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Mechanical engineering professor Susan Krumdieck says the COVID-19 crisis shows the assumptions behind how we were living our lives can be questioned
17th May 20, 6:31am
Mechanical engineering professor Susan Krumdieck says the COVID-19 crisis shows the assumptions behind how we were living our lives can be questioned
Climate Change Commission chairman Rod Carr sees opportunity to have a good think about what sort of tourism sector we want, raises idea of running it like one big national park
23rd Apr 20, 10:00am
Climate Change Commission chairman Rod Carr sees opportunity to have a good think about what sort of tourism sector we want, raises idea of running it like one big national park
Refining NZ is considering getting out of refining and becoming solely a fuel importer
15th Apr 20, 11:08am
Refining NZ is considering getting out of refining and becoming solely a fuel importer
Raf Manji says NZ shouldn't get sucked into overseas style QE or asset purchasing, and instead should directly support the real economy by funding infrastructure projects & increasing income support
16th Mar 20, 12:01pm
Raf Manji says NZ shouldn't get sucked into overseas style QE or asset purchasing, and instead should directly support the real economy by funding infrastructure projects & increasing income support
Katharine Moody on Government options for bottom trawling, pokies, synthetic nitrogen, agricultural emissions and the Billion Trees policy
8th Nov 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Katharine Moody on Government options for bottom trawling, pokies, synthetic nitrogen, agricultural emissions and the Billion Trees policy
Rio Tinto's dangling the potential closure of Tiwai Point in front of the Government. What's its power play and what are the consequences for New Zealand?
25th Oct 19, 5:50am
Rio Tinto's dangling the potential closure of Tiwai Point in front of the Government. What's its power play and what are the consequences for New Zealand?
Taxpayer support for New Zealand Aluminium Smelter not an option, says Energy Minister Megan Woods, as owner considers closure
23rd Oct 19, 10:15am
Taxpayer support for New Zealand Aluminium Smelter not an option, says Energy Minister Megan Woods, as owner considers closure
Motu researchers on super-cooled livers, climate change and health, infostorms and fake news, vampire brain cancers and lesser know consequences of global deforestation
20th Sep 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Motu researchers on super-cooled livers, climate change and health, infostorms and fake news, vampire brain cancers and lesser know consequences of global deforestation
ANZ Banking Group chief economist Richard Yetsenga says questions should be asked as to whether central banks' inflation targets remain relevant
14th Sep 19, 9:32am
ANZ Banking Group chief economist Richard Yetsenga says questions should be asked as to whether central banks' inflation targets remain relevant
A look into the viability of the future the Government envisages, where an over-supply of renewable energy is captured, stored in hydrogen cells and exported
3rd Sep 19, 2:10pm
A look into the viability of the future the Government envisages, where an over-supply of renewable energy is captured, stored in hydrogen cells and exported
Motu researchers on a forest-eating coalmine, cheating on exams, scootering drunk or stoned, treating cannabis addiction, and the best sort of team for initiating new ideas…
19th Jul 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Motu researchers on a forest-eating coalmine, cheating on exams, scootering drunk or stoned, treating cannabis addiction, and the best sort of team for initiating new ideas…
Nirmal Nair on the depth of energy stocks in NZX, Norway's wealth fund and renewables, Saudi Arabia's Aramco IPO delay, Royal Dutch Shell's electric aspirations and the top global power companies
7th Jun 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Nirmal Nair on the depth of energy stocks in NZX, Norway's wealth fund and renewables, Saudi Arabia's Aramco IPO delay, Royal Dutch Shell's electric aspirations and the top global power companies
Budget 2019 - Summary of all spending plans
4th Jun 19, 2:07pm
Budget 2019 - Summary of all spending plans
Motu researchers on the politics of pandanomics, the perils of fruit juice, the perks of deactivating Facebook, the best time to score, and whether weeds can save the world...
24th May 19, 10:01am
by Guest
Motu researchers on the politics of pandanomics, the perils of fruit juice, the perks of deactivating Facebook, the best time to score, and whether weeds can save the world...
Labour without energy is a corpse; capital without energy is a sculpture. Steve Keen applies this 'simple insight' to how he thinks the global economy actually works
21st May 19, 9:37am
by Guest
Labour without energy is a corpse; capital without energy is a sculpture. Steve Keen applies this 'simple insight' to how he thinks the global economy actually works
Katharine Moody on the MAD doctrine, plaudits to Winston Peters, how science makes environmental controversies worse, fighting climate change by not focusing on climate change and more
17th May 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Katharine Moody on the MAD doctrine, plaudits to Winston Peters, how science makes environmental controversies worse, fighting climate change by not focusing on climate change and more
Long-time commenter Murray Grimwood (aka Power Down Kiwi) on the energy returns on energy invested, why we don't want to believe in Peak Oil and climate change, and more
10th May 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Long-time commenter Murray Grimwood (aka Power Down Kiwi) on the energy returns on energy invested, why we don't want to believe in Peak Oil and climate change, and more
Government avoids drawing attention to itself, as it invites oil/gas explorers to onshore Taranaki after banning new offshore exploration
30th Apr 19, 7:45pm
Government avoids drawing attention to itself, as it invites oil/gas explorers to onshore Taranaki after banning new offshore exploration
Energy analyst John Kidd on the extent to which OMV's ambitious plans to drill in the Great South Basin will comfort NZ gas users in the face of rapidly depleting reserves
11th Apr 19, 7:20am
Energy analyst John Kidd on the extent to which OMV's ambitious plans to drill in the Great South Basin will comfort NZ gas users in the face of rapidly depleting reserves
Andrew Coleman on the effects of the world’s population-centre moving towards the Indian Ocean
17th Mar 19, 9:00am
Andrew Coleman on the effects of the world’s population-centre moving towards the Indian Ocean
Make-up of NZ's future energy supply called into question as 'unprecedented' gas and hydro shortages see Genesis Energy's coal use hit a 5-year high
23rd Jan 19, 9:04am
Make-up of NZ's future energy supply called into question as 'unprecedented' gas and hydro shortages see Genesis Energy's coal use hit a 5-year high
Energy Minister Megan Woods and her shadow minister Jonathan Young go head-to-head as bill banning new oil/gas exploration passes
7th Nov 18, 8:35pm
Energy Minister Megan Woods and her shadow minister Jonathan Young go head-to-head as bill banning new oil/gas exploration passes
TAG Oil agrees to sell all its NZ assets to Tamarind Resources for US$30 million; Agreement follows US$578 million sale of Shell's NZ assets
7th Nov 18, 12:33pm
TAG Oil agrees to sell all its NZ assets to Tamarind Resources for US$30 million; Agreement follows US$578 million sale of Shell's NZ assets
PM sees no issue with public only having 2 weeks to make submissions on new offshore oil/gas ban; Denies move has created uncertainty for bidders in Block Offer 2018
29th Oct 18, 6:52pm
PM sees no issue with public only having 2 weeks to make submissions on new offshore oil/gas ban; Denies move has created uncertainty for bidders in Block Offer 2018
Ardern commits to restricting regional fuel taxes to Auckland while she's at the helm; Bridges happy, but dubs her decision a backdown made on the hoof
24th Oct 18, 4:48pm
Ardern commits to restricting regional fuel taxes to Auckland while she's at the helm; Bridges happy, but dubs her decision a backdown made on the hoof