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social welfare

Grant Robertson delivers a 'peak Labour Party' Budget, committing to spending more than expected, including on benefit increases
20th May 21, 2:00pm
Grant Robertson delivers a 'peak Labour Party' Budget, committing to spending more than expected, including on benefit increases
First Union's Robert Reid argues the Government ought to take on board lessons from 2020 about how important it is to better support our most vulnerable people
17th May 21, 2:14pm
by Guest
First Union's Robert Reid argues the Government ought to take on board lessons from 2020 about how important it is to better support our most vulnerable people
Girol Karacaoglu says the 2021 Budget presents a historic opportunity to start implementing a fresh public policy programme, different from what NZ has pursued for the past 40 years
9th Apr 21, 9:14am
Girol Karacaoglu says the 2021 Budget presents a historic opportunity to start implementing a fresh public policy programme, different from what NZ has pursued for the past 40 years
Brian Fallow argues nothing about Labour's tax policy indicates a willingness to deliver a tax system to tackle the triple challenge of the debt legacy of the pandemic, stunted productivity and shameful levels of child poverty
10th Sep 20, 10:22am
Brian Fallow argues nothing about Labour's tax policy indicates a willingness to deliver a tax system to tackle the triple challenge of the debt legacy of the pandemic, stunted productivity and shameful levels of child poverty
TOP leader Geoff Simmons rips into the Greens' wealth tax policy, arguing it would be disastrous for New Zealand
1st Jul 20, 2:35pm
TOP leader Geoff Simmons rips into the Greens' wealth tax policy, arguing it would be disastrous for New Zealand
Budget 2020 - Social Development
5th Jun 20, 10:44am
Budget 2020 - Social Development
Geoff Simmons want to see a Budget that is fair and future proofed to deal with issues like housing and climate change. He has five key ways "to nail the reboot"
13th May 20, 12:45pm
Geoff Simmons want to see a Budget that is fair and future proofed to deal with issues like housing and climate change. He has five key ways "to nail the reboot"
Geoff Simmons acknowledges Universal Basic Income isn’t a panacea, but argues it does provide a basic platform of dignity upon which people can stand and reach for their goals
29th Apr 20, 8:04am
Geoff Simmons acknowledges Universal Basic Income isn’t a panacea, but argues it does provide a basic platform of dignity upon which people can stand and reach for their goals
When is being unemployed not unemployed? A true measure would show more teens are without jobs than people who have supposedly ‘retired’, writes former Treasury senior staffer Tony Burton
4th Sep 19, 7:34am
by Guest
When is being unemployed not unemployed? A true measure would show more teens are without jobs than people who have supposedly ‘retired’, writes former Treasury senior staffer Tony Burton
Budget 2019 - Social Welfare
4th Jun 19, 2:32pm
Budget 2019 - Social Welfare
This year’s anniversaries of the 1919 and 1989 student protests in China will highlight the Chinese authorities’ contradictory attitudes toward the two movements. At some point it will have to reckon with its own history
4th May 19, 9:47am
by Guest
This year’s anniversaries of the 1919 and 1989 student protests in China will highlight the Chinese authorities’ contradictory attitudes toward the two movements. At some point it will have to reckon with its own history
Government to provide more support to single parents and beneficiaries with jobs, however working group urgently calls for benefits to be increased by up to 47%
3rd May 19, 2:30pm
Government to provide more support to single parents and beneficiaries with jobs, however working group urgently calls for benefits to be increased by up to 47%
Yu Yongding advocates China going back to expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, alongside its necessary structural adjustment, to keep social wellbeing improving
30th Apr 19, 9:27am
by Guest
Yu Yongding advocates China going back to expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, alongside its necessary structural adjustment, to keep social wellbeing improving
Budget 2018 - Social Welfare
18th May 18, 10:39am
Budget 2018 - Social Welfare
In the inequality debate, Jason Furman wants economists and social scientists to obsess less over aggregate data, and to focus more on how policy decisions impact real people
20th Jan 18, 8:57am
by Guest
In the inequality debate, Jason Furman wants economists and social scientists to obsess less over aggregate data, and to focus more on how policy decisions impact real people
Terry Baucher with a parable about tax involving Metiria, Bill and Winston. Tax evasion, tax avoidance or just a simple mistake? 
10th Dec 17, 6:31am
Terry Baucher with a parable about tax involving Metiria, Bill and Winston. Tax evasion, tax avoidance or just a simple mistake? 
This election and the next more than ever are screaming out for an environmental party to hold the balance of power, Alex Tarrant says; The Greens need to split or grow up and focus only on environmental issues
29th Jul 17, 7:38am
This election and the next more than ever are screaming out for an environmental party to hold the balance of power, Alex Tarrant says; The Greens need to split or grow up and focus only on environmental issues
Budget 2017 - Social Welfare
26th May 17, 1:21pm
Budget 2017 - Social Welfare
Jim Bolger, PM in the 1990s, reflects on the 'failure' of neo-liberalism, inequality and race relations in the third part of RNZ's 9th Floor series
14th May 17, 7:57am
by Guest
Jim Bolger, PM in the 1990s, reflects on the 'failure' of neo-liberalism, inequality and race relations in the third part of RNZ's 9th Floor series
Jenny Shipley talks to RNZ's Guyon Espiner about middle class welfare, working with Winston Peters, and the influences, conflicts and complexities of being Prime Minister
7th May 17, 6:02am
by Guest
Jenny Shipley talks to RNZ's Guyon Espiner about middle class welfare, working with Winston Peters, and the influences, conflicts and complexities of being Prime Minister
Latest figures show Government spent $550 mln of taxpayers' money in past three months to put roofs over the heads of Kiwis - but the waiting list for houses is still getting bigger; Labour slams 'expensive band aid' emergency grants
20th Apr 17, 1:38pm
Latest figures show Government spent $550 mln of taxpayers' money in past three months to put roofs over the heads of Kiwis - but the waiting list for houses is still getting bigger; Labour slams 'expensive band aid' emergency grants
Budget 2016 - Social Welfare
27th May 16, 4:44pm
Budget 2016 - Social Welfare
Matt Nolan takes a detailed look at the concept of a universal basic income
1st Apr 16, 10:03am
Matt Nolan takes a detailed look at the concept of a universal basic income
NZ Initiative's Jenesa Jeram argues that the overhaul of Child, Youth and Family needs to be evidence-driven
7th Sep 15, 8:39am
by Guest
NZ Initiative's Jenesa Jeram argues that the overhaul of Child, Youth and Family needs to be evidence-driven
NZ Initiative's Jenesa Jeram asks whether there can ever be a consensus on what inclusion is, and what successful inclusion would look like
3rd Aug 15, 10:12am
by Guest
NZ Initiative's Jenesa Jeram asks whether there can ever be a consensus on what inclusion is, and what successful inclusion would look like