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Labour Party

Labour jumps in latest 1 News poll as Ardern matches English for preferred PM; Greens plunge below 5% threshold; National down 3 points; Peters still Kingmaker
17th Aug 17, 6:20pm
Labour jumps in latest 1 News poll as Ardern matches English for preferred PM; Greens plunge below 5% threshold; National down 3 points; Peters still Kingmaker
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
17th Aug 17, 12:17pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
Declining home ownership rates are turning the corner, Building & Construction Minister Smith says while talking up increasing numbers of first home buyers turning to govt subsidies
17th Aug 17, 7:54am
Declining home ownership rates are turning the corner, Building & Construction Minister Smith says while talking up increasing numbers of first home buyers turning to govt subsidies
Are you scared of talking about your desire to implement a Capital Gains Tax? This simple trick devised by one of our top economists will do wonders for your campaign. Start our free 37-day trial today
16th Aug 17, 8:02am
Are you scared of talking about your desire to implement a Capital Gains Tax? This simple trick devised by one of our top economists will do wonders for your campaign. Start our free 37-day trial today
Labour leader Ardern maintains 'right and ability' to introduce Capital Gains Tax if working group suggests it next term; Would exempt 'family home'
15th Aug 17, 1:06pm
Labour leader Ardern maintains 'right and ability' to introduce Capital Gains Tax if working group suggests it next term; Would exempt 'family home'
English and Ardern raise concerns with RBNZ's loan-to-value ratio limits, and debt-to-income ratio work, while 'respecting' RBNZ independence
15th Aug 17, 12:10pm
English and Ardern raise concerns with RBNZ's loan-to-value ratio limits, and debt-to-income ratio work, while 'respecting' RBNZ independence
Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says 'not fixated on numbers' in immigration debate; More focussed on 'getting our system right'
15th Aug 17, 9:56am
Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says 'not fixated on numbers' in immigration debate; More focussed on 'getting our system right'
Labour's knee-jerk 'clean our rivers' call needs details so it doesn't look like a rural-to-urban wealth transfer in the sheep's clothing of a freshwater policy; On the principles of royalties; And why aren't we talking nitrates?
13th Aug 17, 7:02am
Labour's knee-jerk 'clean our rivers' call needs details so it doesn't look like a rural-to-urban wealth transfer in the sheep's clothing of a freshwater policy; On the principles of royalties; And why aren't we talking nitrates?
David Chaston says the sudden ascent of Jacinda Ardern says a lot about us as voters, and not in a good way. He wishes party positions counted for more
12th Aug 17, 8:42am
David Chaston says the sudden ascent of Jacinda Ardern says a lot about us as voters, and not in a good way. He wishes party positions counted for more
Newshub poll shows big jump for Labour and Ardern at expense of Greens, National and New Zealand First; Winston Peters still Kingmaker
9th Aug 17, 6:15pm
Newshub poll shows big jump for Labour and Ardern at expense of Greens, National and New Zealand First; Winston Peters still Kingmaker
Election 2017 - Party Policies - Communities - LGBTQ+ Issues
9th Aug 17, 4:10pm
by Julia Wiener
Election 2017 - Party Policies - Communities - LGBTQ+ Issues
Labour could have knocked the water debate out of the park; But the economics of its royalties policy just don't work; Let's hope they get some nationalistic headlines out of it before questions are asked
9th Aug 17, 1:25pm
Labour could have knocked the water debate out of the park; But the economics of its royalties policy just don't work; Let's hope they get some nationalistic headlines out of it before questions are asked
Looking starkly at Generation Rent, parties are proposing policies which would protect those who will never own a home
9th Aug 17, 1:00pm
by Julia Wiener
Looking starkly at Generation Rent, parties are proposing policies which would protect those who will never own a home
Labour to impose royalties on all commercial water use, but says rates won't be set until after 'first 100 days' meeting with affected parties after election
9th Aug 17, 10:38am
Labour to impose royalties on all commercial water use, but says rates won't be set until after 'first 100 days' meeting with affected parties after election
Labour leader Ardern seeks to keep Greens' troubles at arm's length as Kennedy Graham and David Clendon withdraw from Greens' caucus; English seeks to heap pressure on the Left, but ends up putting more on himself
8th Aug 17, 12:56pm
Labour leader Ardern seeks to keep Greens' troubles at arm's length as Kennedy Graham and David Clendon withdraw from Greens' caucus; English seeks to heap pressure on the Left, but ends up putting more on himself
NZ Manufacturers and Exporters Association's Election 2017 wish list: A focus on tertiary education, a targeted immigration policy, and an understanding of how automation will affect the sector
7th Aug 17, 11:25am
NZ Manufacturers and Exporters Association's Election 2017 wish list: A focus on tertiary education, a targeted immigration policy, and an understanding of how automation will affect the sector
Brian Fallow argues climate policy cries out for political consensus but that remains elusive. Suggests the establishment of an independent, expert advisory body
7th Aug 17, 11:05am
Brian Fallow argues climate policy cries out for political consensus but that remains elusive. Suggests the establishment of an independent, expert advisory body
National, Labour battle over how to fix Auckland's traffic congestion problems
7th Aug 17, 6:50am
National, Labour battle over how to fix Auckland's traffic congestion problems
Auckland transport set to be next election campaign battleground as Labour gears up for rail announcement; National's also making moves; Could they end up in agreement come 23 September?
6th Aug 17, 6:02am
Auckland transport set to be next election campaign battleground as Labour gears up for rail announcement; National's also making moves; Could they end up in agreement come 23 September?
Highlighting Labour's new policy directions, Ardern keeps the Greens' troubles at arm's length
5th Aug 17, 6:02am
by Julia Wiener
Highlighting Labour's new policy directions, Ardern keeps the Greens' troubles at arm's length
'All in good time,' Ardern says on tax policy as she sets out campaign focus on housing, health, education, environment, infrastructure and Maori affairs
4th Aug 17, 2:52pm
'All in good time,' Ardern says on tax policy as she sets out campaign focus on housing, health, education, environment, infrastructure and Maori affairs
Tax consultant Terry Baucher describes the Government's BEPS move as the tax equivalent of a pre-election law and order policy announcement 
3rd Aug 17, 5:21pm
Tax consultant Terry Baucher describes the Government's BEPS move as the tax equivalent of a pre-election law and order policy announcement 
First home buyers, homelessness key focus of new Labour leadership team in Parliament Wednesday; Auckland traffic congestion, health and education also talked up
3rd Aug 17, 7:21am
First home buyers, homelessness key focus of new Labour leadership team in Parliament Wednesday; Auckland traffic congestion, health and education also talked up
Tax plan looks set to be on new Labour election agenda as Little’s ‘no change’ shadow is no more; Also, Ardern on being able to handle Winston & the Greens in Cabinet; 'Election will see generational change'
2nd Aug 17, 7:02am
Tax plan looks set to be on new Labour election agenda as Little’s ‘no change’ shadow is no more; Also, Ardern on being able to handle Winston & the Greens in Cabinet; 'Election will see generational change'
Labour leadership change: readers believe installing Ardern and Davis was the right move and that it'll help their election chances
1st Aug 17, 9:16pm
Labour leadership change: readers believe installing Ardern and Davis was the right move and that it'll help their election chances