inequality, Brexit's language barrier, Ikea economics and more
28th Oct 16, 10:02am
Oliver Hartwich on capitalism by another name, explaining Trump, the perils of health hype, understanding inequality, Brexit's language barrier, Ikea economics and more
NZ Initiative argues the housing crisis is behind inequality in NZ and 'a modern society and affordable housing do not have to be mutually exclusive'
18th Oct 16, 10:41am
NZ Initiative argues the housing crisis is behind inequality in NZ and 'a modern society and affordable housing do not have to be mutually exclusive'
Better housing, transport policies can prevent cities from becoming inequality traps, says the OECD
15th Oct 16, 5:23pm
by Guest
Better housing, transport policies can prevent cities from becoming inequality traps, says the OECD
Kiwis born since 1985 have largely missed out on the explosive gains in wealth and higher incomes seen since then. Now they are being set up to pay for baby-boomers' retirement without a big enough NZ Super Fund to help them, Bernard Hickey writes
25th Sep 16, 5:02am
Kiwis born since 1985 have largely missed out on the explosive gains in wealth and higher incomes seen since then. Now they are being set up to pay for baby-boomers' retirement without a big enough NZ Super Fund to help them, Bernard Hickey writes