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Steven Joyce

Lack of enthusiasm from major parties for New Zealand First's government-run KiwiSaver provider pitch with Labour non-committal
22nd Dec 17, 10:09am
Lack of enthusiasm from major parties for New Zealand First's government-run KiwiSaver provider pitch with Labour non-committal
The Tax Working Group may yet surprise us, but its brief appears to be a disappointingly shallow and obvious one aimed at achieving narrowly-defined outcomes
24th Nov 17, 11:49am
The Tax Working Group may yet surprise us, but its brief appears to be a disappointingly shallow and obvious one aimed at achieving narrowly-defined outcomes
Government releases details of Tax Working Group; reiterates commitment to 'fair and progressive tax system''; Joyce says it's an 18-month-long rubber stamp for a Capital Gains Tax
23rd Nov 17, 11:14am
Government releases details of Tax Working Group; reiterates commitment to 'fair and progressive tax system''; Joyce says it's an 18-month-long rubber stamp for a Capital Gains Tax
Govt's final accounts for the past year come in $360m better than expected pre-election; National's Steven Joyce warns against spending it all at once; Warns of softer growth potential
5th Oct 17, 12:39pm
Govt's final accounts for the past year come in $360m better than expected pre-election; National's Steven Joyce warns against spending it all at once; Warns of softer growth potential
How long will we have to wait to hear who the new RBNZ Governor will be, and will Winston Peters have a say in the appointment and Policy Targets Agreement?
28th Sep 17, 9:48am
How long will we have to wait to hear who the new RBNZ Governor will be, and will Winston Peters have a say in the appointment and Policy Targets Agreement?
GDP grows bang in line with market expectations; per capita GDP grows 0.3% in the quarter; construction activity shrinks again
21st Sep 17, 11:06am
GDP grows bang in line with market expectations; per capita GDP grows 0.3% in the quarter; construction activity shrinks again
Labour keeps focus on health spending, while National says election is a clear choice for voters; Winston rallies against Communist China takeover of NZ; TOP has a go at Labour over water tax
20th Sep 17, 5:00am
Labour keeps focus on health spending, while National says election is a clear choice for voters; Winston rallies against Communist China takeover of NZ; TOP has a go at Labour over water tax
Labour releases document setting out tax plan, says no Working Group taxes would come into effect until after 2020 election; Confirms Tax Working Group won't look at CGT or land tax on family home/land and no inheritance tax
14th Sep 17, 10:28am
Labour releases document setting out tax plan, says no Working Group taxes would come into effect until after 2020 election; Confirms Tax Working Group won't look at CGT or land tax on family home/land and no inheritance tax
Labour's Grant Robertson hits back at National over tax, says cuts at this time are irresponsible, calls out Joyce for lying about Labour's intentions; Labour releases families package calculator
13th Sep 17, 3:43pm
Labour's Grant Robertson hits back at National over tax, says cuts at this time are irresponsible, calls out Joyce for lying about Labour's intentions; Labour releases families package calculator
English defends move to increase first home buyer deposit subsidies, says we need to sustain current building levels for 5 years; Peters takes aim squarely at Labour over tax policy with Kingmaker status on the line
11th Sep 17, 9:42am
English defends move to increase first home buyer deposit subsidies, says we need to sustain current building levels for 5 years; Peters takes aim squarely at Labour over tax policy with Kingmaker status on the line
National finance spokesman Steven Joyce says he's keen to look at savings tax rates next term; Alex Tarrant spoke to him about productivity, capital gains vs income, immigration, that export goal and house prices
11th Sep 17, 9:36am
National finance spokesman Steven Joyce says he's keen to look at savings tax rates next term; Alex Tarrant spoke to him about productivity, capital gains vs income, immigration, that export goal and house prices
Labour is now in a position of choice. The ball is in National’s court to respond, perhaps with a lurch across the centre line, Alex Tarrant writes
10th Sep 17, 6:02am
Labour is now in a position of choice. The ball is in National’s court to respond, perhaps with a lurch across the centre line, Alex Tarrant writes
National was wrong on Labour's fiscals; But it was always going to come because it allows English and Joyce to talk up their main campaign attack on Labour: Tax. We all need to get over it, Alex Tarrant says
5th Sep 17, 3:21pm
National was wrong on Labour's fiscals; But it was always going to come because it allows English and Joyce to talk up their main campaign attack on Labour: Tax. We all need to get over it, Alex Tarrant says
National says new 'fit for purpose' urban planning laws separate from RMA would encourage more responsive planning and faster development
4th Sep 17, 12:35pm
National says new 'fit for purpose' urban planning laws separate from RMA would encourage more responsive planning and faster development
Labour hits back at National; Grant Robertson stands by and explains fiscals after Steven Joyce launches attack claiming there is a $11.7 bln 'hole' in Labour's numbers - updated
4th Sep 17, 11:43am
Labour hits back at National; Grant Robertson stands by and explains fiscals after Steven Joyce launches attack claiming there is a $11.7 bln 'hole' in Labour's numbers - updated
Joyce and Robertson both channel Jerry Maguire, calling on each other to 'show me the money' after policy announcements
30th Aug 17, 3:24pm
Joyce and Robertson both channel Jerry Maguire, calling on each other to 'show me the money' after policy announcements
The Election tax debate has entered silly territory, Alex Tarrant writes; Labour's exclusion of family homes and income tax change aversion isn't fit for a party wishing to fairly tax assets, wealth and income; Joyce's scaremongering is also OTT
25th Aug 17, 8:02am
The Election tax debate has entered silly territory, Alex Tarrant writes; Labour's exclusion of family homes and income tax change aversion isn't fit for a party wishing to fairly tax assets, wealth and income; Joyce's scaremongering is also OTT
Treasury's pre-election fiscal update throws a curve ball at Election 2017; Better government position in 2016/17 to be nearly washed out by weakness through to 2020; Joyce rules out more tax cuts until 2020; What will Labour do?
23rd Aug 17, 12:22pm
Treasury's pre-election fiscal update throws a curve ball at Election 2017; Better government position in 2016/17 to be nearly washed out by weakness through to 2020; Joyce rules out more tax cuts until 2020; What will Labour do?
National's boot camp policy a dog-whistle to Winston First voters as English and Joyce seek poll jump; Alex Tarrant says the policy is an insulting acknowledgement of the National Cabinet's lack of understanding on inter-generational poverty
14th Aug 17, 7:24am
National's boot camp policy a dog-whistle to Winston First voters as English and Joyce seek poll jump; Alex Tarrant says the policy is an insulting acknowledgement of the National Cabinet's lack of understanding on inter-generational poverty
Government includes banks' and insurers' regulatory capital within OECD inspired crackdown on tax avoidance by multinational companies
4th Aug 17, 1:53pm
Government includes banks' and insurers' regulatory capital within OECD inspired crackdown on tax avoidance by multinational companies
An existential Auckland housing debate during Parliament's Question Time: Do land bankers even exist? Also, building consents vs code compliance certificates (and Nick Smith's defective knob)
4th Aug 17, 7:21am
An existential Auckland housing debate during Parliament's Question Time: Do land bankers even exist? Also, building consents vs code compliance certificates (and Nick Smith's defective knob)
Tax consultant Terry Baucher describes the Government's BEPS move as the tax equivalent of a pre-election law and order policy announcement 
3rd Aug 17, 5:21pm
Tax consultant Terry Baucher describes the Government's BEPS move as the tax equivalent of a pre-election law and order policy announcement 
The government's 40% export goal, climate change, clean rivers and a case of augmented reality; With the goggles on, things look fine. But AgResearch reveals the cold, hard reality in our agriculture emissions efforts
30th Jul 17, 8:08am
The government's 40% export goal, climate change, clean rivers and a case of augmented reality; With the goggles on, things look fine. But AgResearch reveals the cold, hard reality in our agriculture emissions efforts
PM English says govt's targeted rates infrastructure experiment in Auckland seeking answer to question of whether land costs will fall more than infrastructure costs rise, hence making housing cheaper overall
25th Jul 17, 7:15am
PM English says govt's targeted rates infrastructure experiment in Auckland seeking answer to question of whether land costs will fall more than infrastructure costs rise, hence making housing cheaper overall
Brian Fallow runs the ruler over Labour's fiscal plan and looks at what spending plans from Grant Robertson might look like compared to those from Steven Joyce
24th Jul 17, 10:49am
Brian Fallow runs the ruler over Labour's fiscal plan and looks at what spending plans from Grant Robertson might look like compared to those from Steven Joyce