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Jenée Tibshraeny


Jenée was's political and economics reporter based in the Parliamentary Press Gallery until April 2022. She also covered insurance and personal finance. Jenée has won or been a finalist in journalism awards run by the New Zealand Shareholders' Association, Insurance Council of New Zealand and NPA/Voyager.

Member for

9 years 7 months

Latest articles

Government avoids 'over-taxing' property investors by allowing interest deductions on taxable sales
29th Sep 21, 5:21pm
Government avoids 'over-taxing' property investors by allowing interest deductions on taxable sales
Number of new community cases of Covid-19 rises to 45, as those infected are part of large households living in emergency and transitional housing
29th Sep 21, 1:18pm
Number of new community cases of Covid-19 rises to 45, as those infected are part of large households living in emergency and transitional housing
National says it would use a traffic light system to reopen New Zealand once 85% of over-12s are fully vaccinated
29th Sep 21, 10:02am
National says it would use a traffic light system to reopen New Zealand once 85% of over-12s are fully vaccinated
Interest deductibility rules for property investors detailed; 'New builds' to be exempt for 20 years
28th Sep 21, 12:06pm
Interest deductibility rules for property investors detailed; 'New builds' to be exempt for 20 years
KiwiSaver members see benefits of large fiscal and monetary stimulus, as returns soar
28th Sep 21, 11:10am
KiwiSaver members see benefits of large fiscal and monetary stimulus, as returns soar
ACT shoots up in poll at the expense of Labour and National; Seymour more popular than Collins, Luxon and Bridges combined
27th Sep 21, 6:30pm
ACT shoots up in poll at the expense of Labour and National; Seymour more popular than Collins, Luxon and Bridges combined
Fairness issues raised over Reserve Bank's decision to close the door on first-home buyers who don't have deposits of at least 20%
27th Sep 21, 5:26pm
Fairness issues raised over Reserve Bank's decision to close the door on first-home buyers who don't have deposits of at least 20%
Government launching pilot scheme to enable 150 people to self-isolate on return from overseas work trips
27th Sep 21, 4:52pm
Government launching pilot scheme to enable 150 people to self-isolate on return from overseas work trips
9 new Covid-19 cases - all linked and all in Auckland
24th Sep 21, 1:06pm
9 new Covid-19 cases - all linked and all in Auckland
Government expected to reveal details of interest deductibility rule change for property investors early next week, only days ahead of the implementation date
23rd Sep 21, 2:54pm
Government expected to reveal details of interest deductibility rule change for property investors early next week, only days ahead of the implementation date
Government-funded research makes case for why a vaccination rate of above 90% and other public health measures are needed to prevent thousands of deaths
23rd Sep 21, 1:15pm
Government-funded research makes case for why a vaccination rate of above 90% and other public health measures are needed to prevent thousands of deaths
Jenée Tibshraeny: The Government is still trying to eliminate Covid-19, but has made the political decision to stop throwing everything at it
22nd Sep 21, 9:22am
Jenée Tibshraeny: The Government is still trying to eliminate Covid-19, but has made the political decision to stop throwing everything at it
RBNZ Assistant Governor Christian Hawkesby indicates the RBNZ will hike interest rates more slowly than it cut them, pouring cold water on the prospect of large 50-point hikes
21st Sep 21, 9:44am
RBNZ Assistant Governor Christian Hawkesby indicates the RBNZ will hike interest rates more slowly than it cut them, pouring cold water on the prospect of large 50-point hikes
Auckland to move to Level 3 on Wednesday for two weeks; Part of Upper Hauraki to lock down; Gathering size limit lifted to 100 through rest of NZ
20th Sep 21, 4:20pm
Auckland to move to Level 3 on Wednesday for two weeks; Part of Upper Hauraki to lock down; Gathering size limit lifted to 100 through rest of NZ
Grant Robertson not keen to take up National's idea to extend tax rule change to help businesses with cashflow
17th Sep 21, 5:52pm
Grant Robertson not keen to take up National's idea to extend tax rule change to help businesses with cashflow
11 new Covid-19 cases - all in Auckland; Caroline McElnay 'cautiously optimistic'; Trans-Tasman bubble pause extended until late November
17th Sep 21, 1:08pm
11 new Covid-19 cases - all in Auckland; Caroline McElnay 'cautiously optimistic'; Trans-Tasman bubble pause extended until late November
Government tops up Covid-19 fund by $7 billion, having already put aside $62 billion for the response since the start of the pandemic
16th Sep 21, 12:38pm
Government tops up Covid-19 fund by $7 billion, having already put aside $62 billion for the response since the start of the pandemic
Government to change the law to give itself another five months to put together a major plan for how NZ will reduce emissions
15th Sep 21, 6:31pm
Government to change the law to give itself another five months to put together a major plan for how NZ will reduce emissions
Questions raised over whether there's a case for the RBNZ to protect first-home buyers from themselves in the name of keeping the financial system as a whole stable
15th Sep 21, 4:15pm
Questions raised over whether there's a case for the RBNZ to protect first-home buyers from themselves in the name of keeping the financial system as a whole stable
A $41 billion reason for why the Government needs to stop avoiding debate over its spending by dismissing the topic as supposedly niche
14th Sep 21, 1:43pm
A $41 billion reason for why the Government needs to stop avoiding debate over its spending by dismissing the topic as supposedly niche
Current Covid-19 alert levels to remain in place for another week; 'in-principle' decision made to move Auckland to Level 3 at 11:59pm on September 21; $2.3b in business support payments made to date
13th Sep 21, 4:13pm
Current Covid-19 alert levels to remain in place for another week; 'in-principle' decision made to move Auckland to Level 3 at 11:59pm on September 21; $2.3b in business support payments made to date
Uncertainty prevails, as Government is yet to detail interest deductibility tax change three weeks out from rules being applied to most residential property investors
10th Sep 21, 5:35pm
Uncertainty prevails, as Government is yet to detail interest deductibility tax change three weeks out from rules being applied to most residential property investors
Delta sees Government empowered to spend billions more than what was budgeted for this year; Too early to say how much of the new contingency will be used and whether more debt will be required
9th Sep 21, 1:41pm
Delta sees Government empowered to spend billions more than what was budgeted for this year; Too early to say how much of the new contingency will be used and whether more debt will be required
Government lukewarm on month-old plan for reopening NZ to the world; Trans-Tasman bubble on ice
8th Sep 21, 6:17pm
Government lukewarm on month-old plan for reopening NZ to the world; Trans-Tasman bubble on ice
15 new community cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday - all in Auckland; Testing numbers pick up
8th Sep 21, 1:13pm
15 new community cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday - all in Auckland; Testing numbers pick up