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Auckland Council

Brendon Harre traces the endless failures of housing public policy, and sees a need for a more radical approaches, because incremental approaches keeps getting trumped by quick market adjustments that game those efforts
2nd Jul 21, 1:22pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre traces the endless failures of housing public policy, and sees a need for a more radical approaches, because incremental approaches keeps getting trumped by quick market adjustments that game those efforts
Fewer new homes now being completed in Auckland compared to the second half of last year
18th Jun 21, 10:59am
Fewer new homes now being completed in Auckland compared to the second half of last year
If the best measure for housing demand is land value, what people will pay to live in particular areas, Auckland Council's economists find there is a mismatch in some areas between land that is high value, and current residential development potential
29th May 21, 9:46am
If the best measure for housing demand is land value, what people will pay to live in particular areas, Auckland Council's economists find there is a mismatch in some areas between land that is high value, and current residential development potential
The number of new homes being built in Auckland is at its highest level since records began in 2013
15th May 21, 8:04am
The number of new homes being built in Auckland is at its highest level since records began in 2013
With Auckland's Central Rail Link projects looking like a huge cost disaster and the first light rail project mired in inaction, Brendon Harre looks for alternatives in light rail to do more transit for less money
1st May 21, 11:56am
by Guest
With Auckland's Central Rail Link projects looking like a huge cost disaster and the first light rail project mired in inaction, Brendon Harre looks for alternatives in light rail to do more transit for less money
Auckland Council's chief economist sees little impact on the ground for developers from recent housing policy announcements, except house price growth will slow
1st May 21, 9:31am
Auckland Council's chief economist sees little impact on the ground for developers from recent housing policy announcements, except house price growth will slow
Auckland's residential building boom continues, with new homes completed in February up 36% compared to a year earlier
14th Apr 21, 3:42pm
Auckland's residential building boom continues, with new homes completed in February up 36% compared to a year earlier
The number of new homes being completed in Auckland has doubled over the last five years and is continuing to rise
19th Mar 21, 10:21am
The number of new homes being completed in Auckland has doubled over the last five years and is continuing to rise
Worst December in three years for the number of new dwelling completions in Auckland
2nd Mar 21, 11:15am
Worst December in three years for the number of new dwelling completions in Auckland
Commerce Commission says the Auckland Council potentially breached the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act in relation to its Retrofit Your Home Programme
24th Feb 21, 11:08am
Commerce Commission says the Auckland Council potentially breached the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act in relation to its Retrofit Your Home Programme
Auckland’s night-time economy is struggling. Recovery strategies include town centre regeneration, coaxing people back on to public transport, and getting a bigger share of the burgeoning domestic tourist pie
1st Feb 21, 9:46am
by Guest
Auckland’s night-time economy is struggling. Recovery strategies include town centre regeneration, coaxing people back on to public transport, and getting a bigger share of the burgeoning domestic tourist pie
More than a 1000 new homes a month were built in Auckland in the year to November and the numbers are rising
30th Jan 21, 9:02am
More than a 1000 new homes a month were built in Auckland in the year to November and the numbers are rising
Settlement reached over Ihumātao: Crown to buy land from Fletchers for $29.9 million, Kīngitanga to provide guidance over its future
17th Dec 20, 12:01pm
Settlement reached over Ihumātao: Crown to buy land from Fletchers for $29.9 million, Kīngitanga to provide guidance over its future
Auckland's housing crisis starting to ease as supply starts to overtake demand and accumulated housing shortage starts to shrink
24th Nov 20, 10:00am
Auckland's housing crisis starting to ease as supply starts to overtake demand and accumulated housing shortage starts to shrink
More than 16,000 new homes built in Auckland in 12 months to September. Auckland Council corrects its Code Compliance Certificate figures for July and August
16th Nov 20, 9:49am
More than 16,000 new homes built in Auckland in 12 months to September. Auckland Council corrects its Code Compliance Certificate figures for July and August
Auckland Council's Shane Martin says we need to trade off the resources we have for the best societal outcomes we can achieve. This requires us to use the best tools available to make economically-sound decisions
31st Oct 20, 9:42am
by Guest
Auckland Council's Shane Martin says we need to trade off the resources we have for the best societal outcomes we can achieve. This requires us to use the best tools available to make economically-sound decisions
The number of new homes being completed in Auckland appears to be easing back from recent highs
27th Oct 20, 2:22pm
The number of new homes being completed in Auckland appears to be easing back from recent highs
COVID-19 has massive implications for the future of Auckland's city centre, but it has also revealed a need to revisit the role the city centre plays in how we work, live and play there
26th Sep 20, 6:33am
COVID-19 has massive implications for the future of Auckland's city centre, but it has also revealed a need to revisit the role the city centre plays in how we work, live and play there
It's too early to say if the drop in the number of new homes completed in Auckland in July was the start of a trend or a normal monthly variation
16th Sep 20, 9:38am
It's too early to say if the drop in the number of new homes completed in Auckland in July was the start of a trend or a normal monthly variation
The number of new homes completed in Auckland in June was up 22% year-on-year, Auckland Council figures show
24th Aug 20, 11:44am
The number of new homes completed in Auckland in June was up 22% year-on-year, Auckland Council figures show
Number of new homes completed in Auckland in May down 44% compared to May last year
25th Jul 20, 6:14am
Number of new homes completed in Auckland in May down 44% compared to May last year
Decision on where to move parts of the Ports of Auckland kicked down the road, as a new study suggests it should be moved to the Manukau Harbour, not Northport
7th Jul 20, 11:33am
Decision on where to move parts of the Ports of Auckland kicked down the road, as a new study suggests it should be moved to the Manukau Harbour, not Northport
Auckland Council's economists investigate the idea of changing the rating valuation process to focus solely on land values
3rd Jul 20, 9:41am
Auckland Council's economists investigate the idea of changing the rating valuation process to focus solely on land values
The number of Code Compliance Certificates issued for new dwellings in Auckland took a dip in April but was still up on April last year
22nd Jun 20, 2:35pm
The number of Code Compliance Certificates issued for new dwellings in Auckland took a dip in April but was still up on April last year
Auckland Council economists try to find the sweet spot between public transport network reach, fare levels, road congestion and environmental emissions
2nd May 20, 9:27am
by Guest
Auckland Council economists try to find the sweet spot between public transport network reach, fare levels, road congestion and environmental emissions