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Bernard Hickey asks why the talkback lines aren't running hot over the NZ$11,700 subsidy paid each year to every one of the Remuera Golf Club's members (including John Key) by Auckland Council ratepayers
22nd Nov 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey asks why the talkback lines aren't running hot over the NZ$11,700 subsidy paid each year to every one of the Remuera Golf Club's members (including John Key) by Auckland Council ratepayers
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says there is a strong case for applying the trial-and-error approach of the science lab to policy change
2nd Nov 15, 10:28am
The NZ Initiative's Khyaati Acharya says there is a strong case for applying the trial-and-error approach of the science lab to policy change
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp likes much of what he sees in Local Government NZ's funding reform pitch but wants spending restraints on the table too
22nd Jul 15, 8:32am
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp likes much of what he sees in Local Government NZ's funding reform pitch but wants spending restraints on the table too
Local Govt NZ releases funding review report proposing 'special economic zones' where Councils share in fruits of growth; road user charges, visitor levies and fuel taxes also proposed
21st Jul 15, 10:14am
Local Govt NZ releases funding review report proposing 'special economic zones' where Councils share in fruits of growth; road user charges, visitor levies and fuel taxes also proposed
Auckland's housing market faces a perfect storm of rising demand and supply shortages. A flood of investment from China into new homes could do the trick
28th Jun 15, 5:02am
Auckland's housing market faces a perfect storm of rising demand and supply shortages. A flood of investment from China into new homes could do the trick
Bernard Hickey says a 'negotiated settlement' of the Productivity Commission's 'prescription for shared pain' on the Auckland housing issue would be preferable, or else...
21st Jun 15, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey says a 'negotiated settlement' of the Productivity Commission's 'prescription for shared pain' on the Auckland housing issue would be preferable, or else...
Finance Minister cautious on Productivity Commission's idea for Urban Development Authority with power to compulsorily buy land; open to congestion charging; against Govt paying rates
17th Jun 15, 3:58pm
Finance Minister cautious on Productivity Commission's idea for Urban Development Authority with power to compulsorily buy land; open to congestion charging; against Govt paying rates
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says Wellington needs to be cured of its Living Wage fever - because the 'fever' might spread
8th Jun 15, 10:41am
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says Wellington needs to be cured of its Living Wage fever - because the 'fever' might spread
Auckland Mayor Len Brown unveils plans for motorway user charges and a $99-a-year ratepayer levy to pay for transport upgrades
30th Apr 15, 10:29am
Auckland Mayor Len Brown unveils plans for motorway user charges and a $99-a-year ratepayer levy to pay for transport upgrades
Dave Grimmond looks at the LGNZ revenue discussion paper and finds reasons to be sceptical, but also an option for 'fiscally neutral' change
4th Feb 15, 7:00am
Dave Grimmond looks at the LGNZ revenue discussion paper and finds reasons to be sceptical, but also an option for 'fiscally neutral' change
Federated Farmers want major changes to how local government is funded, pointing out how declining rural populations and rising local obligations collide
3rd Feb 15, 5:16pm
Federated Farmers want major changes to how local government is funded, pointing out how declining rural populations and rising local obligations collide
Key agrees with LGNZ that rates not perfect, but not interested in 'opening floodgates' to new council taxes and spending; suggests they use more debt, delayed rates for pensioners
3rd Feb 15, 10:07am
Key agrees with LGNZ that rates not perfect, but not interested in 'opening floodgates' to new council taxes and spending; suggests they use more debt, delayed rates for pensioners
Local Govt NZ releases discussion paper calling for councils to have broader taxing powers to bridge current gap between spending and revenue
2nd Feb 15, 10:05am
Local Govt NZ releases discussion paper calling for councils to have broader taxing powers to bridge current gap between spending and revenue
Oliver Hartwich wants to see a local government finance system that rewards councils that go for growth and punish those that inhibit development
27th Oct 14, 7:51am
Oliver Hartwich wants to see a local government finance system that rewards councils that go for growth and punish those that inhibit development
New council valuations in Auckland will see some property owners facing bigger rates increases than others
19th Aug 14, 3:55pm
New council valuations in Auckland will see some property owners facing bigger rates increases than others
Paula Bennett launches Taskforce to stamp out 'loopy' council rules; calls on developers and ratepayers to submit red tape complaints
22nd Jul 14, 11:19am
Paula Bennett launches Taskforce to stamp out 'loopy' council rules; calls on developers and ratepayers to submit red tape complaints
Auckland appoints new council boss on $630k salary
8th Nov 13, 12:30pm
Auckland appoints new council boss on $630k salary
Auckland Mayor proposes $18.40 an hour minimum wage for council staff; cost expected to be $3.75 mln a year
7th Nov 13, 5:05am
Auckland Mayor proposes $18.40 an hour minimum wage for council staff; cost expected to be $3.75 mln a year
Local Govt NZ says ratepayers may have to meet costs of new property developments once central government reins in council charges on new sections
16th Aug 13, 2:27pm
Local Govt NZ says ratepayers may have to meet costs of new property developments once central government reins in council charges on new sections
Local Government NZ pushing for shared services and procurement as a way to tame rates inflation amid pushes for 'Super Cities' in Wellington, Hawkes Bay
23rd Jul 13, 4:00pm
Local Government NZ pushing for shared services and procurement as a way to tame rates inflation amid pushes for 'Super Cities' in Wellington, Hawkes Bay
Bernard Hickey calls for a change in incentives for Councils rather than imposing central government control to free up housing supply and affordability
7th Jul 13, 8:19am
Bernard Hickey calls for a change in incentives for Councils rather than imposing central government control to free up housing supply and affordability
Federated Farmers applauds QLDC for facing up to excessive debt and rates levies
14th Jun 13, 3:40pm
by Guest
Federated Farmers applauds QLDC for facing up to excessive debt and rates levies
Bruce Wills notes that our farming practices are lauded by communities half a world away, but only seen as a 'milch cow' by local councils
10th Jun 13, 5:24pm
Bruce Wills notes that our farming practices are lauded by communities half a world away, but only seen as a 'milch cow' by local councils
Southand dairy farmers don't like local rating proposal that targets them; 3.6% of ratepayers to pay 41% of rates
30th May 13, 10:24am
by Guest
Southand dairy farmers don't like local rating proposal that targets them; 3.6% of ratepayers to pay 41% of rates
Can you afford that first home? In today's Take Five Amanda Morrall looks at some cool tools and calculators to help with the decision
18th Apr 12, 12:52pm
by Amanda Morrall
Can you afford that first home? In today's Take Five Amanda Morrall looks at some cool tools and calculators to help with the decision