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Robertson says Labour wouldn't be breaking its pre-election promises on tax if it extended the bright-line test; Orr clarifies the RBNZ would like debt-to-income ratios to be added to its toolkit but this hasn't been a priority
26th Nov 20, 4:31pm
Robertson says Labour wouldn't be breaking its pre-election promises on tax if it extended the bright-line test; Orr clarifies the RBNZ would like debt-to-income ratios to be added to its toolkit but this hasn't been a priority
Massey's Alison Brook says the unsustainable imbalances of debt, saving and investment will inevitably worsen inequality, and then require increasingly radical solutions if they are left to fester for much longer
26th Nov 20, 11:12am
Massey's Alison Brook says the unsustainable imbalances of debt, saving and investment will inevitably worsen inequality, and then require increasingly radical solutions if they are left to fester for much longer
How National's call for $28 billion of newly-printed money to go into productive assets is cornering Labour politically, and sparking necessary debate over RBNZ independence
17th Nov 20, 6:19pm
How National's call for $28 billion of newly-printed money to go into productive assets is cornering Labour politically, and sparking necessary debate over RBNZ independence
Social Credit leader Chris Leitch says the Government should borrow from itself to fund state house building, infrastructure development, health investment, and a substantial lift in low incomes
14th Nov 20, 9:52am
by Guest
Social Credit leader Chris Leitch says the Government should borrow from itself to fund state house building, infrastructure development, health investment, and a substantial lift in low incomes
Paul Conway argues innovation and new policy thinking are required if New Zealand's to emerge from the COVID crisis with a more productive, sustainable and inclusive economy
14th Nov 20, 9:30am
Paul Conway argues innovation and new policy thinking are required if New Zealand's to emerge from the COVID crisis with a more productive, sustainable and inclusive economy
Massey's Alison Brook investigates the current fad to decouple from globalisation. Are we about to jump from efficient but painful global settings into inefficient and even more painful policies?
11th Nov 20, 10:17am
Massey's Alison Brook investigates the current fad to decouple from globalisation. Are we about to jump from efficient but painful global settings into inefficient and even more painful policies?
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
29th Oct 20, 9:32am
Former RBNZ Chairman Arthur Grimes warns of 'real danger' of the RBNZ destablising asset prices, as its employment target sees it go too far lowering interest rates
BNZ report warns the renewed surge in house prices could increase the wealth gap between the haves and have nots
17th Oct 20, 9:53am
BNZ report warns the renewed surge in house prices could increase the wealth gap between the haves and have nots
David Seymour suggests government should consider requiring the RBNZ's Monetary Policy Committee to target asset price inflation
16th Oct 20, 4:11pm
David Seymour suggests government should consider requiring the RBNZ's Monetary Policy Committee to target asset price inflation
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
3rd Oct 20, 9:07am
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
Stefan Gerlach urges monetary policymakers to respond to shifting public sentiment on inequality and the environment
16th Sep 20, 9:43am
by Guest
Stefan Gerlach urges monetary policymakers to respond to shifting public sentiment on inequality and the environment
Labour campaigns on introducing new top income tax rate of 39% for income over $180k; Rules out introducing new taxes or making further increases in the next term of government
9th Sep 20, 3:10pm
Labour campaigns on introducing new top income tax rate of 39% for income over $180k; Rules out introducing new taxes or making further increases in the next term of government
Author and Macquarie strategist Viktor Shvets on the impact of the Information Age and financialization, and how they are creating a different, new world
3rd Sep 20, 11:19am
Author and Macquarie strategist Viktor Shvets on the impact of the Information Age and financialization, and how they are creating a different, new world
Angus Deaton traces the US's failure to manage the COVID-19 pandemic to the 1787 compromise that created the Senate
19th Jul 20, 9:55am
by Guest
Angus Deaton traces the US's failure to manage the COVID-19 pandemic to the 1787 compromise that created the Senate
PwC argues rebuilding the economy post COVID-19 should include tax reforms and addressing the 'elephant in the room' of capital gains tax
11th Jun 20, 10:02am
PwC argues rebuilding the economy post COVID-19 should include tax reforms and addressing the 'elephant in the room' of capital gains tax
The easy part's done - the Government's kept the lights on. Now for actually pulling off the rebuild and making tough calls to reset the economy...
15th May 20, 8:05am
The easy part's done - the Government's kept the lights on. Now for actually pulling off the rebuild and making tough calls to reset the economy...
Morgan Stanley argues the Covid-19 crisis is ushering in 'a regime shift' to an inflationary world with the key structural 'disinflationary' forces of the past 30 years being disrupted
14th May 20, 11:04am
Morgan Stanley argues the Covid-19 crisis is ushering in 'a regime shift' to an inflationary world with the key structural 'disinflationary' forces of the past 30 years being disrupted
Grant Robertson says we 'must not allow inequality to take hold in our recovery' as he outlines his vision for a 'reset' economy; Meanwhile the PM announces pay cuts for government ministers and public sector CEOs
15th Apr 20, 1:56pm
Grant Robertson says we 'must not allow inequality to take hold in our recovery' as he outlines his vision for a 'reset' economy; Meanwhile the PM announces pay cuts for government ministers and public sector CEOs
John Mauldin argues America already has 'socialism' today, wth the risks of capitalism socialised to the benefit of a few while a larger portion of the population struggles
26th Feb 20, 11:14am
John Mauldin argues America already has 'socialism' today, wth the risks of capitalism socialised to the benefit of a few while a larger portion of the population struggles
Salvation Army questions how we're building more houses, but low income earners are still struggling to put roofs over their heads
12th Feb 20, 5:00am
Salvation Army questions how we're building more houses, but low income earners are still struggling to put roofs over their heads
A researcher lament of governments' failure to collect the most basic statistics on the distribution of income and wealth, an absurd failure because banks and big tech have this data now
27th Dec 19, 9:15am
by Guest
A researcher lament of governments' failure to collect the most basic statistics on the distribution of income and wealth, an absurd failure because banks and big tech have this data now
Terry Baucher looks at the tax paid by high-wealth individuals, whether an oil platform tax exemption will increase tax revenues, and provisional tax headaches
5th Aug 19, 10:53am
Terry Baucher looks at the tax paid by high-wealth individuals, whether an oil platform tax exemption will increase tax revenues, and provisional tax headaches
The United States has the resources to create a better capitalist system, and it is clear which policies can improve wellbeing. But the country needs to elect a president and Congress that can build this system
14th Jul 19, 10:49am
by Guest
The United States has the resources to create a better capitalist system, and it is clear which policies can improve wellbeing. But the country needs to elect a president and Congress that can build this system
Lena Lavinas argues that no universal basic income scheme can work unless it decommodifies access to all essentials
13th Jun 19, 10:54am
by Guest
Lena Lavinas argues that no universal basic income scheme can work unless it decommodifies access to all essentials
As lifestyles in developing economies improve dramatically, many in the advanced economies are seeing their wellbeing deteriorate. Without fundamental change it is difficult to imagine them having a prosperous future
10th Apr 19, 11:28am
by Guest
As lifestyles in developing economies improve dramatically, many in the advanced economies are seeing their wellbeing deteriorate. Without fundamental change it is difficult to imagine them having a prosperous future