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Roger J Kerr sees business-as-usual post election, with the NZD weakening, exports and investment rising, and inflation risk higher. Interest rates are going up
22nd Sep 14, 4:05pm
Roger J Kerr sees business-as-usual post election, with the NZD weakening, exports and investment rising, and inflation risk higher. Interest rates are going up
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; milk payout threat, bank hybrid downgrade, silver slump, interest swaps fall, NZD bounces
22nd Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; milk payout threat, bank hybrid downgrade, silver slump, interest swaps fall, NZD bounces
National wins outright majority for the first time under MMP; Expected to push through RMA and labour law reforms; Labour in disarray
22nd Sep 14, 9:47am
National wins outright majority for the first time under MMP; Expected to push through RMA and labour law reforms; Labour in disarray
Growth concerns in the US, China and Europe; Australia grows ag jobs fast; UST 10yr 2.58%; oil and gold lower; NZ$1 = US$0.813, TWI = 78.6
22nd Sep 14, 7:16am
Growth concerns in the US, China and Europe; Australia grows ag jobs fast; UST 10yr 2.58%; oil and gold lower; NZ$1 = US$0.813, TWI = 78.6
Polls close; National needs over 47% to win third term with same partners, or will need support from either Winston Peters or Colin Craig to govern again
20th Sep 14, 7:26pm
Polls close; National needs over 47% to win third term with same partners, or will need support from either Winston Peters or Colin Craig to govern again
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Friday; mortgage rate cut, improved affordability, immigration record, consumer confidence up, swap rates rise
19th Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Friday; mortgage rate cut, improved affordability, immigration record, consumer confidence up, swap rates rise
Final poll of polls show National may need support of Winston Peters or Colin Craig to secure third term; Foreign ownership register and RMA reforms up for grabs
19th Sep 14, 11:05am
Final poll of polls show National may need support of Winston Peters or Colin Craig to secure third term; Foreign ownership register and RMA reforms up for grabs
US households wealthier; US jobless claims in big drop; Irish economy grows fast; ECB plans falls flat; UST 10yr 2.63%; NZ$1 = US$0.814, TWI = 78.4
19th Sep 14, 7:22am
US households wealthier; US jobless claims in big drop; Irish economy grows fast; ECB plans falls flat; UST 10yr 2.63%; NZ$1 = US$0.814, TWI = 78.4
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Thursday; best growth since 2007, US Fed impacts NZ, low crude, high petrol, swap rates zoom higher
18th Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Thursday; best growth since 2007, US Fed impacts NZ, low crude, high petrol, swap rates zoom higher
Solid Energy's land remediation indemnity tab to be picked up by taxpayers to prevent SOE falling into negative equity
18th Sep 14, 3:40pm
Solid Energy's land remediation indemnity tab to be picked up by taxpayers to prevent SOE falling into negative equity
National in poll position to win with support of either Winston Peters or Colin Craig; Final leaders debate inconclusive; Craig's PR person quits and calls him 'manipulative'
18th Sep 14, 12:01pm
National in poll position to win with support of either Winston Peters or Colin Craig; Final leaders debate inconclusive; Craig's PR person quits and calls him 'manipulative'
Annual GDP growth was 3.5% for year to June
18th Sep 14, 11:18am
Annual GDP growth was 3.5% for year to June
Fed stays the course with unchanged signals; papers show US rates may rise 1% next year; focus shifts to UK and Scottish vote; UST 10yr 2.57%; NZ$1 = US$0.816, TWI = 78.3
18th Sep 14, 7:17am
Fed stays the course with unchanged signals; papers show US rates may rise 1% next year; focus shifts to UK and Scottish vote; UST 10yr 2.57%; NZ$1 = US$0.816, TWI = 78.3
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Wednesday; dairy payout in focus, BOP deficit improves, farm sales weak, swap rates fall
17th Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Wednesday; dairy payout in focus, BOP deficit improves, farm sales weak, swap rates fall
Greenwald planning to reveal which friends and foes that NZ spied on; Key again denies mass surveillance; Harawira dismisses tight polls
17th Sep 14, 8:51am
Greenwald planning to reveal which friends and foes that NZ spied on; Key again denies mass surveillance; Harawira dismisses tight polls
Dairy prices don't fall; China's latest QE; China FDI sinks; corruption enquiry targets NZ; UST 10yr 2.57%; NZ$1 = US$0.818, TWI = 78.5
17th Sep 14, 7:23am
Dairy prices don't fall; China's latest QE; China FDI sinks; corruption enquiry targets NZ; UST 10yr 2.57%; NZ$1 = US$0.818, TWI = 78.5
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; Super Fund's high returns, new NZIER boss, red meat prices rising, more council deficits, swap rates fall
16th Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; Super Fund's high returns, new NZIER boss, red meat prices rising, more council deficits, swap rates fall
Dotcom fails to reveal proof Key conspired with Hollywood on Dotcom's extradition; Key denies Snowden claim of mass surveillance of Southern Cross Cable
16th Sep 14, 9:45am
Dotcom fails to reveal proof Key conspired with Hollywood on Dotcom's extradition; Key denies Snowden claim of mass surveillance of Southern Cross Cable
US factories stumble in August, up in September; China's power generation falls; OECD worries about the EU; markets await Fed; NZ$1 = US$0.818, TWI = 78.5
16th Sep 14, 7:27am
US factories stumble in August, up in September; China's power generation falls; OECD worries about the EU; markets await Fed; NZ$1 = US$0.818, TWI = 78.5
Roger J Kerr sees "one hell of a turnaround" by the RBNZ in the way they look at their 90-day interest rate projections
15th Sep 14, 4:45pm
Roger J Kerr sees "one hell of a turnaround" by the RBNZ in the way they look at their 90-day interest rate projections
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; mortgage rate cuts, new fair dealing rules, service sector humming, $400 mln KiwiSaver 'loss', rise and rise of swap rates
15th Sep 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; mortgage rate cuts, new fair dealing rules, service sector humming, $400 mln KiwiSaver 'loss', rise and rise of swap rates
How a Scottish 'yes' vote may impact the forex, funding, equity and credit markets and Europe
15th Sep 14, 10:51am
How a Scottish 'yes' vote may impact the forex, funding, equity and credit markets and Europe
US retail strong, consumers bullish; China industry slows; markets expect early US rate rises; oil and gold fall; UST 10yr at 2.61%, US; NZ$1 = US$0.815, TWI = 78.2
15th Sep 14, 7:21am
US retail strong, consumers bullish; China industry slows; markets expect early US rate rises; oil and gold fall; UST 10yr at 2.61%, US; NZ$1 = US$0.815, TWI = 78.2
Election Double Shot Interview: Russel Norman
14th Sep 14, 5:27pm
Election Double Shot Interview: Russel Norman
Labour proposes new Sovereign Wealth Fund in 'NZ Inc' policy including KiwiShare for power SOEs; Key rejects 'henchman's' GCSB claim
14th Sep 14, 2:11pm
Labour proposes new Sovereign Wealth Fund in 'NZ Inc' policy including KiwiShare for power SOEs; Key rejects 'henchman's' GCSB claim