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Statistics New Zealand says falling property values lopped $91.1 billion off the worth of Kiwis in the first nine months of 2022, while falling share and investment values took $78.6 billion away
19th Jan 23, 11:17am
Statistics New Zealand says falling property values lopped $91.1 billion off the worth of Kiwis in the first nine months of 2022, while falling share and investment values took $78.6 billion away
Economist Brian Easton says we are tyrannised by our bond market and that is the way it has to be as long as we are in debt to it
7th Nov 22, 8:42am
Economist Brian Easton says we are tyrannised by our bond market and that is the way it has to be as long as we are in debt to it
Statistics New Zealand says household net worth fell by $129 billion, or over 5%, in the first half of the year - however household saving has picked up again
20th Oct 22, 11:40am
Statistics New Zealand says household net worth fell by $129 billion, or over 5%, in the first half of the year - however household saving has picked up again
Seven property investment firms issued with warnings by FMA
20th Oct 22, 10:04am
Seven property investment firms issued with warnings by FMA
Measuring the ‘Halloween effect’ – can retail investor optimism really affect stock returns?
19th Oct 22, 12:49pm
by Guest
Measuring the ‘Halloween effect’ – can retail investor optimism really affect stock returns?
Banks may be offering about -1% less for term deposits now than they have historically, when compared to the wholesale cost of money. And the RBNZ is calling them out on it
10th Oct 22, 11:15am
Banks may be offering about -1% less for term deposits now than they have historically, when compared to the wholesale cost of money. And the RBNZ is calling them out on it
Economist Brian Easton says those in central government are happy to focus on local government failures while ignoring central government ones, which can be even bigger
3rd Oct 22, 8:53am
Economist Brian Easton says those in central government are happy to focus on local government failures while ignoring central government ones, which can be even bigger
New NZCTU strategy paper also calls for creation of a new Kiwisaver provider
27th Sep 22, 8:48am
New NZCTU strategy paper also calls for creation of a new Kiwisaver provider
Unlike most analysts, Tony Morgan is not jaded on Fonterra and its endless history of under-performance. He sees a corner turned with NZ's largest corporate returning to more normal corporate health. He sees opportunity for investors
18th Sep 22, 2:06pm
Unlike most analysts, Tony Morgan is not jaded on Fonterra and its endless history of under-performance. He sees a corner turned with NZ's largest corporate returning to more normal corporate health. He sees opportunity for investors
The fund established to help out with NZ future pension requirements is confident its performance will not be affected by the drive to more sustainable investment
14th Sep 22, 10:00am
The fund established to help out with NZ future pension requirements is confident its performance will not be affected by the drive to more sustainable investment
The fund established to help out with NZ future pension requirements was hit by turbulent global markets in the past year, but swam strongly against the tide despite the fund dropping $3.3 billion in value
12th Sep 22, 11:29am
The fund established to help out with NZ future pension requirements was hit by turbulent global markets in the past year, but swam strongly against the tide despite the fund dropping $3.3 billion in value
QV says the average NZ home value dropped 5.5% in the three months to August; 'There's no immediate sign of things getting better'; 'We’re starting to see some pretty significant value reductions now'; Auckland house values drop $743 per day since January
9th Sep 22, 5:00am
QV says the average NZ home value dropped 5.5% in the three months to August; 'There's no immediate sign of things getting better'; 'We’re starting to see some pretty significant value reductions now'; Auckland house values drop $743 per day since January
Tony Morgan uses the takeover uncertainty swirling around Pushpay Holdings as an example of how an investor could assess these types of fluid situations
20th Aug 22, 11:19am
Tony Morgan uses the takeover uncertainty swirling around Pushpay Holdings as an example of how an investor could assess these types of fluid situations
Ross Stitt looks at the wild ride shares have been on and tries to assess what the future may hold
11th Aug 22, 2:49pm
Ross Stitt looks at the wild ride shares have been on and tries to assess what the future may hold
Tony Morgan explains why the four largest listed US companies - all tech stocks - set the tone for equity markets, and what you can learn from their investor reports
6th Aug 22, 9:31am
Tony Morgan explains why the four largest listed US companies - all tech stocks - set the tone for equity markets, and what you can learn from their investor reports
Reading, data and analysis are important says Tony Morgan, but an investor's drive to improve needs conviction and belief, so that the right pieces fall into the right puzzle
23rd Jul 22, 9:45am
Reading, data and analysis are important says Tony Morgan, but an investor's drive to improve needs conviction and belief, so that the right pieces fall into the right puzzle
Govt rejigs investor migrant scheme to force more direct investment in firms, rather than just bonds and property; National says it'll scare off risk-averse rich migrants; Greens say rich favoured while poor migrant workers live precariously
20th Jul 22, 7:38pm
Govt rejigs investor migrant scheme to force more direct investment in firms, rather than just bonds and property; National says it'll scare off risk-averse rich migrants; Greens say rich favoured while poor migrant workers live precariously
Market downturn, market opportunity: Milford's aggressive manager likes these stocks
19th Jul 22, 9:36am
Market downturn, market opportunity: Milford's aggressive manager likes these stocks
Statistics New Zealand says household net worth has fallen for the first time in nearly three years, while Kiwis have been spending nearly every dollar of their income
14th Jul 22, 11:39am
Statistics New Zealand says household net worth has fallen for the first time in nearly three years, while Kiwis have been spending nearly every dollar of their income
Tony Morgan says changing our outlook as investors is required in bear markets, and patience for the right investing opportunities takes time and a new commitment to keen observation and research
6th Jul 22, 12:42pm
Tony Morgan says changing our outlook as investors is required in bear markets, and patience for the right investing opportunities takes time and a new commitment to keen observation and research
Bernard Hickey peels through the layers of the Reserve Bank's hopes that this time the 'one-way bet' for housing is about to turn
3rd Jul 22, 6:00am
Bernard Hickey peels through the layers of the Reserve Bank's hopes that this time the 'one-way bet' for housing is about to turn
ASB economists predict that consumer spending growth 'will weaken to anaemic levels later this year'
27th Jun 22, 2:34pm
ASB economists predict that consumer spending growth 'will weaken to anaemic levels later this year'
NZ Super Fund sees potential investment opportunity 'to be significant' with over $1 bln of land and vertical development opportunities over the next decade
13th Jun 22, 11:09am
NZ Super Fund sees potential investment opportunity 'to be significant' with over $1 bln of land and vertical development opportunities over the next decade
Mercer's David Scobie calls on investors to be patient, saying the rocky start to the year is just a blip for longer-term investors
12th Feb 22, 9:15am
Mercer's David Scobie calls on investors to be patient, saying the rocky start to the year is just a blip for longer-term investors
Tony Morgan reminds us there is no certainties in life, certainly none in investing. You play the hand you are dealt at the time you are dealt it, and he likes the look of glass ...
7th Feb 22, 1:31pm
Tony Morgan reminds us there is no certainties in life, certainly none in investing. You play the hand you are dealt at the time you are dealt it, and he likes the look of glass ...