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Economy Charts

The Performance of Services Index is a monthly survey of the New Zealand services sector providing an early indicator of activity levels.  It is produced by Business NZ, and sponsored by BNZ, who also…
The Performance Composite Index is a monthly survey combining both the PMI and PSI indexes.  It is produced by Business NZ, and sponsored by BNZ who also provide expert commentary. A PCI reading…
The Performance of Manufacturing Index is a monthly survey of the manufacturing sector providing an early indicator of activity levels.  It is produced by Business NZ, and sponsored by BNZ, who also…
Balance of payments ratios are often easier to understand than the raw data because they put that original data into context. The ratios we follow include: - Current account balance to GDP - Goods…
The sum of the cross-border balances on merchandise trade, services trade, investment income and transfers. It is a record of the value of New Zealand's transactions in goods, services, income, and…
This is the essential, top-level measure of how our economy is performing. What is being measured is the growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on a 'real' or inflation-adjusted basis. The…
Each country, including New Zealand, have a long history of producing and reporting their economic growth data. Over time, the definitions used have varied between countries, and the IMF has set down…
This is the official annual measure of productivity in New Zealand. Economists and statisticians agonise over the correct measures for national productivity, and the arguments get very technical, very…
This data is from the Reserve Bank's M7 series that monitors our overseas debt quarterly, and it has done since June 2000. It sources the data from Statistics NZ. It measures all liabilities owed by…